Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Then why would the Red dragonette bring it up if the Horde and the Alliance kissed and made up?

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Ahhhh you’re right that’s what I was thinking of

So is this another one of those instances where Blizzard just forgot to clarify the lore (and in this case if this ended or turned into a proper treaty at some point?) lol

Dude, the horde were the villains, this is just going back to the roots of warcraft.

Stop trying to make the alliance the bad guys, you’re failing miserably. For everything bad that the alliance did, the horde has 10 things they did that were horrible.

And what exactly did the alliance do that is unequivocally bad? Really not many things.


The Alliance and Horde are presently at armistice, yes. But if you believe a full treaty will not come into effect at this point? You’re going to be very disappointed. Seems Blizzard is finished with faction war storylines, for a while at least. For the best, really.

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So you want the Horde to talk down to the Alliance…how Zoomer of you.

Rigging a Motorcycle contest wasn’t enough I see…

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Aren’t you Horde finally getting Dwarves?

Finally, you’re getting a race that is worthy of the Horde. You’ve been hit and miss on this, you’know.

Like letting Vulpera and Sin’dorei into the Horde? What were you thinking?

we certainly do not want your ent infested overgrowth.

You guys could get a another furry or two

Tell that to Jaina Proudmoore. Cant call yourself good after commiting infantcide.

I am actually a bit sad with the dwarf. It doesnt have a self purge, so everyone will still be playing nelf/og dwarves most likely. Well for M+ and a raid setting, I dont pvp much xD

Jaina tried to cleanse the blood elves because of a certain action, if you do recall. What was that, oh yeah the equivalent of a nuclear bomb dropped on her city

you’re getting your info wrong, she got pissed at the blood elves when Garrosh forced them to use portals to help him swipe the bell from Darnassus. Basically agents of the blood elves forced to do this and Lorthemar was ticked when he saw the bell in Silvermoon. She felt as if the blood elves violated the truce having gone through Dalaran to pull the heist or whatever so she started the cull and either killed them in the streets or locked them up. The bomb was only the starting point for her rage but not the sole reason for the cull. By truce I mean the truce that allowed Blood elves access to Dalaran as she tried to ban them from Dalaran afterwards which the other magisters didn’t like as Dalaran needed to be neutral

Someone’s still mad that Horde getting Belves meant that Alliance wasn’t getting helves.


She also only attacked Blood Elves that fought back. These days you see her kill all the elves cause Blizzard scaled her character up but not the Blood Elves in Dalaran so rather than incapacitate them she 1 shots em. Many posts pop up about this as proof she is evil but honestly if they would scale the Blood Elf NPCs you would see what the event used to be.

oh twas painful back in the day. now, despite losing the better tbc models to same face wod models, i can pretty much play a helf…with some minor irritants and hairstyle shortage

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The Alliance burned down the Zandalari city full of civilians?

Oh, sorry, I was thinking of the Night Elves.

horde is doing absolutely fine. if you are the hero, then be a leader! stop sitting on the sidelines of Warcraft.