Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Got killed by Yrel in a final charge to save the refugees.

Finally you start seeing the pattern here. Now count on your hands how the times of “We need to stop the tyrant warchief” was made before by Blizzard. Come on you can do it!

First try.

Another stupid excuse to get rid of all the RTS characters that aren’t Thrall.

Those are literally the only supporters of this writing the night elff ans don’t care as long as they have their world tree.

Yes it does.

A lion banner flown in Silvermoon is not natural and not good.

Nope that the blood elves reclaim their land fully after so many sacrifices they made in the past to get there without being forced to share it with the enemy.

Worked good for the alliance so far didn’t it?

The Horde is dead because of it.

When Horde starts wanting the same you insult them. Very mature surley.

I’ve never insulted you. I think your a bit blind on some of your hate for the Alliance but I also respond to anything you post with a discussion not a direct attack against you.

Do you have evidence to support the existance of ongoing hostility outside of the aisle since the end of BFA which couldn’t be described as legacy content?

Because as far as I can tell the horde and the alliance have been at relative peace for the longest stretch of WoW’s history up to this point and in the context of the warcraft IP as a whole the only time it was surpassed was during the period between warcraft 2 and 3 (about 20-25 years during which the blackrock horde was a relic that barely existed and isn’t affiliated with the modern horde in any meaningful way).

You are against the Horde even remotley featured in the questing and start a fit when we call out that all the people we follow into the new story are prominent alliance leaders. Hate feeling called out for stating the obvious here?

Worth Noting that Doomhammer didn’t kill Blackhand because he had ethical/moral reasons to oppose him; he did it because Blackhand was a lazy moron who was being puppeted by the warlocks and Orgrim decided he wanted to run the show.

No I am not. You are clearly not understanding what I say my friend. Horde are not the underdogs you portray them to be is all I have said. They have been shown the same if not more love by Blizzard over the years and I have been here since 04 so I have seen it all.

We don’t know if he died.

And still, he was a good guy…
If he did die, he died a hero.

Two different Hordes.
This was written back in 1994.

They’ve only done this twice in WoW with the New Horde.
And I’ll agree, both times it was written terribly.

Good, get rid of all of them.
Let them finally add new characters, ones that don’t suck.


No it doesn’t.
The whole point of the Belves was to show how Quel’thalas needed to change, they couldn’t just stay within their isolationism and false-sense of superiority to survive.

That’s why they joined the Horde to begin with, that’s why they looked for new allies to begin with.

They don’t need to fly a ‘Lion banner’ through Silvermoon.
Just have the city be usable by anyone in-game.
That changes nothing.

By the logic of your own arguments you’ve been making, the city would still be Horde aligned, they’d just allow Alliance characters to walk through it.

Ren’dorei and Quel’dorei aren’t their enemy anymore.

So change nothing, keep repeating the same story beats, endless conflict…

Am I understanding this right?
Seems like you have no ideas for how you want the story to progress at all.
Just keep the status-quo… Which you also have a problem with.

There’s really no winning with you, is there.

They are Underdogs. Their leaders are underpowered, unknown to most players and most of which just replacements for characters that came before them and been much better. The Orcs are btw still relying on water and grain shipments from Mulgore to this very day cuz Durotar is empty of pretty much everything.

Yes they are. They were the instigators of all violence towards the blood elves. If a blood elf got killed it was mostly Vereesa and Umbric being responsible for it.

All I said was that there’s no peace treaty, since there isn’t one. Didn’t say anything about ongoing hostilities.


It’s a desert. That kind of makes since.

Because Thrall sucks as a leader and never tried to make the Orc situation any better.

That literally isn’t true in any capacity whatsoever.

The only time they’ve ever instigated conflict was with the Sunreavers in Dalaran…
And that’s literally it.

I tip my hat to you. :cowboy_hat_face:

You can’t be real.


It’s a swamp actually.

Driest swamp I’ve ever seen.

It is cute how you believe the high elf community won’t instantly start new topics to convince Blizzard to make Quel’thalas alliance again.

It never was Alliance.

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And those people are stupid and shouldn’t be listened to.

Blizz has never listened to brainrotten factionoids before.


It totally is. The void elves and high elves did their best to kill a blood elf when one became visible in Dalaran, Pandaria, Outland, Northrend and Zandalar.

How the flip you think void elves got the high elf looking options?

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Also, I’m trying to think of how many characters are left from the RTS games and the numbers are pretty small overall;
We got

  • Thrall
  • Gazlowe
  • Baine
  • Khadgar
  • Malfurion
  • Maiev
  • Tyrande
  • Alleria
  • Trollbane
  • Turalyon

That’s about it; While there is a bunch of “Alliance” characters on this list, it’s worth noting that most of them are barely footnote characters from Wc2’s expansion that most players likely haven’t played or remembered.

With the elves, Maiev only really shows up to pick fights with illidan so it’s a stretch to include her, and Malfurion/Tyrande are probably going to be going backstage for the forseeable future owing to how there story arc is complete and we as players are well and truly sick of them and their incredibly ambiguous relationship.


As I recall there was one made at the end of BFA following the second siege of Orgrimarr, the same one that returned occupied territory to it’s respective owners and ceased major fighting.