Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Last I checked portals just don’t work for the other faction. I mean look at the portal in Valdrakk to Stormwind and Org. As an Alliance Dracthyr on my current main I can’t goto Org. And sadly Gilneas got no portals, no flight path… only a minimal effort was put into the “restored” version of the city. I mean for crying out loud the Horde get a flight path but the Alliance do not, and when your in the city after the event is done the zone name is still the Ruins of Gilneas. It was just lazy on Blizzards part.

I think you should wait. I get the feeling they got plans for Gilneas.


Honestly I do too but its just… well after waiting since Cata to be shown some love its just… its hard to trust Blizzard.

that was faction war related.

Baine and Thrall literally didn’t do anything. Unlike Jaina, Tyrande and Shandris.

Tell me the last time the non dead Horde characters mattered to stop the moustache twirling evil guy who planned to destroy the universe(not just the alliance mind you).

Yes but the Falconwing Square is active with NPCs and stuff. It was never neutral at any point since it was put in the game.

No they aren’t in the lore. We can’t use the vendors, portals, inn or boat route and we get a debuff where we are watched by the guards.

Not while I am still standing.

No Alliance or Horde have ever been able to do that in a faction city. Only in Dalaran and well we kind of have heard about whats going to happen there… CITIZEN OF DALARAN FACE YOUR EYES TO THE… OH GOD IT BURNS!

And that is the fear of many blood elf fans thinking Silvermoon will replace Dalaran in that manner. I hope the revamp of Quel’thalas is just the intro while the new continent is somwhere else.

I mean last I checked both factions have 2 kinds of Elves… Horde get Blood Elves and Nightborne. Alliance get Void Elves and Night Elves. So… what’s the problem if they restore the other half of Silvermoon and make it a hub for all Elves?

They might just use Gilenas as an Alliance hub. Since it’s close and it deserves a proper revamp.


Correct, but the claim you made

would seem to indicate that Horde SHBOULD be able to use those, Horde can’t, so they are NOT NEUTRAL.

Maybe if in Midnight, Silvermoon was getting this treatment, it would not be that big of deal.

However, your claim of neutrality in new ALLIANCE cities and pointing out that the factions have never been able to use the services of the other faction’s cities just exposes the followi g attitude:

Alliance neutral=Horde can be there without getting killd
Horde neutral=Allaince can do everythign Horde can do

Double standard in favor of Alliance


Because they never did that before. It would instantly delete faction aligned content while the same thing would never happen to say Ironforge or Stormwind. And a slap in the face of all blood elf rpers when a male human paladin starts offering marriage to his high elf girlfriend infront of the Sunfury Spire.

  1. There’s a peace treaty in case you missed it
  2. It’s canonically been 7-9 years since BfA
  3. How does a quest giver being of the opposite faction = us “getting” something?


Or they just update Silvermoon and allow anyone to use it.

There’s really no issue with doing that.

Honestly, at this point, just make every city accessible and useable for every character. There’s really no reason not to.

What do you mean?
Saurfang wanted to stop Sylvanas.
Sylvanas was one of those ‘mustache-twirling villains,’ wasn’t she?

FACTION VS REBELS Not related to the main plot against N’Zoth.

Of course high elf fans would like it when the most vocal minority once again gets their way and ruin all fun for the blood elf community. It is obvious you are a troll at this point.

She was the Warchief of the Horde just like Garrosh, Blackhand, AU Grommash before her because Blizzard thought using the same outdated plot again will somehow satisfy the Horde fans when we actually just want the killing of our leaders to put on an end for good.

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They are still Neutral as you don’t get attacked by guards. As an Alliance player I can not go into any Horde town without guards being summoned in to attack me and getting flagged for PVP. You can go into Gilneas and Bel’ameth without getting attacked on sight. That is what I’m calling neutral not the fact you could do what you can do in Dalaran where you can use the vendors.

It’s interesting that you describe this as a filler expansion when for me, it feels like one dedicated to the core concept of rebirth; we had a bunch of loose threads floating around combined with the various dragonflights being considerably weakened due to multiple expansions of them getting the crap beaten out of them and the loss of the aspects powers.

As a result we got:

  • The aspects being empowered.
  • The shadow of neltharion is finally ended for the black dragonflight who can go back to doing what they’re supposed to (protecting the deep places of the earth) under an aspect that has the patience and strength to not abuse his position.
  • The Murozond paradox has been solved.
  • Merithra has fully stepped into her role as Aspect.
  • Kalegos has been able to stabilize the blue dragonflight’s descent into nonexistance.
  • Alexstraza was able to resolve the issues between Dragon’s and their Spawn.
  • One of the OG titan keepers has been recovered and is in a position to offer council to the races of azeroth (and in turn find a place for himself after so much has changed).
  • The issues involving the primalists have been largely resolved.
  • The night elves have a new home.
  • The Dracthyr have an identity and a purpose after having awoken with neither.
  • Baine actually did something other then sit around an mope.
  • The horde and the alliance were able to work more effectively as a team then they ever had as rivals.

Frankly, This is better then a bunch of non-filler expansions have been over the last several years from a narrative standpoint.


As Garrosh once said… Times Change!

So you need them to specifically fight the ‘big bad,’ then?
Alright, well, the Horde did that too at the end of BfA.

Just like the Alliance had their big ‘everyone come together and fight N’Zoth’ cinematic, the Horde got that too.

As are you.

So, firstly. No, everyone having access to Silvermoon doesn’t ruin anything for Blood Elves. If anything it naturally continues their story.

What do you want, everything to remain entirely stagnant?
Nobody dies, nothing changes, no narrative progression?

Under that mentality they might as well never change it from its current state.
Must like how most of the zones are just… unchanging time capsules from previous expansions that are entirely stagnant.

Making a lot of assumptions here.

Until she said the Horde meant nothing to her and she left.

Yup, Garrosh really had no excuse to end the way it did.
I’ll agree with you on that.

Weird to bring this up because Blackhand was killed by Doomhammer.
This also happened all the way back in…
checks notes
Warcraft 1.

AU Gromm is still alive and became a good guy.

What peace treaty? There’s only a truce and that is only valid in the Dragon Isles, imposed as a condition for both faction by the actual owner of the islands. That’s why you don’t see Alliance or Horde there as official factions.


We get it you like alliance bias.

What’s wrong with rooting for the faction you play. Clearly you have a Horde bias but that don’t mean we cant discuss it.