Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Corruption doesn’t magically cease with the death of one person.

Gromm was far from the only problem.

Yeah, we could.
But you seem to be under the impression that anytime Blizz tries writing anything different it somehow ‘ruins’ the Horde… As you’ve made obvious in other crybaby threads of yours.

Oh, they do.
Just not stupid criticism.

That’s because you’re an idiot.

This is the person you’re agreeing with.

Because the Horde never is present when the current non faction war related bad guy is put to justice. Only the Alliance. Accept this reality and help dismantle the obvious story favoritism.

Reported for bullying. Have fun being on a vacation.

I was kind of expecting to trade a few more posts before you snapped and insulted me.

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What do you mean?
Wasn’t that… literally Saurfang’s entire thing during BfA?

Weren’t there Horde characters that were also going after Sylvanas during SL?

Sure, I can agree that it’d be nice to have more Orc, Troll, and Tauren characters beyond the same old run-down characters. But in other threads you say we should just keep repeating these same characters… So which is it?

Calling it how it is.

You have nothing worthwhile to say, clearly.

Silvermoon was already half destroyed by Arthas and the scourge, wasn’t it?

Not to you. Would be a waste.

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Not really.

You’ve only really proven yourself as repeating the same outlandish doomer claims as Erevien does by saying things like:


But please, if you want to tell me how anything I’ve said is wrong, go ahead.

It was fully destroyed. The city wall is busted. In TBC the belfs take it back. That part isn’t shown in game. The square that is separated from the city is also taken by belfs, the player does that via the leveling story. By the time you leave Falconwing square, you cleared it of all dangers and it’s back in the hands of the belfs. It just does not show it in game cause that city is still stuck in TBC.



Oh thank you I needed a good laugh today. Your kidding right? You know currently 2 Alliance cities are faction neutral. Horde can freely come and go in both Gilneas and Bel’ameth… Oh god thank you for that laugh my pointy eared friend.

Look, I really don’t care. You insulted me right off the bat. I don’t want to waste more time by trying to communicate with you.

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Clearly you do with how you decided on responding anyway and telling me that it effected you so bad you can’t even come up with an argument anymore.

Neither of those are neutral. Why do you people say that? There are no horde spots, no Horde banners, no Horde services what so ever. They can just be there without being attacked, nothing else. That’s not a neutral city. They can enable guards to be Hostile to the Horde right this minute and it was like the Horde was never there.

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The wars over grandpa were all friends now!

Let the Orcs into Stormwind! Let the Orcs breed with the humans!

They are cause no guards will attack you in the city. That is what happens in a neutral city. In terms they are Alliance cities but in that you should get attacked for just being in the city if you are horde. That or they need to remove the guards attacking players unless they are fighting in all cities.

Yes! Let the taurens and orcs into stormwind

No, a neutral city treats both parties the same way. That means both parties have the same privileges. The Horde cannot use shops, inns or portals, the Alliance can. So how can it be neutral?


I’m fine with that if I can go to any Horde city. Hell Tauren are fellow druids we see Celestine of the Harvest and Runetotem working together all the time why cant we?

I don’t have a max level Horde so I can’t say for sure what they can or can’t use. If anyone can check I would appreciate it. Or I can just ask a friend who’s in my Horde guild to check for me.

This was weird to be all in the early days of WoW. It made a lot of sense to kill off the Tauren Druids during MoP for the storyline.

Sure go ahead. But considering the fact that portals go to Alliance cities, I think that would be a great hint that what I’m talking about is true.

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