Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Cataclysm. MOP and WOD was us being villains to keep the loot grifters happy.

I mean
 Horde was always supposed to be a little more villain like. It’s one of the reasons I loved playing in the early days with orc and forsaken beliefs in-game.

If that’s a pendulum effect then it hasn’t stopped swinging towards the blue side. Nah, I think the Horde’s biggest problem is that their playerbase is much less vocal.

I remember in BFA the Alliance was screaming Horde bias at the top of their lungs because of the mounts alone.

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Yes but not a gosh damm replacement for an ovraching expansion antagonist! Twice!

I think they are pretty vocal. I also think they’re less angry and so, not seemed as serious. Not saying that’s right or wrong but we saw what happened with Helves.

@Erevien and they probably won’t. I thought Callia was coming but it looks she will stay neutral.

Bee mount is still faction locked btw. Unlike Torcali direhorn and Ku’afon.

Less money for Blizzard then. Fine by me. There ware many other great games out there.

Oh? What happened to the helfs?

Cause the Bee Mount came as an apology to the vocal Alliance. Of course the Horde won’t get their hands on that mount, since that’s the apology.

Blizzard gave in twice(made their normal high elf options avaiable) and it still wasn’t enough. Now they want Silvermoon to become alliance and kick the Blood elves back to Outland.

I think that the attitudes of the community being a little more aggressive made Blizzard take action. I think that many people post that they want things, but are too “calm” about it for Blizzard to notice. Alliance players never seem as calm when requesting. And no, I’m not saying all players are like this. There’s just a loud minority who are feverish in their requests.

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
You will be missed

Can I haz your golds?

Oh I know about that. Actually I predicted it a long time ago before Velfs were even a thing. And they want HALF of Silvermoon in Midnight. They’ll be demanding the Horde gets kicked out of the city after.

Already doing that actually:

You gave me like
 three legitimate examples.

Sylvanas, Garrosh, and Vol’jin.


Technically two, since Sylvanas isn’t actually dead.

Not the big list you were hoping for.

Good, you’re clearly mentally unwell.
Maybe stepping away from this game will do you some good.

Or Blizzards stops abusing the Horde just so the alliance can shine big and wide. And yes all those names are legitemate cuz we met them as quest givers on the Horde side until Blizzard suddenly decided they needed more bad guys to kill. You do not decide what the Horde community feels like which was stolen from them.

MMO champ forums are a cesspool as far as I’m concerned. I won’t bother reading those, sorry.


Again proving that you don’t understand the narrative themes of the Horde or what they’re meant to represent.

The New Horde rebelling against corruption has been something that’s been part of their story since War3
 and has carried through every single expansion.


They’re literally nothing NPC characters.
We have the same amount of random Alliance NPCs that die during questlines too.

Literally nobody agrees with you.

You’re alone.

With Midnight developing Silvermoon and all the elf races coming together, my suspicion is Quel’thalas and Silvermoon are going to be the new global centre for magic.
All the elf groups will also be involved some how, this includes the night elven Highborne and Nightborne magical groups, neither of which seem to be playing much of a role in Amirdrassil - which to me indicates they will play a role alongside the void elves, high elves and blood elves, and presumably the human and draenei mages will be based there also 

Silvermoon might become the Shattrath/Dalaran of 12.0 and be a home for high, void, blood, night, nightborne elves. - of the magical persuasion or rather into and centred around magic.

Where in any of that do they say they intend to take over and kick out the blood elves? While funny they are talking about bringing all elves together in unity. Nothing more.

Should have stopped when Grommash died. We don’t need to repeat the exact same storyline 3 times in a row. Stop prtoecting the billon dollar company. They deserve criticism.

Sounds like neither do you.

I agree with him and you are a bully.


Making faction exclusive stuff neutral(which it was for 17 years mind you) is just as bad as gifting it to the blue team fully. Cause it means the blood elves will be second fiddle in their own homeland cause that is how Blizzard writers for a modern story.