Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Blech… bit salty isn’t it? I’ll stick with my moonberry juice.

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Their suffering invigorates me.

Like a Gatorade brewed from rage.

Pretty sure Horde gets to do all the same content as Alliance.
This is only a problem if you make it one in your own mind.


Leave it to alliance fans thinking Baine is better then Cairne just because he betrays his own faction in their favor all the time.

If we go by WoW alone it will be much shorter. Your only relevant loss was Varian.

AND southshore, which was a famous alliance town in vanilla, tbc and wrath, and acted as a forward pvp base from which horde (from tarren’s mill) and alliance had many memorable pvp battles. sylvannas wrecked it, killed everyone with the blight and claimed it for the horde, though i cant imagine why they’d want it since its loaded with pools of blight and nasty blight critters. the fields around it, patrolled by dark rangers, the bears infected with spider eggs. use to be a bustling town, now a mini naxxaramas.

and theramore, big smoldering hole laden with hostile elementals. use to be a bustling port city, turned into a cemetary for helfs and humans.

and teldrassil, well you know that story.

I am talking about Major characters. Losing those is much worse then losing places or land since that can always be reclaimed as gilneas showed.

but would it be reclaimed? how do you unblight something. listen we all watched as anduin lead the battle for undercity, leading his army down roads peppered with blight factories and didnt make sure his people had blight masks. he was like bringing new peeps for syl to kill

Jaina just froze it with her opness. The traitor council brought a blight eater from Maldraxxus. Blizzard can always find a way.

its possible syl was behind the wrathgate. the apothecary were her troops. blighted. and that means saurfangs son and bolvar., who went on to be the crux of jokes for getting his butt whooped by the same woman, twice

putress was a minion of varimathras (dreadlord alert), who was the right hand of syl

i dunno why garrosh thought kalimdor should belong to the orcs, since they werent native to azeroth. they were extra-terrestrial colonizers. if anything it should belong to trolls, tauren, night elves and nightborne, so theramore, big mistake

Most alliance races are failed titan robots who went against their keeper installed directives after the curse of flesh. IDK about you but I rather give Kalimdor to Orcs considering they have proven many times they can survive in any environment.

As I’ve repeated to you multiple times, I’m not a fan of either faction.

I don’t care about the meaningless divide.

Cairne is a nothing character.

If you bothered to read any of the responses in your own thread you’d see we’ve been over this.

And I went through your entire list, your only relevant loss was…
Lets see… three characters, maybe?

The rest are random NPCs or characters that aren’t even dead.

Also, why are we only counting WoW now? You didn’t for your list.

hmm now who wrote their survival? could it be wow writers wrote them to be so?

Cairne was a wise and strong leader who always put the interests of the Horde first. Baine sells the Horde out to Jaina and Anduin at every chance he gets and was a damm hyporcrite when it cames to massacre the Nokhud centaurs. I don’t think any worse leader of any playable race ever existed in any fantasy franchise before. He is just that bad.

You asked for new Horde people. I gave you new Horde people. That they became villains when Blizzard needed to repeat the Warcraft 2 story multiple times is neither my fault nor my problem.

They were actually used to live in lush places like Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley too and Gorgrond was an exception. If it was not for Thrall and his self inflicted green guilt the poverty they suffer while all other Horde races are doing fine was always his main criticism about his leadership abilitties.

OP, I want to ask this without sounding snotty.

Are you going to quit over it? Because I don’t think they’re going to change the story now. So you either have to work with the alliance questgivers or unsub.

Yes I will unsub over this if nothing changes. I will not take orders from alliance leaders again especially not a traitor like Alleria who likes humans more then her own people. One Legion expansion was enough we better not repeat it. I come back in Last Titan.

Why does it have to come to that? Are the people at Blizzard stupid Alliance fanboys whose only motivation to do the Horde justice is the threat of bankruptcy?

It doesn’t have to come to that. I’m echoing that OP has already threatened. It doesn’t really bother me as someone who deeply loves both factions.

I too like both factions and I’m not very happy with how they have been treating the Horde for the last few expansions. I really does feel like the story team really does not like the Horde and often inflicts that on the players.

I have no reason to love a faction that makes the life of oine faction miserable on purpose every time the faction war comes back. And is then left ignored.

To me, it feels like a pendulum. The Alliance were upset for a while that Horde were favored in MoP and WoD, and then it started to swing the other way. I have a feeling it will eventually swing back but I don’t know when.