Yet again the Horde get's nothing

technically it was 7 years since the time after Shadowlands is also an extra year.

Iā€™m talking about when we came out of the Shadowlands. We are told there is a time skip and now everyone is at peace.

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The Alliance abandoned the High Elves to fall and almost become extinct. The Blood Elves have a distaste for them but only considered joining back due to Garrosh racist habbits until Jana went pyshco on Dalaran.


Yeah that last part isnā€™t really happening, btw. You made that up.

But yes we can judge the old Horde. I meanā€¦ they were Orcs. And as we all know being an Orc affiliates you with the Horde. So theyā€™re all the same basically, right? No distinctions or nuance to be made. So the Belves need to leave the Horde.

Actually, on my Belf characters I wonā€™t even ACCEPT quests from Orc questgivers. Itā€™s ridiculous they expect me to!

Sound familiar?

Funny how you can explain the nuance when it fits in with your ā€œgo red teamā€ narrative.

Crack pipe lore understanding tbh. Wonā€™t bother arguing with you, you know nothing.

They are different. Thrallā€™s Horde was vastly different from the old Horde.


Please understand that I am making bad arguments in the style that Erevien makes. To emphasize a point. Thank you.

Oh ok. Gotcha, lol.

Do you blame all humans just because Arthas was bad? Or Gilneas and all of Lordaeorn? Of course not. You are racist.

Yes actually, theyā€™re all horrible. Everyone is pure evil and tied to the past. Nobody should forgive any amount of blood spilled. We need constant wars for vengeance.

I donā€™t want to exterminate races just those actually guilty of putting harm to the Horde which Anduin, Alleria and Jaina all totally did.

Iā€™m gonna level with you if I had my way we would fast forward an amount of years so great that none of these characters are relevant anymore. I donā€™t really like any of them, on either side. Some have their moments, but none are great. A cast reset would do this gameā€™s story a great deal of good.

But I think trying to say you donā€™t want to follow the storylines of people who commit acts of violence and bloodshed in war is a bit strange in a game that is so marketed around that war. Hereā€™s the thing, at some point either the war ends or this problem never ends.

I donā€™t think characters canonically doing bad things makes them uninteresting to follow or anything, either. For example I really had no quarrels with Garrosh in Cataclysm as an expansionist and aggressive leader, up until they made him an outright and undefendable villain in the very next expansion.

You canā€™t have it both ways. Either you want the war to come to a close or you want to continue following characters who commit violent acts in the name of winning that war.

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What has Anduin ever done that wasnā€™t justified by previous aggression?

Feel like heā€™s relatively clean compared to likeā€¦ literally any other character.

If this is the mentality you want to go by, maybe donā€™t make a thread crying about how a bunch of old Horde warcriminals were killed off. :man_shrugging:t5:

I think most would be happy with a de-escalation of hostilities while keeping tensions high between the factions. We can SLOWLY work towards no war but the suddenness kinda ruins things.

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Attacked a neutral nation that yet hadnā€™t made their decision to join the Horde before.

Difference is alliance heroes never die never mind what they have done to the other side.

I donā€™t think Warcraft is a franchise that is capable of tackling the complex process of de-escalation and normalization of relations necessary when a real global conflict dies down. Maybe you think they could portray this decently, I just donā€™t have confidence.

The time skip gave us enough time in-universe, I think. It isnā€™t perfect, but I would prefer it to continued hostilities.

Yes they do.

If you go back to your own thread, most of the examples of Horde character ā€˜deathsā€™ are characters that were never members of the New Horde.

Or, they were random NPCs from minor questlinesā€¦ Which, you can find plenty of ā€˜Allianceā€™ examples of NPCs dying during questlines.

Or, they never even died at all (Gallywix and Sylvanas are still alive :slight_smile: )

The few examples of actual New Horde members that did die, died to redeem themselves or for actual narrative progression (in the same way they used Varianā€™s death).

What, the Zandalari?

At that point they were obvious allies with the Horde, even if not actual members of it.

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I think they could, if instead of a time skip they made that the side story for the next few expansions, let the old fade away into the new. As fa as the time skip/s that got us to the point we are? that is why I am thinking tensions still high, but maybe not at the point we are instantly at each others throats again the moment something happens.

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Honestly think I might just wind up falling neutral on this particular issue when I think about it. If they did decide with going the route of having a patch or a side storyline over a couple patches dedicated to showing the peacemaking process I donā€™t think Iā€™d see a problem with that. But Ig Iā€™m also fine with mostly moving over it, because at this point Iā€™m just so sick of the conflict lol

Just allies not full members yet.

Alot of BS to justify why we arenā€™t allowed to keep cool people while the alliance leaders are invincible.


And Broxigar all died for nothing but alliance appeasement.