Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Alliance is the favorite faction. They always have been. It doesn’t do you any good to be angry about it. If you want to be the favored faction, you can swap to blue. It’ll save you from wrinkles. :pray:t2:

We all get the same story moving forward anyways.

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I will not take quests from any alliance leaders and that’s the final word.

If we get something without Blizzard destroying it at first then I will take it. Until then I win.

Welcome to the first 18 years of WoW only in reverse

Alliance had good stuff from the beginning my guy. That is the big imbalance of the story.

Ir’s a game. Get a grip?

A game with two factions yet Blizzard keeps pretending only the alliance actually exists.

Storytelling moving forward is clearly going in a faction neutral direction. These faction specific storylines hardly exist anymore, even new racial hubs allow the opposite faction to be there such as in Amirdrassil and Gilneas.

You can only point to racial imbalance as proof of alliance bias, yet cannot think of any specific faction or character in the Horde that you want to advocate for seeing specifically.

It’s done, they’re moving away from faction locked areas and questlines. Move on.

It’s not faction neutral. It just moved to Alliance focused.

They probably will eventually have cross-faction grouping for quests, once they figure that out. But they have not said they are moving away from faction locked areas and questlines. They have actually said recently that they are keeping the barriers but lifting things where it makes sense. Like cross-faction grouping and guild limitations. They just won’t go as far as cross-region because other things keep that from happening.


The reason why this isn’t a thing is because it would require extensive work to be done on old content. Quests from the Cata era especially were heavily faction locked, and they probably don’t see it as worth the effort. Otherwise I don’t doubt it would already be a thing.

Definitely don’t see this. Human bias, yes. Overall Alliance bias? Ehhh…

They aren’t likely gonna do that anyway. What they likely will do is give people neutral areas to quest in and not touch the old stuff.

All the Night Elf and the Gilneas stuff wasn’t Alliance focused?

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This patch you could certainly say gave alliance races a lot. Nelves especially. But I think that makes sense given that their racial hub was lost, hopefully we see Forsaken get a similar amount of love sometime soon?

If I’m honest I found the Worgen questline to be fairly underwhelming, though a more usable Gilneas is nice I won’t deny.

This is sort of the thing with wanting to focus on specific parts of your universe when you have this two faction system though, people will always see any given focused patch like this current one as giving too much to the other side.

The Nelves had their tier in the spotlight, I’m hopeful that other races will get theirs soon. Midnight is proof enough that this will be the case in my books.

Do you really want me to list all the times Blizzard kowtowed to the Horde players?

I mean I can it’s no bother

I hope we get to rebuild UC and clean up areas outside of it. My problem with the world is it’s so damaged. I don’t know how they can continue on without having things rebuilt.

It was and it should be a full Alliance capitol.

I think they could balance it out if they give us our own faction quests. You all could have been rebuilding your areas while we rebuilt our’s. They had two major leaders of our’s get married. We never get to see it. They have Vol’jin coming back any day as a loa, but that story isn’t complete. I’d just really liked to see some plot threads sured up.

At least Dwarves get something next. They don’t ever get focus really.

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The only time the Horde is digged up they kill our leaders. I can thankfully deny to this kind of attention.

And I want the other cartel join the Horde and explore Undermine.

Can you list times that were not met with topics like that from the alliance side or were not because Blizzard dropped the ball? Can you list times that things like Horde players being able to talk down to Alliance leaders like Alliance players got to treat Horde leaders happened?

Some of the issue that Ervien and others, myself included, have is Allaince get to do things like talk down to Horde leaders, Horde don’t get to do the same which is what paints this dang bias.


Long hair, don’t care.

They’re being used in a faction neutral manner to tell a story not involving the existence of the factions.

It’s a neutral direction.

You are wrong.

No it isn’t. Its an alliance only story specifically crafted to attract alliance players.

Just saw this on twitter.
The sunreavers seem to be about

Where are Girana, Uda, Hathorel and Savor?

BFA was the war xpac. We’ve been neutral since to fight the big bads.