Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Nah, he’s donating it all to Alliance charity. :heart:

He loves those guys.
:smirk: Always talking about them … In a sense. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Let it go bro. The war is over. Do you still complain about the Germans too?

You have a direct portal.



Only if your Worgen other Alliance races have no way of getting there other than to fly in via Dragonriding or old flight mode.

No I won’t. Those three harmed my faction and I want them punished.

Be like Elsa and let it go.

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No I will not give up. My fight for a better Horde continues.

wahh my horde gets nothing. wahh im spoiled. wahhh.


In order to be spoiled the Horde would be in need of having SOMETHING first which isn’t the case. It is always the alliance Blizzard writes the story for.

Damn he’s right. The Horde have never gotten anything in WoWs history. They weren’t given a free mount the Alliance has to buy, they aren’t given an entire zone terriformed to the shape of the horde symbol, they aren’t given quest chains for horde only where you get to pick a side. Clearly 99.99% of the player base is Alliance and they get the only story in the game. What is the Horde and who plays them am I right?

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I know right? Never heard of this Horde.

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Darn it Khyberian why is your portrait red… are you trying to be different solider? Are you trying to say you play with that unknown faction called the Horde that clearly no one plays? Are you just trying to prove me wrong maggot? Drop and give me 50 and when your done you better be blue or so help me.

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No comrade. It is red to support glorious people’s revolution against the capitalist pigs.

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Fair enough. Now if only this level 10 would get out of the starter zone and look at the world as a whole he might just see the horde is doing just fine.

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i cant wait to be allowed to play wow on the internet all day and half the night, when the glorious thing happens… :joy:

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Bee mount.

Show me one good time they had that was not Thrall in Cataclysm.

The alliance still has 2 zones more.

Which was pointless cuz Sylvanas was gone regardless.

Are they any thing else apart from B plot villains?

The overall numbers are even only endgame shows a split.

They don’t. You are lying.

Not free had an entire grind behind it.

Getting Blood Elves in BC. Next!

Its almost like the Horde came in and conquered then were given land back so they could have somewhere to live.

You still were given bonus stuff the Alliance can’t get and bonus quests depending on which side you choose. The outcome is the same but that’s Blizzard being lazy and not wanting to continue on that kind of story.

<---------- The Joke


If horde were the weak underdogs you claim don’t you think the story would be more centered around the Alliance. The story is always the horde dose something and the Alliance is there to deal with the outcome. I can’t lie about it cause its the honest truth. If you don’t want to hear the truth I would suggest race changing to an ostrich they have a great racial for sticking there head in the sand when they don’t want to listen to facts.

Still faction exclusive to this day.

Doesen’t count. We will lose Silvermoon next expansion and Kael’thas is dead. And the Outland plot went nowhere.

If you desgin a MMO with multiple factions you have to put the effort in to generate equal content for them which blizzard never did. All other Developers took notes and started their own franchises without those obvious mistakes.

Saurfang is dead and Sylvanas is gone. The Horde gained nothing here.

They aren’t even underdogs. They are the abused stranger lying wounded and unconciouss under the table while the protagonist keeps throwing loot at the alliance and free drinks.

And you just threw your own case out the window while you set it on fire the way down… No one will take you seriously anymore.