Yet again the Horde get's nothing

They really need a rebuild expac.


Prove it? I am Alliance and I’ve never once even thought about Silvermoon city.

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I mean its the same thing in Skyrim Online
 Err I mean ESO. You have factions at War with each other with races that dislike the other factions but that only comes into play when PVPing and even in PVP you can fight for another faction.

Till sea swallows all!

thiramuore is still boorning

?!! Don’t forget that it’s useless to cry for a military dock, for a crazy mage massacring innocent people in Dalaran and Daza’lor.


You are correct, although the vibe I have been getting from the quests in this is all for one and one for all, but in a childish sort of way.

It does feel like a filler expansion a bit due to that for sure.

I don’t mind team ups if they’re cool and mean something more than “We just aren’t fighting right now.”

Well, to be fair we are getting a trilogy for the next overarching story, 1st book/movie/etc can be just setting the stage, overarching villain (imagine if instead of one expansion with the jailor we got 3-4, each one building him up a bit more), etc.

Oh I don’t mean that negatively and yeah the next set are a trilogy so that is good.

Treating it similar to MTG blocks. One filler to set up things and then three core expansions to flesh it all out.

Yeah, the GCs are actually aligned pretty tightly. PvP is more a show of faction pride and fun rivalry rather than battles to the death because everyone knows that we’re all on the same side here and killing each other would be dumb.

I don’t mind a bit of fun faction rivalry in contests of strength or war readiness programs, but I’m so sick and tired of being told I have to treat the other side, filled with heroes also trying to help Azeroth, as existential threats.

Never finished the installation. So I couldn’t try out FF14 yet since they reject my original square account from FF15.

We don’t get anything because they already killed all our old leaders, minus Thrall and Sylvanas but Sylvanas isn’t a leader anymore and is stuck doing maw dailies, so now they have to retire all the old Ally leaders and figure out how to write a story that doesn’t turn the horde into the bad guy again again


Horde stinks, America F yeah!!!

The races don’t live in isolated ethnostates so don’t bother, it isn’t up your alley.

I would pick the race that is the closest to an elf.

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me too. but i’d want them to also maintain a certain level of elf ethics, not be deconstructed and rebuilt as edgy. edgy elfdom is subterranean or other worldy, but your common elf is a nature, magic, art loving race

Blizz should always revolve the story around Horde, they’re more interesting than Alliance scum.

Nobody cares about them.

I miss the hate the other faction pride stuff. It was fun, all this hold hand garbage is annoying af. I wanna kill the other faction even when we team up to defeat the big bad whatever. Now it’s just like yeah we got leaders and factions meh let’s hold hands and sing and pick flowers. Big ol meh guess I’ll raid and forget the story anymore.

You don’t care about them. Other people do. Know the difference.