Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Starting to see why MMO games moved past the warring factions gimmick a while ago, outside of PVP modes. Some people just can’t handle their own jingoism and buy in way to hard.

Not warring but they have factions still.


those are those.

Only FF14 and GW2 don’t have any and just focus on races.

Every time the story has been Horde centric the horde end up destroying cities and the Alliance have to step in and remove the war chief.


Horde just don’t have good stories. Alliance gave us the great expansion stories.

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Finally we have ONE alliance player calling out the actual truth. Thank you very much.

Dead game, literally.

Not at all similar but okay, this barely counts.

Had to dust this one off didn’t ya. Also, not the same but close. man I hated this game.

Not nearly the same thing at all. Closest here as an example but is handled way differently and probably benefits from decades of pre-existing lore on their faction conflict, which WoW only recently in comparison has done.

Now, do you have any recent examples to put forward or only things from a decade and half ago? I said MOVED AWAY from and you chose old games.

If WOW is your only argument in modern MMO gaming then you have no argument since you basically ignore all the other examples feasible for the situation.

This was my statement, you provided old MMO games. Which NEW MMO is faction based and not dead? Not, “which game from 10 years ago had factions.”

Missing the point isn’t a positive character trait but you sure have it. Nothing wrong with asking for clarification if you are confused.

Ignoring the argument as usually. I am done with you. You are obviously not honest.

Enjoy your echo chamber! Don’t engage if you can’t have a friendly debate.

This is not friendly. WOW is not a new MMO either yet you put it in as an example. You are either lying on purpose ir ignore the basic line just to feel superior. And of course you are a male human paladin too.

Just say you didn’t understand what I wrote and move on as you said you would.

Grow up man.

you say MMOs don’t have factions involved in the story anymore which isn’t true.

Begone from me. You lack the ability to converse in any other way than shouting and being insulting.

Its the “General Discussion” this is un-tamed territory!
You gotten use to the “Story Forums” were we mostly geek out to have interesting discussions about the story, lore and speculation on WoW and usually after a while people move on to discuss diferent story topics.

BUT HERE? Neeeevaaaah~! Some will argue with you till you stop and give up… SURRENDER Erevien, no one can stand against the Burning Legion of the GD!

Even Zerde who is usually your match when it comes to defending the Alliance topics have left , he know you can’t win the argument in GD!!

General Forum Moderators quiver at the sight of GD, you wont win! Run and fight another day before its too late!
(I’m joking Erevien, if anyone can keep this argument up in GD is you, sheeesh look at it keep going!! haha :rofl:)

FFXIV has factions, they’re just not hostile to each other. You literally select a Grand Company by level 20. You have a choice of three; the two wrong options and the Maelstrom.


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I thought all was forgiven and forgotten in the new realm of hand holding and such.

ahh… we got the peace arc in the end of BfA, We can’t do anything, their deaths were in vain, our honor was diminished especially by cringes expansions like Shadowlands and Dragonflight, we had 2 leaders who, due to their own selfishness, manipulated the horde’s victory and one of them got away with winning alone.

It’s disappointing every day, I don’t want to think about it anymore, and that the outcome of the world soul saga be concluded once and for all before Blizzard, like all AAA, makes its ridiculous decisions that destroy the gameplay and the lore of the video game that it was already planting excellent for years only for idiots to ruin it with some retcons or inclusive measures.

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It’s become a cycle.

We hate each other and fight.

We stop to do something else and get all buddy buddy.

THING HAPPENS and now we hate each other again.

Ok. I mean ask the players who ether wanted Dark Trolls as a Neutral or Horde Race or Blood Elf Fans excited for Lynax Models that haven’t been updated for so long.

Theramore is still burning.