Yet again the Horde get's nothing

man i gotta agree with you here, though it was just a wee bit humiliating that bolvar got whopped by sylvannas while filing her nails with her other hand

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fair enough.

Maybe in the second phase and the first major patch but not before. Sure we will discover the missing link between trolls and elves but nothing indicates the Zandalari will be involved. And they shouldn’t because sending their fleet to aid the Horde here would also mean aiding Anduin and Jaina who are by all means the reason why Talanji and her people suffered.

Actually read the link I posted.

And Darkshore. Recovered your lands and won the war.

Well then I’ll give you this. I hope the Alliance gets the full treatment that the Horde has, all of it.


Yeah that was beyond stupid.

gonna remind you, this is not the players fault. the writers seem to be instructed to embarrass and humiliate their customers

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Did I ever blame you directly? I am saying that the alliance is favored by the writers. They have the power to change it too if enough resistance is formed once 50% of the community actuall realize that there is no representation for them.

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well if so, it may or may not be an attempt to repopulate the alliance raiding population, though i think the approach should be to just resume good writing and balanced ttreatment.

I’m just over here hoping for the bare minimum: chairs for the Horde.


The finale shot of the BFa was actually a good portrayal of what went wrong.

I can assure you the majority of the Horde community have no clue who their current leaders actually are right now. Bar Thrall which is why Blizzard chose him as our guide in TWW.

The snowball effect went too far already I am afraid. Showing one side of the coin they don’t matter anymore will simply stop the average Hordie from even subbing since they have no reason to abandon their friends and guilds.

ugh. well thats bad news. if either faction is depopulating to the point they cant raid, thats bad. 2 faction game requires 2 faction attention

I have actually no problem giving the alliance some well deserved gameplay attention to recover for the endgame content. I only care about the story as a roleplayer.

Are you really leaving? Please tell me you are. These troll posts are obnoxious.

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I’m not familiar enough with Alleria to know, I know that Jaina’s prone to flying off the handle, but what’d Anduin do? At worst, he’s late on payment to some stonemasons (right, the Defias are stonemasons?), but I don’t recall him ever signing off on anything remotely close to what Jaina/Garrosh/Sylvie did. That’s kind of what people keep bringing up against him, that he’s not bloodthirsty enough like his ol’ pops.

He gave the order to siege Zuldazar and kill Rastakhan. Jaina led the army and fleet. Alleria is a sesscionist trying to make the blood elves joing the alliance.

Anduin was following the rules of warfare though. He learned from the cluster that Taurajo was and was working to try and ensure as much life was preserved as possible during the campaign and even offered Rastakhan a chance to surrender. Rastakhan chose to die and lose the throne versus simply accepting the terms of surrender offered to him. Garrosh deleted Theramore (which sent Jaina reeling and she overreacted in Dalaran), tried to conquer Azeroth (which sent the Horde reeling and they rebelled against him), tried again with an extraplanar army, and Sylvanas had the double-whammy of Teldrassil and trying to delete reality itself. As far as Alleria goes, again is she talking to Blood Elves and trying to engineer a revolution, is she doing guerilla warfare against leadership? Surely she’s not just murdering randoms, that’s not how to inspire people to overthrow their leaders.

Anduin is squeaky clean here.

Attacking a neutral party who did yet not chose to be part of the Horde had nothing to do with the war against Sylvanas.

Spoken like a true bootlicker.

She is a diehard alliance loyalist who never grew beyond the second war and lives in the past and can’t accept that her homeland moved on without her. That is all I need to know to hate her.

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The Zandalari had beef with the Alliance from well before BFA, hell, members of the Horde had very good reasons to hate the Zandalari (Pandaren especially), yet by Sylvanas’s decree they’re welcomed with open arms.

It wasn’t a secret at that point in BFA that the Horde was courting the Zandalari fleet so it made sense to do a quick pre-emptive strike to capture and ransom Talanji for Zandalari Empire to not aid the Horde. Was it nice? No, absolutely not, but ransoms were commonplace in the day. Score a noble’s kid? Ransom them for a fair payout, vanish into the night, and enjoy your money. It was even commonplace between nations and treated almost like diplomacy versus acts of war. If a kingdom could just fork over some gold to get a dignitary back versus having to engage in the meatgrinder that was medieval warfare and likely lose said dignitary anyway once the walls close in, the kingdom would glady pay the money and then scold the dignitary for being careless.

Talanji’s capture was ‘aggressive diplomacy’ more than a full-on act of war. Plus, I think she was just a bystander of opportunity, if I remember Zul was the real target. Alliance leadership probably figured they could use the two-for-one to strongarm negotiations in their favor. By the time BFA kicked off, it was clear the Zandalari were letting the Horde operate openly in their cities and were acting as an ally in all but declaration, so the Alliance would have no choice but to siege the city if they wanted to remove the Horde presence from the island. If anything, Sylvanas was basically using the entire Empire as a human (troll?) shield from the Alliance by, as she always does, forcing them to fight and die for her fights.

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The Horde screeching about war crimes is like a kleptomaniac complaining about having their wallet stollen.


They did harm to my faction so I hate them. Easy enough to understand it yes?