Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Stromgarde used to be contested before and now is back in the hands of the Trollbane family. How is that not a win?

Please do not involve yourself if you arent going to follow the discussion. I did not say that it wasn’t a win, I said that the evidence they linked that proved “Alliance won the whole of the fourth war” was just a link to a sentence saying alliance won the arathi warfront.

Misconstrue the words of others, begone from me.

It was a full victory for them. Rastakhan, Gallywix, Saurfang, Nathanos and Sylvanas are gone. All whom were the main instigators of the conflict. And the Horde council ceded alot of territory in your favor. Anyone deflecting this claim by some armistice argument doesn’t argue in good faith here.

The fourth war ended in a truce.

Was a dissenter, not an instigator of his own choice.

returned* as part of the truce.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so what you’ve been doing the whole time, what a troll.
“anyone who uses the correct outcome of the fourth war is a troll” Go outside, you’re cooked.

Move past it because you know you had no right to Tauren land.

Literally not.

If killing off our leaders, villifying us, removing us from the story and stripping the Horde of it’s identity is liking us then you need to fix your feelers there.

I think you aren’t because you talked yourself into a corner.

Her statements came after the start of the fourth war. She knows she also went after innocent people. She knows that’s wrong. At least she knows better than players do about it.

You mean like Varian being on it in Legion? Both sides were on it for BFA. What are you on about?

Because you have none. It’s just jealous rambling without anything to really be jealous about.


Funny how you never responded to me posting a link saying that isn’t true. Where after the war you got back Darkshore and Arathi after winning the Warfronts.

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You missed my point and I’d rather not repeat myself over and over and over.

Keep being wrong.

What you just described is being given story after story after story.

I really haven’t. I am at least following the conversation and replying properly.

sigh, ill simplify it for you. “where is the alliance symbolism being displayed in anyway similar to a giant orc statue outside of their campus and the main shout of blizzcon being for the horde”. Sorry you thought I meant loading screen.

Your inability to properly engage with my basic points does not mean I do not have them, it means you aren’t listening or reading properly.

No jealousy, I play both factions. You are just wrong.

Alliance still has presence in the Barrens for no actual reason.

It was a full blown surrender. Nice words won’t sugar coat it.

I don’t feel that favortiism yet. I have literally nothing but RP anymore which ties me to the plot.

The link that you added that in no way supported alliance flat out winning the fourth war and only highlighted their victory in a specific battle? Yeah I engaged with your false information by calling it that. The same page says the overall war ended in a truce/armistice.

There is not “gotcha” moment here for you.

You two have fun patting each other on the back since you have zero points to be made and only bad faith arguments.

You had none.

Oh no not the one thing showing only the Horde in a place you’ll never visit and has no bearing on the game. Poor wittle Awwiance.

Winning everything isn’t surrender.

So you didn’t read on beyond the highlight
 it was to lead you to read the whole thing.

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I’d like to wait and see what happens with the horde in the expansion that isn’t going to be out for like 6 months before I make a judgement about how hard done by my faction is.

Also for someone who has decided to quit over this OP sure has a lot to say.

So you have chosen to give up this argument, probably for the best. You’ve stopped making real arguments and started being leaning into being insulting and a brat.

You’re done here.

Where have I said that? If you need to go somewhere and do something just say so.

Proving your statements wrong by providing proof is not a real argument I guess. Seems like you just wanna have the last word.

Nah I’m gonna keep discussing things here. You can go do whatever.

When you chose to be beligerent and insulting over backing your points. Mocking people is bad faith discussion. I figured you’d given up. Especially when you aren’t able to coherently respond to my simple points at all.

Nah, you have posted zero refutation of my claims. Your Battle of stormgarde “highlight” was a battle (not the alliance winning the whole war) and the last paragraph of the section. You have nothing.

That would be a first, as you haven’t been able to do that so far. Enjoy your own echo chamber and un-founed pity party.

the farstriders of quel’lithien, the hinterlands helfs, the helfs of windrunners overlook, who apparently are still there in lore as of SL, the helfs of theramore, the helfs in the sw mage tower, the helfs in dalaran, the helfs of the argent tournament. 2 of the 3 windrunner sisters and their offspring.

Your points are you think humans were chased out of their land that was actually Tauren land. That you think a war that even Blizz said the Alliance won ended in a truce, despite link proof and that after the wringer the writers put the Horde through we are still favored because of a statue.


And what have those high elfs actually done do aside from being sweet armcandy to human main characters? See.

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Wrong. I used barrens as an example of the disparity in zones controlled as what alliance received after most neutral zones went to primarily to the horde. YOU put this chasing out of their lands narrative out there not me. Again, you missed a simple point.

Armistice. Point me to a blue or a dev saying otherwise.

The link that shows alliance won the battle of stormgarde? Yes, we did win that. The link says the final outcome of the war was a truce/armistice. Your link was not what you wanted it to be.

So you can’t refute the Horde has been tangibly favored by Blizzard. Only snippy comments.

You are legit done here. You have nothing to put forward but anger and bias. You can keep going if you would like but I’m confident in moving on from you and continuing to be in the right here. I give you the last word on this since you seem focused on that for some point.

People on twitter say that is just a placeholder and no model for Talanji so far was found in the files. It is most likley an NPC for the half dark trolls we saw in the initial leak.

And the battle of Lordaeron
And the battle of Darkshore.
and the Battle of Zuldazar.
And the final stand at Orgrimmar.