Yet again the Horde get's nothing

It’s kind of messed up that you think Silvermoon is the only “nice city”, and arguably a little racist.

I would take all of these.

  • Zuldazar is very Aztec, which is cool.

  • Thunderbluff is gorgeous and has Native Representation in it’s design. Which as someone who is from three different Native American Tribes. I appreciate seeing some nods that we exist, in video games and media.

  • Thundertotem, I like for similar reasons to the bluff. But personally the open air mesa is more chill and pretty in that way to me. But it’s honestly more that I’m scared I’d fall to my death in one of their elevators.

  • Echo Isles, look, I kinda just love the Trolls, and thier aesthetic. Plus the music is great. I almost exclusively level my Vulpera in Troll zones because of it.

It would still be a Blood Elven City, the Alliance would just also be able to go there. In this game, we go to cities of people in areas where it is story relevant.

The Bottom line, is that people want Silvermoon, and will likley get Silvermoon. Becasue they have been making MASSIVE Cities for the player hubs, ever since BfA. They also are not going to make a big sprawling Silvermoon City as a Horde only Hub, to just give the Alliance something puny or small.

Which means, from a development standpoint, you have to think of where else they could build a SECOND city.

  1. In the Ghostlands on top of Deatholme, might work. Afterall that is where the Void Elves were studying the void, away from Rommath’s watchful eye.
  2. Perhaps the un-named zone, inbetween the plaugelands, and the Ghostlands. This area has been datamined since Legion to be covered in a massive Void Field.

But it just stands to reason, that they likely won’t make a second city, due to development resources.

Not to mention, that Silvermoon is the ancestral home of the Blood Elves, the Void Elves, and the High Elves (who’s customization options are a subrace for BE and VE, with the Blue eyes). So it would also make sense to allow them into the city, at least for the expansion.

For all we know, they could make yet ANOTHER instanced version, that is Horde only, after the xpac is over.

But this constant prattling on, about how


Is very exhausting, and yes, there are people who will play Void Elves, and roleplay going home into thier birth city, or being on a pilgrimage, but why is that a bad thing?

Or your other point of

The Alliance just wants it out of revenge for us going to Bel’Ameth

Is just sooo exhausting.

Very few people play strictly ONE faction. Most play both, I myself cycle based on the patches if I’m playing my Blood Elves or my Void Elves.

And your constant screaming like a child, of “it’s my toy, you can’t have it” over a city in a video game. Just reminds me of when Void Elves came out, before thier update.

When people, like myself, had asked about human skin tones and hair colors, and your ilk just REEEEED, about how it was stealing your identity.

Like you don’t the concept of melanin skin tones for elves, and blood elves were not the only player race with those tones or hair colors.

Like no one, is trying to just take things from the Horde. Because they can log in and play thier Horde toons.

and I can basically be a High Elf, who wouldn’t necessarily WANT Silvermoon anyhow. Since they’re more about Dalaran and Stormwind.

It just makes the MOST logical sense, from a Developer, Lore, and Gameplay point of view, to use Silvermoon as the main base for the duration of the expansion.

All the other good looking cities(Ironforge, Stormwind and Boralus) are part of the alliance. Blizzard literally made little to no effort creating the spaces for trolls, Tauren and Orcs.

Thunderbluff, is literally a beautiful city, built with First Nations architecture and motifs. Thundertotem, is also a beautiful Tauren city, with First Nations motifs.

The Echo Isles update, is a pretty nice safe space for the Trolls. Consider the Darkspear specifically are Jungle Trolls, who fled due to political reasons. So it makes sense they don’t have this massive thriving area.

But also Zuldazar, is metropolis for ALL Troll kind.

Orgrimar, and a large chunk of Draenor are Orcish cities and towns, that look nice.

I just personally don’t prefer Orgrimar, so I get it.

Nope. Alliance players want Silvermoon. Blood elf players already have Silvermoon. This comes from an place of entitlement and nothing else and we both know it. The blood elves are the one race that aren’t Orcs who have arguably the best reason not to trust the alliance about anything and especially not granting them acces to their land whatever the reason if not for being strongarmed into it by Thrall and Baine like they did with poor Talanji and the Zandalari.

A bunch of tents on a mesa.

Same here like wit normal Tauren.

The smallest tribe with little space at all not even close compared to Mechagon and Gnomeregan.

And ruined now thanks to the alliance attack.

Draenor was lost to Yrel, Orgrimmar is super ugly and looks like a barracks and not a real city.

They have the OG Silvermoon, and it will stay how it is.

All players want Silvermoon. As the rebuilt and reimagined Silvermoon, isn’t even released yet, and we don’t know how it’ll be.

The entitlement, is expecting the game Developers to give your faction a safe space, in a time when there is no Faction War. It’s also a bit gatekeepy.

They’ve almost rejoined the Alliance multiple times.

They also have next to NO reason to trust Orcs, Trolls, or Forsaken. Given thier history, yet they do anyhow.

So that whole point is moot.

They lost Talanji’s father.

Which is nothing compared to Nuking Theramore, and burning down Teldrassil, which was effectively a genocide of Night Elves.

That’s racist against First Nations, to immediately call it ugly, because it uses that culture.

It’s not ruined in game at all, just for a cinematic. It’s effectively rebuilt in full. If I recall, Boralus also got sacked and wrecked in the storyline, but it’s pretty much good now.

It is not for the alliance to claim it. It was never your city and won’t be your city. Get out and stay in Stormwind where you belong.

And their army, fleet, treasury, Loa high priests. They are now effectivley useless. Don’t downplay the disaster that was the raid.

It actually was the Alliance’s city before Blood Elves were added in TBC.

But it being neutral, is not the Alliance claiming it. It’s literally just letting Alliance members in, for an expansion hub.

It would also give mages a new teleport and portal to the updated city.

It was nothing near Theramore or Teldrassil.

Not to mention that, because of that, she was able to use Bwonsamdi to help her people regain strength.

Or the fact, that all Troll Tribes still pay tribute to the Zandalari, as they are were the Troll Congregation meets to talk about Troll maters and policies across the different Tribes.

They got dealt a loss, but they’re still a super power, with several Loa right there to help them. In fact a lot of the story beats with them after that raid. Is about them regaining thier strength, and over-coming adversity.

But the losses happened on both sides numerous times in BfA.

Quel’thalas was alliance for 5 minutes and instantly left one the second war was over. Pretending they are diehard loyalists is surley a narrative Alleria likes to lie about all the time but it holds up not a further inspection of you read about how it actually went down.

They aren’t. They are dead and gone and will never matter again just like all the other times Blizzard didn’t care about the trolls or any other Horde race until now.

They were Alliance for more then 5 minutes. Yes the main population splits off to become the Blood Elves, and they eventually join the Horde.

But that Alliance Loyalty, from their years of membership/allyship. Is largely the sole reason the High Elf group even is a separate thing. Because they didn’t want to forsake their alliance with the humans.

This isn’t true. As I have already said, all Troll tribes pay tribute to the Zanadalari, who also have a VAST amount of natural resources and places to grow food at, on thier continent.

Giving them a great revenue stream, on top of the aid from the Loas, and the Vulpera, who show up at the funeral, and even end up forming a tight-nit bond with the Zandalari before they join the Horde.

As for relevance Talanji, is literally the main representative it seems so far, to speak with the Harronir. The Fairycore Bugbear people, who will likley be a new allied race. They also are (SUPER SPOILER): living around and at the roots of Elun’ahir. Having a deep connection to nature. So Talanji being the person who interacts with them, is going to be a pretty big chunk of the story with the expansion.

Literally just your headcanon. That group of high elves never mattered before not even as subfaction. If they want to be sellouts to human sugar daddies let them be but do not taint the elf lore when it doesn’t hold up. Quel’thalas never cared about the humans and they will not start to do now. And better not be ruined by alliance players who can’t accept that they are no longer welcome in the high home after the countless betrayals of humanity.

No she isn’t. literally just a blurry screenshot from far away taken at the Blizzcon without any further details or explanations attached to it.

It’s literally the lore.

So Alleria Windrunner never mattered before? Nor Varessa Windrunner? The Silver Covenant.

The Elves of Dalaran?

Not true, a lot of them actually loved the moxy and determination of humans, despite being ugly. It’s in the Sylvanus book.

So yes, the Quel’thelas respected and liked humans.

So uh…you’re the one with the headcannon.

Have you seen the datamining, and other things that have shown up online? My guess is not.

The dark troll half breeds are not tied to the Zandalari in any way.

The story you tell yourself every night to pretend the blue team should be allowed to take Silvermoon? Nope not happening.

Sylvanas did. You know. The actual cool and relevant of the three sisters :smiley:

Quel’thala was independant and Horde most of the time. At no point they pulled their weight for the official leadership. Mind you back then Alleria was just a ranger captain and Vereesa wasn’t even an officer. The Ranger General title she holds is basically a pretender and mockery of the true Farstrider organization.

Talanji is involved in thier story. We don’t know if they’re Dark Trolls or not. But if they are, then they are related to the Zandalari, as all Troll tribes descend from them.

That’s false. They’ve only been with the Horde for maybe 16 years. The entirety of WoW’s story isn’t that long.

They have a history with the Alliance though.

Some would call you an edge lord for that take, lmao. But regardless, Sylvanus actually also had ties and a bit of loyalty to the Alliance, through Nathanos. Who was the first human who proved himself so good at archery, they let him be an honorary Farstrider. As PART of thier alliance with the humans.

Also false, Alleria was Ranger General, BEFORE she went to the Alliance to help them fight.

Someone doesn’t know thier lore…how embarrassing.

It’s apparent that you don’t care about the lore, or have anything intelligent going on for you, other then your own sounding board in this thread.

So I’m putting it on mute. Have fun with your headcannons.

Either cite an actual source on this or I will continue to call you a liar.

They don’t. They weren’t even members for a full year. Read Chronicles and the Sylvanas novel.

And as undead which was the way we know them about they been Horde.

No she wasn’t. Her mother was, who denounced her because she was hanging around humans all the time and ignoring her duty to all the other rangers which is why she gave the title to Sylvanas instead.

Finally. Truth prevails as always.


This is from a press image when War Within was revealed months ago. I zoomed in and cropped it to show Talanji there in the back.

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So it is still only the blurry picture and no actual details or explanations attached to it. Got it.

You are so my total vibe on this type of stuff, ily. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


No I did not, I gtoped them as if on PVP servers, so those were in the 2nd group, or 1st conrested zones as far as redridge and duskwood, westfall was in the section you quoted,

That’s fine, we can move past this since you are confused on it.

Armistice, truce.

Sorry, the linked is for the ARATHI WARFRONT and not the entirety of the fourth war. You know, the battle of stormgarde during the fourth war?

It’s directly related to the dev team liking horde more. Why give the alliance the hero treatment then put up an orc statue and scream only “for the horde!” at blizzcon.

Now you just aren’t following along anymore.

And then the horde stab the alliance again. Jaina was never wrong even when she had to apologize for being more brisk.

They still helped you before you joined. Nice deflection.

Show endemic favoritism to the horde faction. Sorry that not having a horde face on the screen for the entire expansion makes you feel “ignored”.

You aren’t even properly following my points and you are still getting things wrong. This is done.

It was for a war. Then Anasterian left the Alliance in a fit. The Helves only allied with the Alliance for survival. If that wasn’t necessary, they’d have stayed isolated. It took so much for them to even join the Alliance.