Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Brill is still there. It was UC that took the brunt of things.

Reading this made me physically ill.


Well, I feel better better now.

Wait, I was wrong.


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Brill was a burnt out shell till they rebuilt it after the Alliance left the area. The only way we can go to Brill is in a forsaken disguise. There are no major horde towns the Alliance can enter freely without being attacked by guards. But horde have 2 Alliance towns they can come and go as they want. Heck the horde have a flight path to Gilneas something the Alliance don’t even get.

The thing is blood elves are great because apart from Kael they never lost any of their NPCs or questgivers to a case of sudden plot relevant deaths.

Lord Bloodvalor

and many others are still kicking it and giving alot of love to the only Horde race Blizzard ever bothered not to abuse.

We get attacked by guards in Belameth. And Brill was still standing. Only took some superficial damage. Most of our cities are either destroyed or mudhuts. I don’t know what to tell you.

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If you look at the Horde cities you know what they are on about. They want Silvermoon because in their logic all nice things are alliance property by default.

Even it is destroyed though. It has way more damage than Brill.

I don’t think the blue posters would look at:

the Echo Isles
and Orgrimmar

and say “Yes the alliance should have access to that cuz it looks great.”

There is a raging unhinged night elf poster on the MMO champion who constantly whines that Suramar should be a night elf and Alliance city too since they used to be the original owners 10 years ago.

That is the bottom line of every argument we see here.

No you get a dumb little debuff saying the guards are watching you. Unless you in warmode then your KOS. And as for the mud huts you picked the faction that uses mud huts I don’t know what to tell you. Even on Draenor the orcs had nothing that was a major city in terms of the like of Stormwind or Dalaran as they are a tribal nomadic people they don’t make a permanent city like the Blood Elves or humans would do.

Why would the alliance help the blood elves at Midnight?

Because the high elves of the Alliance are also elves of Quel’Thalas like the blood elves.

Silvermoon will probably be neutral for this reason (elven reunification).

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No there are guards there that will attack us. We can’t use that flight path, nor portals, nor the boats.

I’m fine with it. You’re the one requesting some pristine city.

Silvermoon is also destroyed.

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Just half of it. The other half looks amazing still and falconwing square is also under blood elf control too. It is the one city that stands out and that is because the blood elves were never nomads.

Yeah but if Brill is too destroyed for them, Silvermoon is in worse condition.

By the Lich Kings forces. Blizzard is just lazy about fixing old zones.

Yeah stopped reading anything you said in the thread after this nonsense ranting. If this is what you believe than nothing anyone says will matter because you are in your own little world and all this thread is - is a giant waaaah rant thread based on figments of imagination and plain BS.

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How is it BS when I can actually explain all my arguments here just good enough.

Thunderbluff - native american vibes
the Echo Isles - goblins are cute
and Orgrimmar - only the classic iteration, which was atmospheric
silvermoon - prefer alliance themed city

Yeah I’m just saying that’s what we have. Brill was accessed by you so we accessed Gilneas to give it back to you and then left. Belameth was created as a neutral city in only a sort of way. There’s really no reason to be there. Can’t use the amenities and the portal guards aren’t friendly. Not that I want those places anyway.

I want to be able to fix up Horde cities and have Horde quests.

That is the Darkspear place.

Bilgewater harbor looks like your typical american industrial town. That is where the Goblins live.

As tribal as it gets.

We know its ugly.

Well it belonged to the blood elves until now.

I rather keep it that way.

oh not a fan. too rudimentary but zuldazar and suramar, are glorious