Yet again the Horde get's nothing

The alliance will probably arrive after Quel’Thalas is colored purple.

Still will be ample time to toss the Alliance at the void lords.

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so functional game play murdered by lore again. eek i gotta read tyrande text guess thatll cost blood elf updated city

Show the interview. Or go look up the interviews I’m mentioning myself, they’re on WoWhead.

Can’t go there on mobile.

For having virtually no facts cited so far you use the term cope quite a lot. Do you need to compensate for something?

I’m literally citing to you, that the information about that, comes from the Blizzcon Reveal Videos on YouTube about Midnight.

For having virtually no literacy skills, you seem to be very arrogant. Are you compensating for something?

eek no. hes my fav horde leader.

For what reason gives here? He constantly forgets that every time a blood elf is killed it is usually the fault of some high elves or Jaina yet he treats both her and Vereesa like they are friends.

The game was fully functional before cross-faction. The only people who were put out were people who didn’t even raid, but felt bad because of Hall of Fame.

I don’t mind optional cross-faction, but keep it optional. Which I think it will stay that way with them saying the barrier is still important.

Name 1 horde city the alliance can go in and not be attacked by guards.

hes so eloquent and gracious. hed be perfect if he didnt tend to go dictator occasionally. i hope they dont kill him off.

An instance of Brill and the upper part of UC.

If they kill any blood elf leader it will be Rommath and Liadrin cuz blood elves aren’t allowed to be patriotic in the Horde going by current Blizzard writing. So he is safe I bet.

There will always be two factions for the protection of Quel’Thalas.

He’s useless, he prefers to travel with his wife…

The destroyed version if Brill isn’t a city and upper undercity guards will attack alliance players. Nice try. Once again name 1 major city the Alliance can walk around and not be attacked on sight or had guards sicked on them.

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well alliamce is losing one of our neutral leaders…khadgar

You could rejoin a real faction if you wanted.