Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Remember that the blood elves will need the Alliance to protect Quel’Thalas. :wink:

It’s a summary from the interview basically saying that most embrace cross faction stuff but the basic barriers will stay in place.

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Good we can throw them at the void lords. Launch them if necessary.


The blood elves and nightborne will serve wine to welcome the alliance to Silvermoon. This is probably the Midnight pre-patch scenario.

We’ll also make sure to add special flavor to that wine. Just for them.


You will no longer have your Alliance heroes to survive…

Haven’t needed them in over 20 years now. But we could use them for bonfires. Gets chilly at night.

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I seriously think a blood elf leader could die at Midnight.

Maybe Lor’Themar?

I think it’ll be Alliance this time since most Horde leaders have been killed off.

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Blizzard’s killed off everyone else, so that fits.

Horde get female bearded dwarf.

But it is a horde territory that will be attacked !!!

That’s a hilarious line since it’s incomplete.

More accurate would be:

  • The boundaries between factions are important, but they aren’t the main thing for most players, since we at Blizzard have spent the last decade stomping the Horde into the dirt.
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Y’all will be our meat shields.

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well if its true you’ll get an updated silvermoon, and get to access your original too, you’ll be ahead two cities to the void elves no city.

In the interviews that have came out since they introduced Cross Faction Guilds. They said they don’t see themselves doing Faction based content anytime soon, as their goal is bring the player base together and remove barriers. Not create more.

Literally go watch the Blizzcon reveal of Midnight. They point blank state Midnight’s continent will be a complete overhaul of Quel’thelas. Cope harder.

we gonna lose: dadgar

Show the quote because they said the opposite recently in their interview posted on MMO-Champion.

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Is that worth the 2 years of Tyrande lecturing everyone about how she was right, all along? Hardly seems worth it.

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I think nothing is worth that but also we should maintain our capitols.