Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Darkshore is controlled by the alliance again. Teldrassil was destroyed not shared mind you. Those two happenings are not the same thing and you know that.

They can travel by boat to our area lol.

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No. I already lost Kael’thas and I will not sit here and accept losing the one single good city the Horde has regarding core races.

Suramar does have beautiful ships going to waste.

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Ah, I gotcha yeah. My bad.

If you wanna go this route, they should’ve never went Horde.

No, it’s literally what Blizzard themselves have made clear they want for the direction of thier game going forward.

Not to mention, the original version will still be Horde only, when your phase into with the Bronze Dragon girl.

I’m telling how the ingame mechanic will work, to get to your current day Silvermoon.

And that either way, they’re building a brand new version, that based on what they’ve said, and shown. Is 100% going to be neutral.

Again, the OG version will be phasable for you to visit at anytime, :slight_smile:

You’re not losing anything because we’ll never truly get Suramar.

It’s just a pipe dream and we’ll have to be stuck with Silvermoon.

The high elf district of Silvermoon will need to be repainted blue !

They have a home in Stormwind. They didn’t even want to live with Belves. And that’s if they don’t die when Dalaran is destroyed. The alpha states that there might be only two survivors. And the Silver Covenant were in the city for the epilogue.

There are silver cov and general high elf nps on the alpha fighting at the ruins of dalaran so i think they all lived


Let me guess all Sunreavers minus Aethas are dead?

Don’t worry they never said that. Quel’thalas is literally too small to be a continent. So I wager we travel to a void world most of the time.

I believe i read they are there too but in lower numbers than the high elf npcs.
Might be making that up though.

eek. i dont like this dalaran destroyed scenario

If they kill any NPC it should be Aethas.

High Arcanist Savor
And Elsia

Are actually cool people.

Oh I know they didn’t say it. They’ve said the opposite just the other day where they said that they’ve learned that it’s important to keep faction barriers in place. Which was posted on MMO-Champion.

if anything, it’ll be a temporary forward base to fight the void invasion

Elven reunification will be the reason to welcome the homeless high elves ! :people_hugging:

I can help them drown in the well.

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Do we know if there is a full source?
This is all i could find

  • The boundaries between factions are important, but they aren’t the main thing for most players.

Would be interesting to know what was actually said instead of a summary

Yes they will dunk on an actual playable race to cater to a fraction of players for a race that was never playable. Peak logic right here.