Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Which would create an ugly precedence since it turns the one nice thing the Horde still calls their own into neutral content while no such thing ever happened to any of the actual good stuf the alliance had which are all still faction exclusive last time I checked. If that indeed should happen then Blizzard can kiss the blood elf comunity goodbye.

ut oh. whats gonna happen. spoiler alert deadgar?

I think we should let the Alliance have 18-year old Silvermoon with its ugly scar and the elf capital city becomes Suramar.

It’s 10x prettier and the wine is 10x more potent.

How is it less effort to turn a capitol city and starting area into a neutral city? It’d be easier just to convert the Isle. They already broke the UC flight point giving you guys access to an instance of Brill and the top of UC. It apparently is not easy for them to do.

In either 10.2.7 or TWW, Suramar is going to be an actual city for us to use. I don’t have all the details but you can go further into the city without getting eaten by a demon.

which ones? the kil’jaeden followers or the lor’themar belfs?

That’s not a restrictive area like how the UC is restricted

No, it’s not. Every expansion has a City, and they get bigger and bigger. A small hub on the Isle isn’t an expansion Hub.

The faction is over, deal with it.

The Elves are all uniting, what part of unity, makes you think exclusive city?

It won’t be like BfA.

Bel’Ameth wasn’t your home either.

Chromie is right there, if you want to go back to exclusivity.

We might have a disconnect on what we think midnight is going to be.

Im anticipating that all of quelthalas is remade as a whole expansion area complete with 4 max level zones, flying, a fully remade and updated silvermoon etc

Or we finally heal the damage done by the Scourge, make new quests, reclaim all former hubs and towns, broker a peace to the Amani due Zandalari diplomacy AND get a leader that deosn’t have severe Amnesia and ignores that the alliance caused 99% of all problems the blood elves faced so far since Warcraft 3.

oh nice!
such a masterpiece

Another positive for Suramar is we can fly there. They would have to completely revamp Silvermoon to allow that.

Vote Suramar 2024.

They’re basically gutting the zone, and remaking the entire thing. Becasue they have to in order to allow flying.

Meaning, they have to rebuild Silvermoon anyhow. Questing experience for Blood Elves, probably won’t be in the new HD Quel’Thelas.

at lvl.10, it’ll probably auto-convert for you, and you’ll have to talk to Chromie to go back.

Just like how Darkshore is now

Or the alliance doesn’t come in and steal the city of the blood elves just so they can wave their lion banners around just to pretend Quel’thalas never left the alliance. I know what roleplayers are capable of so don’t play dumb here.

Purple, white and blue > red, gold and green

Vote Suramar for your elf capital city 2024

It’s gonna happen. Just accept it.

They’ve already said the days of faction exclusive content is over.

And here it is. The real reason Alliance fans want it to be neutral. Cause it takes away all the content from a playable race as some sort of revenge.

I’m thinking it’s an instance and that could bring problems but alao not having one interrupts our starting quests.

Not my problem if a small indie company can’t effort to make both factions happy in a system they created from launch day forwards.

But on the same token, I don’t think that means they’re going to screw up the old zones.

The zones are timelocked to their expansion and in those expansions we hate each other.

I’m pretty sure they mean going forward but we’ll have to see.

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No? lmao are you on something.

They’re literally making a BRAND new continent from scratch.

EVEN IF the Horde only gets access to Silvermoon, it will still be instanced 100% from the current leveling quests and areas.

Blizzard isn’t going to build a whole expansion area, from the ground up, and a massive city, just to make it exclusive to one side.

If anything, they’d split Quel’thelas down the middle, with a Horde and Alliance side based on the current devs, and what they’ve said thier philosphies are for the future of WoW.

So it’s not your problem, that Silvermoon is going to be neutral. Got it

They’ve said that they won’t remake a zone, without keeping a perfect copy of it, for players to go back to, and to see those quests.

So we know that Midnight will be an entirely different instance, that they’ve said will fully connect with the EK, instead of being a portal to get into the area.

[quote=“Soulebreaker-hyjal, post:963, topic:1832986”]
They never said this. They were asked if we are getting updates. They only said that is a safe assumption.