Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Brill is still under construction and Undercity blocked by the door, not sure what they are talking about here.

Where can you not go?

It’s not an expansion level capital city, now is it?

No, it won’t. And if it’s as you say, and the writing is on the wall. Then you know it’s true that Silvermoon will be neutral.

Is that the Isle of Quel’Danas? I thought usually you’d just take the port from Shatt

Yes it will.

Alleria and Umbric can make demands sure sincr they are diehard alliance fanatics but there is no reason any of the blood elf leaders should care about that since they made their decision and stick with it for the past 17 years so far.

It is a hub and that is enough. The Draenei back then were happy with it too.

Vendors, portals, the boat to Gilneas, Inn with hearthstone. And that debuff.

We can’t go near some guards, use flight paths, portals, or boats.

They’ll either make sure it is upon redesign or give you a Stormwind portal. Which is more than we get in your areas.

illidan was leader of the demon hunters, so he was half horde and half alliance.

anyway, lore is not the fault of the players. thrall will likely be the hero of the whole thing, cause hes awesome.

Yeah I just reread that and got confused.

They quoted someone about the Ghostlands and the Alliance has a small neutral hub and a flight path there for the dungeon.

But now I realized they said “the Isle.”

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Thrall sucks and he is a filthy human lover who has nothing to do with actual and real Orcs.

I get very lost as well when the thread arguments turns into 1000000 quotes :sob:

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And in a game with 2 factions, you would say its good game design to give one faction a hub in the heart of the content, and the other faction has to gtfo for 2 years?

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Well, the solution is to give me a flight path to the Draenei starter zone so I can do Midsummer easier.

Just sayin’

Yes, it’s not your home. It should be like BFA where you are stationed somewhere else completely.

also illidan saved the blood elves from garithos

You mean like the Horde was ignroed for all of Legion and now again for TWW? Yeah surley Blizzard never did that right? As usually you only care when it is your side who doesn’t get content.

He didn’t do just that he relayed back to us how to siphon magic from living creatures for our own survival.

Illidan broke his promise and told the majority of the blood elves to get bent when he took their best soldiers to turn them into new demon hunters while telling no one his actual plan about defeating the Legion.

TBF we got Suramar, which has caused great angst for Alliance players.

And it will get even better soon :smiling_imp:

Now now we are better then this okay? We don’t rub into into someones fans after Nightborne actually got some content that isn’t fighting their own people.

If they want horde and alliance exclusive zones and content im all for that.
But when the zones are all shared, making one faction have to portal away is atrocious game design and im 100% confident they wont do that.

Either the alliance will build their own city there next to silvermoon thats alliance exclusive.
Which would be extremely weird but technically anything is possible.

Or silvermoon goes neutral.
This seems the most logical option to me as its less effort and makes the most narrative sense.
But time will tell.

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I think in general there’s no reason to not give more accessible portals. Like put a neutral hub in Bloodmyst (I mean the place is filled with Blood Elves so they could just use a mini camp there), or create a port to Hearthglen or something so the Alliance gets easy access to EK also

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