Yet again the Horde get's nothing

You said anything that was good. Vulpera are objectively GOOD.

The Exodar can’t fly, making it kind of a nothingberger zone for most.

Bel’Ameth and Gilneas are Horde friendly and usable, including the portal network there.

You do realize, only Alliance zones or cities are used for Neutral spaces, like Dalaran, right?

False, if you read my post, they’re expanding that area in 10.2.7 to be larger for them.

You literally can though, I can use them on my Blood Elf.

It’s literally in the quest text for the leveling zone, and mentioned in the Allied Race Nightborne scenario, as well as the supplementary books.

The expansion, is in the that zone, that’s the main zone, obviously the main city, is going to be the main hub.

Get over it, Gilneas is a capital, and so was Bel’Ameth, but they’re Horde friendly now.

The alliance being attacked in game, is a gameplay system.

It’s literally the LORE of the city. Someone hasn’t read all the quest text, or the books.

Literally all over the press content that was released when they announced, and the PTR blue posts for it.

The game, but not the lore.

There is a Dwarf from Ironforge, who is allowed in the city, and you get a quest to kill him, when he’s found out to be spying. But he’s allowed to be there, until he’s discovered as a spy.

Again, play your own starting zone.

The Alliance doesn’t have UC access. The new NPC area that is used for the Forsaken Heritage quests, are hostile toward Alliance.

The Well is on the Isle. Which is where Void Elves can’t currently go, or it goes Void.

Which you’d think you’d know.

Mechagon, Sahdwoforge, Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Boralus and Telogrus can be entered by Horde players? Didn’t know that. Show me.

It’s actually not on the isle specifically. The expansion is a redo of Quel’thelas, and the expansion is set in that area, with a focus being the sunwell sure. But that’s not just where the big threat is.

If any place becomes a neutral hub it will be Quel’danas you can be sure of that.

For one side to only use it while the other does not have a city base? Yes.

Admittedly this is an assumption on my part, but if theyre reworking the place i assume it will be done with flying in mind and youll be able to get between the two locations in seconds.

I’m gonna laugh so hard, when it’s Silvermoon. They’re not going to remake an entire city, and have it be the hub for only one faction, when the faction conflict is no longer a thing.

All Quest NPCs are Horde aligned and the guard NPCs attack any alliance player running around. So you arguments lose here big times.

Faction fanatics are a different kind of weird.

Yes they will. Anything else would be unfair since you don’t see Draenei losing their capital to neutrality which was the blood elf mirror race of TBC.

I can’t wait to do more quests with the petulant, cankle nelf lady alternating between professing her love for the tree dude and scowling at us. Us Hordies deserve to burn her down wickerman style.

It is pretty clear that the “writers” at Blizzard designed the Horde to be the foils for the pious faction.

Gameplay =/= story.

There are Alliance NPCs that are allowed into the city, such as an Ironforge Dwarf.

How is your reading comprehension this low?

We are only like that because Blizzad keeps ignoring the Horde any time it isn’t a story about faction war.

The one sole alliance ambassador that was allowed there was killed because he was spying for the night elves who planned a full scale invasion under orders of Fandral Staghelm.

There are several instances of the Horde going into the Exodar. It’s not neutral yet, because they’ve not redone it since the faction conflict went away.

This is what you get for going to Bel’Ameth. Cope

I didn’t see them call it that and it is not that.

It was only Alliance aligned for the second war.

That’s not the race being allowed in the city lol.

I have many times. Spies are not your faction being allowed in our city goofy.

The top of UC they do. They just can’t go doen in.

Everyone knows that but it only reacts if they dip their toes in. They’ll likely be heavily watched.

Leave it to your average alliance fan to be vile and toxic when he acts like spoiled kids who are angry if Blizzard doesn’t cater to their feelings all 5 minutes. Never change. You are making the league of legends fandom look tame and reasonable.

It’s the Isle and surrounding areas like Eversong forest and Ghostlands. But likely only instanced versions like how it is with Brill.

He let Alliance Citizens in, such as that Dwarf, and High Elves. Meaning he allows Alliance members in.

Which the Horde can go everywhere in Alliance areas, also you can’t as an Alliance go to the area where Calia is now on the top, at least last I checked.

You’ve literally done that, this whole thread, acting like you’re a victim, and that the Horde gets nothing.

See you in Silvermoon in 2 years.

Yeah, the old OG version will be Chromie Time usable, but the new version, will most likley use Silvermoon as the neutral hub for both. Unless they decide to make an entirely new city in the Ghostlands.

They do get nothing. Check the TWW intro again. The writing is all over the wall RN.

You will not get Silvermoon. It is Horde turf and will stay that way.

Only HEs get to have pilgrimage.

No we cannot, nor do we have full access to amenities.

They already have a neutral hub on the Isle.

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Yeah the Alliance has a flight path and we don’t.

I know why the flight path is there but it still sucks that we have to go back in time and fly past a bunch of murderous guards but the Alliance just gets to drop 1g.