Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Nope, he’s part of the Deepholm intro quest, and then part of the entire Elemental Bonds Questline that made Kal’el no! Go’el a meme, and you go with him through the Hour of Twilight dungeon and finally the DS raid.

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They don’t make music like they used to :smiling_face_with_tear:

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It was a huge mistake by Blizzard to use Thrall for both factions’ storytelling, during Cataclysm.

I really don’t know what they were thinking.

Not only did it make Alliance players unhappy, but Blizzard RUINED Thrall for Horde players, in the process. And stuck them with Garrosh, which causes negative ripples to this day.


Are they still doing favors for us? Because Calia is still doing that for the Alliance…

No people assumed it would be but capitols have auction houses, banks and other things. This has none of that and we don’t have free range of what is there.

When Teldrassil comes back it’ll likely remain Alliance. But if Alliance keep asking for Silvermoon, I’ll start asking for Teldrassil to be taken from the Alliance.

Those are actually on par with each other.

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Except you can’t fly in Silvermoon and the whole city is made of 2d facades like a back-lot spaghetti western movie set.

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Honestly I don’t understand how difficult it is to just give a 2 faction perspective. Gives people a reason to quest at least 2 times as well


It’s either Blizzard developer hubris, or a cost-cutting measure so they can deliver half the content.

Or maybe both.


For now. The reason the Alliance wants it is because it’s being redesigned. Even though they claimed before to not want it. They just wanted to be the Helves that were always with the Alliance, honestly.

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Or at the least have her become a real Forsaken and stop doing favors for the Alliance.


It really only requires some off-shoots cause most of the time we’re dealing with neutral NPCs. In some cases they might not be able to avoid it if the NPC is heavily involved in the narrative. So it’s like [a] [b] [c] will be the same for both factions, but each might have a [d] variation that’s unique to their faction.

One example I can think of is during the Emerald Dream questline, instead of having Lilian and Shandris work together, the Horde could’ve got Hamuul and Zen’tabra doing something to figure out their Tauren/Troll Druidic connection.

Or like in the Shadowlands intro quest, it was just so weird for Horde players to be following Jaina around. They could’ve done something with Nazgrim and Baine that ended up with his capture.

Like it really just requires intentionality and they’d make it work.


It would require additional recorded dialogue, which might add costs they can no longer afford (or want to, at least).

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They aren’t even trying to hide it. Whenever something nice is added to the game Blizzard gives it to the blue team by default. There is a reason alliance players never ask access to Orgrimmar.

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Removing the Forsaken troops, like she did for Genn. Was because he helped them remove the Blight in the UC.

She literally says in SL she’ll help him take Gilneas back as a thank you.

So where there more favors beyond that?

Blizzard was LITTERALLY calling it a capital, and THE NEW HOME for the Night Elves.

Until the fandom outraged online to no end. Because how far away it was from Kalimdor, and that it didn’t seem very city like when it went to the PTR.

So yes, it WAS intended to be the capital.

Not really, Silvermoon is on par with Dalaran.

Lor’themar literally has the city being neutral. Even Dwarves are allowed to visit in the questing experience.

The rule is that while inside the city, no one is allowed to be violent or do something that would undermine or hurt the Blood Elves.

So they’re already a neutral but Horde leaning city.

It’s mainly because the Horde keeps getting access to Alliance only areas, like Bel’Ameth, and the entirety of Gilneas.

Whereas Suramar has a Horde only section, and in the 10.2.7 PTR, it still has a Horde only section that has GROWN.

The Alliance is tired of the double standard, and with the whole neutral no faction conflict storyline. Silvermoon is most likely going to be the new hub.

Either that, or Silvermoon will be HOSTILE to both factions, and the hub will be somewhere else, with Silvermoon having a lot of quests about retaking the city.

Then why are Nightborne and Vulpera Horde Only, when the Alliance got Mechagomes of all things

It is and was always Horde since TBC. At least try to argue in good faith here. Thre is no reason to allow high and void elves inside when considering what they did to our allies two expansions ago.

I’m arguing with the LORE.

Silvermoon is literally the Horde’s version of Dalaran. And Lor’themar has a very clear open door policy. Something that is even reflected in TBC.

I’m sorry you can’t handle the fact, when it’s something you’re trying to get for yourself based on personal wants.

The only lore reason not to allow Alliance to Silvermoon, is because of Void Elves, but honestly they’re fine as long as they aren’t on the Isle of Quel’Danas

Vulpera don’t even habe a hub yet alone an acutal major capital.

I rather lose it to be honest. I can’t stand the idea of a male human paladin marrying his high elf girlfriend infront of the Sunfury spire.

And taht would be bad since we lose Silvermoon while you get to keep Bel’ameth, Gilneas and Exodar without acces for Horde players on a lore scale.

Lmao you ARE the double standard. All neutral content is alliance content.

Just the Nighthold and just for Nightborne, the rest of the city is full of hostile mobs like it was in Legion.

You do know we have a debuff being watched by the city guards and can use none of the gameplay services there right?

Source? I made it up he says.

Silvermoon is a race capital like all of the core races before Cataclysm had it.

Feel free to have it.

I only “want it” because its weird to set an expansion in an area with only one city and only allow one faction to use it.
Especially during a time of peace between factions.

If they can find a way to swing it so its not awkward or weird or makes one faction have to go through additional loading screens etc, then yeah no need.

No it isn’t. It was never neutral. If an alliance player goes inside the guards WILL attack you. The Horde never had their own magical city with its very own mage order running things. Blizzad always run to the Kirin Tor by default for such stories.

Peace brokered by filthy traitors who ignored the suffering of the allies to make friendship with Jaina and Anduin possible. Peace is not an automatation mode for us being friends.

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She’s also the reason you are allowed in Brill and part of UC. So it seems she likes giving up territory to you.


Try again. Dalaran was created to be a neutral city. Silvermoon has been Horde sincr it entered this game.

Lol no they are not. Our quest area is still Horde only. Go ahead. Enter Falconwing Square and record it for me.

Lor’themar only opened the city to Helf pilgrims. That’s it for your side.


We don’t want Belameth and again Glineas was because you got access to Brill and UC. And I don’t want that either.

I think they use the Isle like they did before.

And the well is not in the city.

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It’s weird for us to use our capitol? We likely won’t stationed there either since the big threat is on the Isle. We weren’t stationed there in TBC either.

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