Yet again the Horde get's nothing

According to the forums, his people don’t even exist. Wild statements of course but they don’t care, the people here don’t care either.

The Horde gets to go to Bel’Ameth.


They also get to go to Gilneas, when they invaded, murdered, and blighted that area.

You can get off your imaginal victim train now.

Oribos…nuff said

Who cares?
Lets give the new trilogy more than the opening 5 seconds to provide horde characters some screen time.

We know its not just alliance and neutral characters in the story.

The Horde didn’t burn the tree down, Sylvanas and her loyal minions did.

We literally did quests where we were scouting Darnassus because the plan was to take it to control the azerite flow. Saurfang warned Tyrande of an invasion.

Then we had another entire questline where we could choose to go against Sylvanas because we didn’t agree with what she’s doing.

So I don’t get this complaint because Sylvanas and a bunch of Forsaken following her squawking “Victory for Sylvanas” aren’t going to the tree.

No they don’t. We can not use the Inn, portals or vendors. The only Horde NPC is Hamuul Runetotem and he is as neutral as it gets. A complete Silvermoon revamp would turn the starting zone of the most popular Horde race into neutral content just like it is something without precedence and ruin the fun of the last Horde race with feasable numbers.

It was destroyed. The Horde never had access to it without being attacked by the NPC guards.

Part of the alliance again in lore when Calia forced the Forsaken army to go back to Tirisfal.

We are the victim. Open your damm eyes for once instead of ignoring it all the time because you are so used to Blizzard treating you like their favorite child.

Oribos is not ugly what the heck.

People who actually remember that Jaina and Anduin are the reason the Zandalari suffered.

No it looks bad and I will get my refund. I will not go through another Legion like story where all characters we interact are somehow alliance aligned.

We do. Horde only matters in faction conflict to get killed.

The Horde did the Warfront, that involves blighting and burning the area. You can RP that your character wasn’t there. But Horde members of every race partook of it, and you can see them in the Warfront.

Man, nelf supporters are so uppity even though they’re the ones that put a giant toilet bowl in the middle of the world but fine, you win, yes we did use chemical warfare.

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Horde players entering the are, and going to the World Tree in general is more then enough. Same with Gilneas.

Calia is a Horde Council member. Not an Alliance one. Also, having the troops leave the area, doesn’t automatically make it neutral. Yet it is in game.

Green Jesus says what?

lmao that was funny

I’m just saying, it’s dumb to try act like it’s ok for the Horde to get access to those areas, and turn around and say the Alliance shouldn’t get to go to Silvermoon.

Which is already a Neutral City in the lore. With a Horde lean.

Oh I didn’t say that. Come on in. The city is dead anyways.

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But as far as Thunder Bluff goes?

No solicitors.

Horde players don’t WANT to go to Gilneas or the new Night Elf tree.

Horde players didn’t WANT the damn Night Elves to the be CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE for the last 6 years like they have been.

Horde players WANT to be able to play the game and NOT EVEN SEE AN ALLIANCE CHARACTER.

But Horde players can’t get any of that, because Blizzard only cares about making the Alliance the center of the universe.


You say, while always posting on an Alliance toon.

Actually a LOT of them, were very vocal about wanting to go to Bel’Ameth, and that they should be allowed to go there.

Where doing the initial questing of Cataclysm do you actualy meet Thrall? I think he only showed up in the Goblin starting zone and to concede his feelings when he takes the final fight on Deathwing. That’s it.

We shouldn’t be allowed in Belameth even though we are watched closely. But it’s in no way on par with Silvermoon. It’s not a capitol, it’s not a starting zone and it wasn’t developed to be faction specific.

Gilneas was because you got access to Brill and the upper part of UC.

I dont think there is a universal horde player.
Id wager most people who play horde dont particularly care either way.

Like im an alliance player but my loyalty only goes as far as anduin (my favourite character) and having good looking cities.

Im going to contradict myself here by saying that universally, no players other than night elves wanted that.
It honestly made me hate night elves and their players for a while with all their nonstop complaining about their tree

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She’s definitely Alliance linked and was raised by the Alliance.


At last, something we can all agree on.

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He’s all over Mount Hyjal, and he has storylines with the Elemental Planes. Just off the top of my memory.

But Thrall and his build up, was heavily used and showcased through Vanilla - WoD. As an almost constant force.

Bel’Ameth actually WAS intended to be the new Night Elven capital. They were even calling it that, until enough people threw a fit, and now it’s a settlement.

But Tyrande and Malfurion are still based there.

So yes, it is indeed the new Night Elven capital. At least until they remake Teldrassil, if they ever do.

The entirety of the Void Elves then, are Horde linked by this logic.

Calia is an Alliance NPC jammed into the Horde players’ faces to make them miserable.

Her head should be on a pike at the Undercity entrance.

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Why exactly is that, she’s an undead human, who didn’t do anything wrong to the people of Lorderon herself.

Wouldn’t that make ALL Forsaken NPCs Alliance NPCs?