Blizzard comes to you, yes, you, and tells you that you can make 5 changes to Classic, or they’re making seven. Only restriction is that it has to be an actual change, not something like a reskin. Whadaya do?
Mailboxes, flight paths, collections tab, guild banks, pally taunt, shaman get polearms, firbolgs playable, yeti mounts, Arthas kills everyone while we’re still capped at 60?!
Warlocks can now permanently keep enslaved demons a la hunters (they still break loose after 5 minutes max) and throw them out like Pokemon; is a SEPARATE spell from Enslave Demon.
Infernal/Doomguards NEVER despawn and must be killed, regardless of what zone they’re in.
Warlock trinkets from BWL and quest are buffed; double ALL demon damage and allow me to summon a Doomguard instead of a Voidwalker
Long and extremely obnoxious warlock quest chain where I befriend a Dread lord and gain him as a summonable demon by doing lots of petty and evil things.
Vanilla WOW already changed many times… with each expansion pack. It’s now referred to as Retail and its getting more changes… in another expansion pack!
How about imagining you can sleep with 5 famous movie stars? That is more likely to happen, than Blizzard telling hundreds of thousands of us that each of us can make changes to Classic.
Get rid of leeway
Get rid of spell batching
Instant mail to your own characters
Limit pvp premades to 5 people
Increase resource spawns (black lotus etc)