One of the common thing I see thrown around the forum is that “Unless you are mythic raiding, pushing for world first, you don’t need to min/max”.
This is a gross misconception.
This game has multiple difficulties, and allows every single player to play the game at their maximum ability level. For elite players, that level might be a world first race. But for everyone else, that level settles all over the game’s difficulty spectrum.
A group of friends tries but have difficulty consistently timing their +10 keys. Had they all did their homework and min-maxed their char, they would been far more consistent at their 10 keys.
3 friends languishes on 1700CR and would like to make rival. Min-maxing their char would probably be enough to push them over the line, granting them the sweet mogs they were after.
Your standard heroic guild’s on a smaller server just got their 2 carries poached. the remaining group now have difficulty hitting the AOTC, stuck on the last boss, with a tiny recruitment pool. Spending some effort min-maxing their entire raid, a bit of luck with the mechanics would be enough to push them to the finish line.
Some say, “Just Git Gud”. well… “Git Gud” involves… “Optimizing your character”.
Crux of the story is that whatever your skill level. If you are interested in achieving the highest result you can achieve, you need to Min-Max.
Any Impediment to “min-max” will end up hitting FAR more players than just the top 0.1%.
The only people who truly do not need to “min-max” are the players who don’t care about their progression results what so ever.
I’ll end by leaving this masterpiece.