YES! YES! YES! Say good bye to the Booster Elite

Pikaboo and Mud shouldnt be abusing the 2s bracket woth viewer 2s.

How does wpvp have anything to do with


Literally I asked simple question and you didn’t answer so I am done here.

If you are so into collecting info,posting,chasing around and having me rent free in your head like those unemployed people then follow it up but know that I do not care.

Literally READ the title of thread that person commented on, just read the title of it .

Yeah, still don’t see the connection between Wpvp and being called out for being a homophobe…


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Even my teenager who plays on WrA knows who this person is lol.


So did Amatox steal your girlfriend or something?

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Nah but I did see him erping in Oribos so can confirm prob a creep


Haha thanks for the find. I really like his video of killing bots that are still trying to skin mobs while he hits them

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Unless it gets edited to “the pvp ilvl in all pvp situations is the same, your pve ilvl is dependent on your rating” then it won’t matter

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Wpvp “Heroes” are the most delusional wierdos in this game

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One of his video includes photos and tumbhr lmao? the edit is horrible … BANDICAM…

Players dont care about ilvl, players want PvP achivs nothing will change.

Yes but real money carries should be banned. I mean, killing carried gladiators is always fun but… People keeps quitting because of them and I don’t want to be in empty world

Bro I’ve tried to trinket infernal stun in bfa outta shear fear… get at me :joy::joy:

Mud doesn’t. Quit whining and get better