YES! YES! YES! Say good bye to the Booster Elite

BLIZZARD LISTENED! They are the best company of all time! I KNEW THEY’d listen to us. After all the times we marched on these forums in protest, they finally listened to us casuals and normies. We bled and sweated year round and the fight paid through. All this time of getting farmed in arena and bgs, from all these booster elites, they are going to get their *** handed to them now. This gear squash is a huge blow to boosters everywhere and is going to expose them.

Combatant pvp ilvl is going to be 250 and elite is only 259

What now boosters HUH. Where all the boosters in this forum?
I’m coming for you. Now you’re going to be exposed LOL. Can’t hide behind those gladiator weapons of yours anymore. HUH KID?

  • crosses arms *

and nothing changed


You do realize that you probably got your cheeks clapped and the majority of them were not boosters. I see you’re only renown 35. That’s a huge disadvantage to you just off of bonus stam and conduit powers. Don’t pretend like gear was your only problem.


His main is Vainith somethin like that

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pls go moo man that race is awful .

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Wait until you realize that boosters aren’t the reason why you’re on low rating


lmao at all the boosters in here being exposed.

rofl boostie boys get reck’d

hell yeh bring on the leveled playing field lets see who is truly skilled now.

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I don’t get it.

If a booster is playing down at your level with a bad player what is going to happen when they don’t anymore and they’re playing with a good player at their normal level?

You just won’t fight them, and in the event for some reason they’re smurfing low CR you’ll just be out-skilled. You delusional?

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lmao yeah but at least its 259 vs 250. not 259 vs 220

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There will still be boost. You will still be hard stuck but only have yourself to blame and not anything else.
You’re right, blizz listened. Now maybe the whiney people will realize it was them and not the boosters all along.
Nice job


I wonder what the excuse will be now when people can’t climb


Is there a post I missed somewhere? The chart shows Combatant at 226 (239 pvp) and Elite 246 (259 pvp)

Pikaboo is still going to one shot you when you trinket sap in the opener


If you don’t trinket crippling poison, can you really call yourself a man?


Now I’ll just continue to NOT hide behind my superior skills. :wink:

nothing change they still gonna sell between ( 1400 - 1600 )

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Is there a link to something that says 250 combatant? The better players are still going to win it just won’t be such a hulk smash.

they just removed all mention of the 250 combatant. prob still mulling it over.,

I’m actually happy for the changes and hope it makes PVP a little more active, but you’re cringe AF. lol

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