Yes, WoW is pay to win

Using irl money to gain advantage in game is pay to win. It can’t be any clearer than that.


You forgot lag

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You use “real world Money” for anything in game other than subscription… It’s winning.

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What advantage are you gaining and how does that advantage lead to winning a game that cannot be won?

Paying for gold to get a chance at gear only gives you more gear. It is not a win condition.


So we are just making up definitions then? Also why is paying a sub not winning then?

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People forget the major part of what is considered the common pay to win definition.

You pay for an advantage that is either not available or not easily obtainable without spending money.

Gold is piss easy to make in wow, specially in the last 3 expansions.


Wait so…I bought with RWM a pretty sparkly pony years ago when it came out. Does this mean I won over you? Have you felt the loss of that pony all these years then?


The gaming community overwhelmingly called New World’s plans to release an XP Boost a P2W feature.

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Think of the ponies!

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Your nit picking on what to argue. I’ll leave you with this and then I’m done with you.

If you use real money for anything you could work for in game… It’s pay to win. If “winning” means having a pvp advantage or bypassing a grind for materials, it’s winning and you’re paying for it… With real money… pay to win.


It’s not pay to win, it is scummy to put it into a game that hasn’t even been fully released yet though, which is why people are mad.

If you put XP boosts on the shop you’re telling people your leveling system sucks, pay to level faster please.

Here is the correct opinion.

Wow is P2W.

Any option that allows a player to spend real world cash for any form of progress, is pay to win.

This includes the achievements you gain, or progress towards them, from completing said content. Not purely item level.


Did we reach a conclusion on this topic in this thread?

Edit - nope

No, a few people called it that, like a few people call WoW P2W.

Edit: PC gamer, Game Informer, and reddit gaming forums I visit people were not calling it that. There were a few discussion about how bad of an optic things like this were. Such as when WoW introduced a level boost, then got rid of in game XP boost items.

We never do, these threads are just here to stir up crap.

But hey, it’s fun to argue on the internet.

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But there isn’t anything to win.

How are you winning if you have these items or these supposed advantages?

Yeah, god forbid people use what words actually mean and have it be called “nit picking”.

Which is not the definition of P2W.

Whatever goal you are trying to achieve.

If there’s a single obstacle in your way of said goal and you use real world Money to pay for it… That’s paying to win.


Since you’re the definition guru… What’s the correct term for it?

Okay, but again, there’s no such thing as winning WoW