Yes, WoW is pay to win

Gear =/= skill. World pvp? You mean that part type of combat that has way more to do with how many of your side show up vs. theirs? And BG’s? A literal team sport?

If you think someone who buys carries for better gear is suddenly going to outplay you then you weren’t that good to begin with.

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It’s always funny when people who have better gear whisper you after arena to yell at you for beating them, despite their better gear.

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and both of your arguments completely disregard player skill

You’re not even guaranteed gear in these carries, let alone good gear.

People who say wow is p2w have never played a p2w game


I’m clearly going to pay attention to anything YOU say, Winston.

But for giggles.

To players “skipping content for prizes” is considered winning.


okay, is it just me or is the venn diagram of “people who believe wow is p2w” and “people who think the highest form of endgame is 1v1 duels in front of org/sw” basically just a circle




Player skill is anecdotal, ilvl is not.

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Apparently, paying somebody else to play the game for you, because you’re terrible, is somehow winning.

Yeah, I don’t get it either. /shrug


Another perspective for the simple minded.

You’re at a street fair. You pay the carny for the Teddy Bear without throwing the balls to knock over the bottles.

You bought the prize without putting in the work.


World first raiders spend millions of gold to get ahead, get real


Clearly 1 example of many.

World pvp
Battle grounds
PvE in some cases.

Don’t be so simple minded and justify using real money for gear.

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Wait, I think I get it now.

Is this thread just “I keep losing at PvP not because I’m bad, but because other people are cheating with credit cards”?


do they buy that gold with real money? do you have any proof of that?

Wow isn’t a carnival game though.

There is a definitive win condition for a carnival game: pop the balloon with a dart and win a prize.

Wow does not have such a win condition. There is no end to WoW. There is no way to win at World of Warcraft.

If I was playing a game like Overwatch and there was a gun that let me instantly kill all enemy players when I shot it that was locked behind a paywall, that would be pay to win.

Any influence beyond paying to play the game. Even cosmetics can be a negative impact, because the company will be incentivized to make better cosmetics than you can get in the game.

People who enable cheat codes/hacks in games aren’t more skilled at the game. Doesn’t mean we’re okay with cheating/hacks. Also, the transaction isn’t restricted to people who are bad at the game. Good players can utilize it to bypass effort (save time) to land themselves in a mythic guild or higher rank sooner.

Problem here is no example will be accepted. The goalpost just moves every single time. It’s why I keep calling it a shell game with the definition. “Give me an example of winning.” Every PvP match involves winners and losers. “Yeah, but that’s not winning the game.” It’s winning a match you couldn’t have won otherwise. “Yeah, but the player isn’t more skilled because they won that match.”


At this point I think you’re just trolling.

the official pvp motto: “if i win, it’s because i’m just that good. if i lose, it’s because you play a fotm spec and blizz loves your spec and they’re bad at balancing and X item is op everyone knows it and you bought your gear p2w game bad”


So whats the metric for when you get the teddy bear without paying? 5 tosses? Because it sounds like someone spent their money to not play the game to get a teddy bear that’ll be forgotten about in a week then…

And I also bet the other people playing the game don’t care if someone got the teddy bear before them because there is no ranking that’s associated with it that even matters. :slight_smile:

But this isn’t correct.

RWM = items only reasonably obtainable by RWM = Pay to win.