Yes, we're sill salty about the Brutosaur

the mail box is right on the tip of its tail so the person casting the mount cant reach it, reminding them that they now provide a service.

TBH i dont mind its return at gold cap even so its fair for the people who mass bought tokens or grinded for it during BFA.

I just want it to return in some way or maybe make another version of it like a reskin or just a completely different AH mount.

But mainly i just want its chance of appearance on the BMAH to increase make it so that it shows up once every 2 weeks in the region

Currently it shows up once every 6 months in the regions making it impossible to acquire it will probably take a few years to a decade for a player who has only characters with gold on a single realm.

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No, we are not.

You might be but I am glad they removed it from the vendor and wish they never put it in the game in the first place so I wouldn’t have to deal with those over-sized mounts blocking mailboxes all over the place.

By your own choice.

You do not need the mount, you want it.

You can easily do without.

A tauren on a mammoth mount can cause the same problem.

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Are able to, due to their size, yes.

But, unlike the Brotosaurs, they are not.

Respectfully i understand your issue regarding this, there are several mailboxes one can use and they are not always present i would say the brutosaur mount being there at the mailbox has saved time for several players from going to stormwind while they are rushing to grab a consumable before raid sounds like a minor inconvenience to go to stormwind and yes that not the reason why i am posting every day for its return.

My major reason for it to return is its massive utility and advantage on the AH i know players that have become more active on the AH thanks to the mount they have made loads of gold that they wouldve missed out on because they were put off with the idea of the AH before but now because its available to them with a click of a button has made them more gold than ever before passively.

That same utility is of great importance to a gold maker and hence i implore them to implement it back to the game.

Some council members have already noticed this and im hoping the Long boi makes his glorious return to the game.

Personally, I do not see why massive utility and advantage for auction house use is a good thing.

Or why creating one click play is a good thing.

Or why making ‘more gold than ever before passively’ is a good thing.

What exactly is it supporting? Promoting? How is it contributing to the game overall? To the functionality? To the interaction? To the experience?

And I am not talking about the small percentage of players having a ball playing Scrooge McDuck, I am talking about everyone because this is a MMORPG so everything affect everyone.

So basically as the players who already have this unfair advantage the reason to bring it back would be to make the playing field more fair for others.

It promotes a more healthy economy in game with many more players taking interest in the auction house. The mount itself is a very good gold sink which helps stabilize the inflations in game.

I have been nothing but respectful towards your ideas and all you do is give these lame excuses as to its blocking the mailbox and calling people trying to make gold as scrooge mcduck. You seem to be more salty about this mailbox issue than most players that are playing shadowlands right now.

And if you do find this mailbox issue to be so massive you can easily get the mailbox toy which will give u access to the mailbox in 1 click.(again a useful tool that with one click can give u what u want idk why is it a bad thing).


The mailboxes are clickable through the Brutos anyways.

Contrarians being contrarians.


I literally just noticed that this person has gone on all the AH mount posts and said its blocking the mailbox.

Its the least concerning argument against bringing it back or increasing its drop rate but i am willing to understand his situation.

They literally couldve said no its unfair to the people who bought it or no it helps bots or its too expensive but no its the mailbox that is the most compelling argument that they have.

At this point i feel they are definitely trolling so that people dont get the mount because either they cant get it or already have it.

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This is one of many mounts that should have never been removed and needs to be brought back.

  • Longboi
  • 2007 Brewfast Ram
  • Original unarmored epic mounts (should have been made 60% options)
  • ZG Raptor and Tiger (put a Bronze drake in front of the dungeon so we can switch back and forth)
  • Black and Plagued Proto-drake. Only meta mount ever removed and the hard part of the achievement (not dying) has its own reward. Bring back the mount, not the titles.
  • Warlord’s Deathwheel. As soon as whatever statute runs out that prevents you from giving this to the Horde for free, please put it back in the game. Doesn’t feel like we “won” when the Alliance are the only ones that can get their bike.

It boggles my mind why people care about this. Move on with your lives.

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Move on from this thread. You’ll stop being boggled.


Not one of your best my friend. Try again.

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Hi, personally i care about it because i was new wow in bfa and didnt get the chance to get it but i made it my goal to collect the gold to be able to buy it off the BMAH.

Unfortunately the it rarely shows up right now while initially it used to show up every 2-3weeks on the regions BMAH.

So thats why you might find more people who are more concerned about it cause they too are in a similar situation as me.

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  1. Paragraphs. My 5 year old son knows how they work. You don’t, apparently. The video posted earlier should help.

  2. On a different account, I started to work on farming gold to buy it. I burnt out on doing that 3 weeks in and still…4.6 million gold short of the then available purchase price. At the pace I was making gold, and I know I wasn’t the best at it, I would have still been short right NOW of buying it, and it was removed HOW long ago?

  3. Why? Because like others have said, it is strictly an e-peen flex and a bank alt stashed outside an AH - and I’ve yet to see an AH where there isn’t a mailbox within SECONDS of WALKING to it, serves the same purpose.

I’m going to miss some of the stuff I had on previous accounts - but I’m not going to throw a class 3 hissy fit over not having a chance to get them back.

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Asking for something to be returned to the game is not a “class 3 hissy fit.” It’s called a “request.” People make them all the time.


When the OP comes off as a Karen, it is. Now run along and be quiet.

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Sorry if i* cannot form proper sentences and paragraphs im glad your son can post better paragraphs than most.

I believe i do a decent job of using the language to communicate on the internet i might be bad at writting essays though.
