Yes Mr. Tank

The only way I could be convinced to tank in WoW again, if the alcohol needed to get drunk was paid for me.

Tanking while being drunk is the only viable way to do it.


Thank you for confirming my suspicion.

You are welcome.

Pay you, of course.

I used to play with a tank who would constantly get stoned and forget about raids, not read the strat, etc.

It was a guild that didn’t last long.

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Phew, thought you were talking about me…but I don’t drink, so ‘Not it!’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The best priest tank

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What are you drunk? This ain’t my tank. You new here? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think considering the name of the post , the OP might be discussing drunk … tanks

So that’s more likely why it’s not angled towards you… unless you’re the new tank priest

Which would be pretty neat tbh :face_with_monocle:

Drinking is the copping mechanism I have to tank and NOT have a headache afterwards. No thank you I’m gonna be knocking those drinks down.

It’s the new : sorry guys I lagged.

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Oh, how embarrassing for me!! I didn’t realize he was directing the post to a toon named Mr.Tank and assumed it was a generalization that anyone who tanks could answer given the two conditions stated.

Now I need a drink to think about what I’ve done. There goes the 363 day chip. :pleading_face:

A warrior’s sacrifice :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I salute you

It’s ok
You will make it another 363
As long as you aren’t a tank

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Some of the best tanks I’ve ever had in a group were allegedly drunk or high, so some people apparently play better that way. No judgements here!


Internet and stranger validation. Hey guys! Think im cool and a rebel so I can sleep tonight! Please and thank you!

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That is entirely possible, yeah.

i swear to god if another shammy lusts on trash packs or intermission phases im going ot mail them two turds

…still gunna think like a tank. Even if it ain’t true. :frowning:

Pretty much my point.

Okay. Don’t.