Yes i know Dragonflight is not live: but these DPS rankings atm LOL

Oh balance updates, nerfs everywhere

been there done that

I said this in another thread, but yes: Meters are going to be all over the place as Blizzard has, nor never will balance the game around not-maxed-out characters.

Until we hit 70, we won’t know how balanced everything is.

Troll post or sheer idiocy?


these graphs are completely irrelevant. in 5 days they lose legendaries, covenant abilities, and the pad damage on the fated mobs which is where this insane damage comes from.

there is no useful data whatsoever presented here.


:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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It’s prepatch and the game is now “balanced” for level 70, not 60.

Evokers are gonna be crap, because players don’t know them, they don’t have legendaries and I doubt many of them are bothering to get conduits.

I wouldn’t stress over the parses just yet. In December when people are 70 and starting to get gear? Sure. But right now the parses are made up and the numbers mean nothing.

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Yes, yes… No not really… because ultimately numbers will be balanced around you having top end tier gear… Right now they’re level 60 and with incomplete kits.

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I honestly don’t understand why the average Joe cares about parses anyway lol. It’s literally just button mashing to get a higher number, in spite of mechanics/realistic gameplay. It’s not like most of these guys are pushing upper content anyway :stuck_out_tongue: It’s bizarre

This, very specifically, is what’s going on right now. Which means it won’t matter come Monday evening.

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Do these take out the damage to the affix that allows you to AoE 50+ mobs at one time during every single boss fight multiple times?

It’s almost like these numbers mean absolutely nothing at all.

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Do not meta chase folks. It’s a game you cannot win for the goalposts constantly shift. Find a class, then a spec that you like and rock it. May the odds ever be in your favor.
wiggles toes

I wonder how much of that is Cov abilities + Talents? Will be interesting to see the parses for Incarnates once DF drops.

Wait until the first few weeks of 10.0, and then use your Dragonflight boost to level the most busted class.

That’s what I’m doing.

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I’m more shocked that fire is not the best mage spec right now tbh.

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These figures are from prepatch which is super broken and has 0 impact on what level 70 will be like.

Youre spare parts bud

*Balance druids.

Yay Spare Parts guy is back.

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