Yes i know Dragonflight is not live: but these DPS rankings atm LOL

This is what happens when people care more about logs, and meters than the rpg elements of the game.

this is what happens when people arent smart enough to think about the fact that soulbinds and covenant abilities have not yet been removed from the game.

it also serves as a reminder that anyone can post anything on the internet and we have no clue if the person on the other side of the cable is a microwaved carrot.
in this case, however, assuming carrot seems to be a fairly safe bet.


Why would Blizz patch imbalance due to talent/conduit/leggo and for one week only?
Boomkins are benefitting from double covenants and leggos covering up for new talents. It’s only gonna be a thing for a week.

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I mean years and years of people upset with balance of the game. I’m not saying it is wrong, but when the end game community focus so heavily on meters and logs. These things matter to them, and that is why they flood the forums saying so and so class need nerfs. (also pvp.)

Use to be a time, when people said. It is pve, who cares if one class was OP, and we wanted the weaker class to get buffed up so they are worth a group spot if the gap was huge with everyone else.

Now? pve community cries for blood is just as bad as pvp.

Enh shamans 25 percent damage nerf still makes me giggle as a former main. :frowning:

Don’t worry, they’ll fix it for the launch of Dragonflight, and the first raid tier!

(They won’t.)

isnt even that is the motes that affli benefit the most

That data is as worthless as the last weeks of BfA with the crazy combos.

Yup, Balance druids tearing it up…but double dipping Covenant abilities (among other things) ends next week.

It’s almost like you can have venthyr and night fae covenant at the same time in prepatch and numbers ATM don’t matter and these two do well with double covenant power

Max is a different story.

Also lol evoker.

You sir have an amazon question. Please Mr druid take a seat pulls out a chair and sits down infront of the druid WHY WOULD blizzard patch imbalance due to talent/conduit/leggo’s.

Sure an awe inspiring question: let me counter that question with a question. Why did blizzard NERF almost every class due to “imbalance issues” after prepatch went live and didn’t touch warlocks or druids? I mean, by your logic why do it at all? Those classes where not even breaking the top 5 spots by they still got hit with a nerf hammer. So what was the point?

No serious Im curious for you to give me the information of the sages and the knowledge i seek because if you ask me it seems like as my OP says: two devs play warlocks and druids and the nerf bat was swung at everyone else. But that makes no sense as per your wisdom: Why patch imbalance?

This cannot be your first pre-patch. I think it was the MoP pre-patch where resto shaman were out dpsing mages or something wild like that.

We are given two weeks where nothing matters and everything is kind of broken. We play in the mess.

They did tho.
There’s no proof it was for the pre-patch or other reasons though. And again, classes are benefitting asymmetrically from conduits/leggos/talents. It’s all about to be disabled and worthless in a week and a new list will be drafted. They’re not going to waste resources and time to appease your ego for one week dude.

new talent tree break thing, blizz don’t care, all disabled in one week. smarter to focus on dragonflight.

Dumbed it down for your level.

Back in Cata during the prepatch for MoP I could drop 100k DPS on dungeon bosses on my Ret Paladin. People were not doing that amount of DPS in Cata. And yet, it was fine at max level in MoP.

Things aren’t balanced for level 60. If what you’re seeing here persists, there’ll be a hotfix by the time Mythic Raids unlock.

It is almost like those two classes excell in fated raid that usually spawns a ton of adds and gives a ton of haste. This wont matter in a week and honestly doesnt matter now.

Its prepatch. Be QUIET GD OMG

The whole raiding experience with affixes and especially Chaotic Motes are just absolutely ridiculous. I don’t even play the spec I like (which I’m better at) because it’s fun to shoot up to 150k+ when the motes spawn.

Not to mention - some specs are really capitalizing on their talent trees and two extra legendaries. Some specs need those final 5 points to “make stuff work” – and some specs not only need those final 5 points to make stuff work, but also don’t have some extra legendary that also plays into it. Now to add even MORE icing to that cake…some specs conduits have been changed to absolute uselessness…I’m talking brought down to 1% or 0% in some cases…whereas others have remained as powerful as they ever have been.

The reality is - you literally cannot make any decisive conclusions on Dragonflight balance based on what you’re looking at. Damage in the current fated raids is just not even relevant on so many levels.

I hope no one has to mention we still have soulbinds/conduits/legendaries that are all going away on the 28th right? Right?

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They are nerfing based on beta testing not prepatch.
Balance has been nerfed multiple times since the beta raid testing…

The imbalance is because prepatch where it doesn’t matter. It was the same every prepatch some classes are just crazy op with the excess. Won’t matter at all once the borrowed power is turned off.

For now revel in the chaos and have fun. Raid logs in prepatch are absolutely worthless.

Havoc is quite… average.

I mean you’ve answered your own topic with the title. Dragonflight isn’t live, classes are not balanced for level 60.