Yep tanks were the problem

impatient dps is why people dont wanna tank and heal


What learning. N/H dungeons don’t need exacting strategy. The tank is just the dpser who happens to generate 5x as much threat. Run in and mash buttons like everyone else. If you hold threat great, if someone rips it off you then they’re probably strong enough to be fine.

And no, impatient dps have never made me question tanking & healing. I -pull- as a healer, and on my tanks I don’t stand around staring at the wall. DPS who fail to understand basic reading comprehension mechanics are the ones that make me want to claw my eyes out, like the ones trying to attack The Darkness with a 99% reduction debuff.

Wouldn’t it be nice if they learned how to properly play their class before pushing keys?

Sure, i can get by spamming thunderclap and shield block, but that’ll only get me so far.

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guess players gotta wait until M0 for that

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Simple kick the unintelligent dps that think they are the tank. Cause if i was playing with friends thats what i would do. Then maybe they will learn that being stupid doesnt earn rewards.

I have been wall to wall pulling and tanking the boss on Windwalker pretty successfully. Meanwhile the tank is still picking his nose on the first pack

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I’ve healed all the dungeons and about 90% of the tanks commit to pulls that they can’t handle. Right now the only thing saving the group are the ret pallys that are doing 1m+ DPS due to scaling.

If you’re talking about normal dungeons, there is no problem - everyone pull as fast as possible and just go… if someone dies oh well they run back.

I like to hold back and watch them wipe sometimes… although the healer sometimes dosent follow suit. Dosesnt hurt my queue time :slight_smile:

The best way for them to learn in normal dungeons is to pull everything and try to maintain threat and manage their defensive.

Going slow and killing 1 pack at a time won’t teach you how to tank.


Obligatory: Make your own groups.

It would be a solution to the problem of tanks pulling way ahead of everyone now. Some of us are slow moving classes. I am a healer usually and I find myself way behind everyone lately.

I didn’t like the follower dungeons in DF but now they seem to be pretty decent. I hope they keep working on them since I found them fun and quite relaxing to do.

The simple War Within questing gear is really really low I don’t get it. It’s not even upgradable so I just junk it. Seems like a misstep. Even if they are trying to accommodate brand new players start the greens at 500. My gear from last season 502 on all alts, I’m not using that junk.

Exactly. You don’t learn how to tank by tanking like you’re scared of your own shadow.

making it boring doesn’t help, just let the tanks that get too far ahead die

It is not boring to me. I actually enjoy the pulls in FFXIV compared to WoW. Heck I do not even know what most of the mobs do in WoW right now they all get pulled together into one big cluster F.


insert gagging gif

FF dungeons were so much better when we weren’t walled every 2 packs (sometimes 1)

lays in corner in fetal position having flashbacks of classic wailing caverns

I remember a time when tanks had to pull 1 pack at a time, and be deliberate in how they navigated a dungeon. Where wipes were known when a tank overpulled, or the stupid DPS pulled more.

Not the current zerg rush dungeons we have. Where a tank doesn’t have to care about the group or healers and just runs off without a care in the world.

I miss the old dungeons. I miss tanks having to be deliberate. I miss being able to have a more relaxing time in normals/heroics.

Bring original Cataclysm dungeon design back.