Yep tank brann is DONE

Mine is level 69, and I have all the curios at 4/4 except for one, at 3/4.

It’s still so bad.

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I expect they’ll revert or lesson some of these nerfs. That’s how it’s done. Overnerf and players freak out and complain. Then lessen the nerfs a bit to where they wanted them in the first place, and the players applaud and yell, “See, Blizz listens!”

Whatever they did caused all his specs to break. He takes more damage in all specs.

Gotta love the genius’ that work for blizz, totally awesome. It sure gets frustrating having to pay to be wow’s QA department.


In Soviet Blizzard, we don’t pay our testers. Our testers pay us!


I specifically remember testing it last season as presevoker vs devoker and mobs did WAY more dmg when I walked into the same delve as healer spec and way less as DPS spec.

And from then on I decided it’s way easier to just DPS spec and stagger healer brann potions. Because I couldn’t even DPS much as a healer since I was having to spam heal myself and getting almost 2 shot by autos. And DPS brann is kinda slow too