Yep tank brann is DONE

just ran several 11 with 3 different healers, tank bran is ultra trash now, he doesnt do dmg and he cant tank, new meta is dps bran while you the healer tank the mobs, it sucks but dps bran does at least double the dmg than tank bran, just equip good curious like the mech egg and hope it doesnt get nerfed

i rate this tank bran like this
2/10 dmg
2/10 survavility
6/10 aggro holding
0/10 move out of the way
8/10 troll (he did some extra pulls)


YOu are a hunter, why are you taking tank brann?
You should be taking healer brann, and letting your pet tank for you.

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Did you not read the post?


Imagine learning how to read my friend, i ran with holy priest holy paladin and resto shaman


I did read the post and thats why im confused about why they are even bothering with tank brann.

3 “healers”, different characters


Oh you meant you played as the healer, I thought you meant you ran it like with healers in a group.

You ran it as 3 different healers, when you said i ran it with 3 different healers i took that as, i ran it additionally with someone who was a healer.


no worries, it happens

they tested with there own players lol instead of listening to actual real players


You know if they had something like a testing place where they could test if it would work right before they put it on live.


He never could tank.

If taunting mobs and holding aggro means he’s a tank then sure.

But I run as a dps with tank brann and the idiot literally stands in everything until he dies. Most the time I have to taunt the mob to move the mob out of stuff so I can continue dpsing.

Brann was a joke last season and he’s a bigger joke this season


This isn’t the new meta, this was the meta before they introduced tank Brann. So it’s just going back to the way things were. Devs are idiots.


Reading is not his problem, it is comprehension of said writing. Poor fella!

No. I am just 100% convinced they don’t actually play the game.

They just listen to QQers on twitter.


After having one of the most fun weeks I’ve ever played as a healer, I’m not even going to bother logging in today.

I don’t get why Blizzard has to make everything a chore.


The longer you play the more money you are actively putting in. People say “unsub and blizz will respond, they listen to the wallet” but in reality they are getting hundreds of $ a month from multiboxers and bot farmers so who cares what an actual player has to say.


He’s still better than DPS Brann to me.
DPS Brann doesn’t do the one thing he’s supposed to do… damage.

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DPS Brann sucks at doing damage but healer specs are even worse at it

But it still doesn’t make sense.

It takes more developer time to make this change.

It takes even more developer time to undo/slightly revert a heavy-handed change.


If you think they pay devs to undo changes I have bad news for you. They threaten them with a rolled up newspaper and tell them to get to work, which is why reverts are always bad cuz they do they half-heartedly and untested.

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