It really does feel like the people who had the original vision for delves no longer work on the project.
“Finish a delve before your coffee gets cold!”
The lie detector determined that was a lie.
It really does feel like the people who had the original vision for delves no longer work on the project.
“Finish a delve before your coffee gets cold!”
The lie detector determined that was a lie.
I just ran him (mine is level 47) through a 4 normal Earthcrawl Mines on my 604 resto druid. And well, he was really bad.
I was doing better with him as DPS and tanking as resto. He’s just kind of lame now.
I understand he needed some toning down but instead of using a screwdriver, they used a sledge hammer. Or is this some perverse way to make healers only viable in groups?
It’s almost always done with resentment and spite towards the playerbase. The classic example is when players revolted when flying was removed in WoD. The devs were so bitter they brought it back with the horrible pathfinder system, designed to simply string players along with a pointless grind to unlock something you used to just get.
That basically became the broad design of the game. Don’t make the game fun, make it potentially fun, as they dangle fun on the horizon and keep pulling it away the closer you get.
Healer Brann w/ Tricks of The Trade on him is the real Tank Brann.
“Smell that? It’s treasure, I know it. We’re close.”
Yep, the changes to Tank Brann are pure awfulness. He takes far more damage now, the damage buff on him is near impossible to stack up, let alone maintain. He requires you to babysit him the entire time, leaving little time for you to dps yourself. It’s just incredibly unfun gameplay, and one of the most frustrating changes I’ve seen them make in a while.
Seriously, is it not okay that healers actually get to have a fun time in solo content for once?
I really like the single puzzle they added. The one pipe-filled box that has the same single-move solution every time. It’s also great that I only ever get the same one buff, every time.
Also, it feels really weird to have the same boss at the end of multiple delves.
Everything about delves feels half-baked.
We as a player base can come up with very innovative ideas for Blizzard and not get paid for it, while they abuse their gerbil interns to make whimsical new horse mounts and a 5000th two handed paladin-esque sword.
I say more of a jackhammer
I’m sure those overworked devs that were play testing it definitely actually thought it was fun and totally were not just trying to get it off their plate so they could get back to the mountain of work piling up on top of them.
When I’m asked to judge something and one answer results in more work for me I am definitely never biased in my assessment at all!
Do you think this goblin patch is actually a cry for help? Because that seems to be the way for goblins to work with their weird engineering.
On-topic here, I just completed a delve with DPS brann and I might as well have had him as tank because his damage is bananas low.
Lol nobody is reporting that bug because everyone hates those puzzles. Don’t tell them!
The problem, as a resto druid specifically, is that your ability to tank as resto doesn’t keep up with mob damage. By T11, being a resto druid with DPS brann will get very challening. Much moreso than healing the current tank brann. At least that’s the way it was last season. I guess I should try it in these new nerfed delves.
Probably on a couple of levels
Did a lil experiment.
Underpin Bodyguard’s Intern at the beginning of Skittering Breach, not using any major cds.
Tank Brann + healer player took a full minute to kill.
DPS Brann + healer player took 1:30, didn’t take appreciably scarier damage spikes facetanking it myself.
Healer Brann + DPS player 40 seconds.
Not only is tank Brann a waste of time, you shouldn’t do delves as a healer, ever.
I can no longer complete 11s as Pres Evoker, but I can flip to Devastation with healer Brann and get it done. I can breeze through them on my Guardian Druid without a care. You have failed in your goal.
Level your Brann up
Damn I’m sorry to hear your hardest delves are hard to do the first week.
it doesn’t help. My Brann is lvl 70, far above most players, and he is still absolute trash as tank now.