Yep M+ ruined this game and the community

Its well known that M+ is one of the biggest reasons this game has went down the crapper. Unfortunately, it’s not going anywhere.


No it’s not lmao- it’s the bad story writing; the direction of systems; the QUALITY of content; smaller total dungeons, lower quality raids, lower quality pvp and gearing systems for them. It’s covenants restricting people and bottle necking them into things they don’t want because they can’t balance the game, something we all knew was going to happen. It’s Korthia. It’s the endless grind for power that never ends. It’s the massive wall in front of playing alts effectively. It’s the cost of consumables and volume of them required to play at a high level. It’s boosting and being boosted as a relevant method of playing the game. It’s tokens.

I could go on, but you’re wrong. The slow decay of this game is shouldered on many bad decisions.


Someone’s got jokes today.

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Hopefully the next IP learns from it’s mistakes.

The community has been pretty awful from day one. There’s no way around it.


When I played it at Blizzcon it felt more like just an open world and not so much as a replacement MMO with healers tanks and yadayada. The criticisms that call it “Diablo 3 reforged” are accurate.

Don’t get me wrong, I think this would be the right call on their part and when they gave the opportunity for feedback, mine turned into an essay. I said they should make it more of an over the shoulder thing similar to ESO. I think locked isometric had its day when sprites were the norm. Games running a 3d engine should have a 3d playstyle.

And for any Diablo people out there, I say that as someone who put so many hours into that game I probably didn’t catch up that with WoW until after MOP.

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If you are struggling in mythic just go ahead and boost! That’s what everyone’s doing and according to these forums especially. It’s basically how the game is intended to be played and it’s been around forever. I don’t see why someone would even think about complaining.

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You aren’t a real diablo fan if you believe what you just wrote- there’s a huge market out there specifically for isometric games. If you want a 3D game, there’s more than enough on the market to sate you. Leave the games in the ARPG world alone to those of us who enjoy them.

Diablo 3 is also their all time best selling game, and the only game Blizzard has made that cracked the top 10 all sales list (it dropped off but it was on it at least). You don’t have to like it or enjoy it, but don’t just make things up because YOU feel a way about it. I know it’s hard to not think your opinion is -the- opinion though. We’re hard wired to be ego centric.


Cause’ M+ is an amazing feature in the game. It’s loved by those who enjoy PvE over PvP. If anything M+ needs more incentives like PvP rewards.

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I’m pretty sure it’s the extremely long gap between meaningful content patches is what kills the game.

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Mythic plus is far and away the best and most popular addition to the game in the last decade. Bar none.


I don’t like doing mythic+ at all. I find them boring, frustrating, repetitive, and just plain lazy game design.

That said, I don’t think they should be removed. A lot of people like them.

However, I am concerned with how much focus they’ve gained and how much Dev time is devoted to them. And why can I run a single +5 and get better gear from the vault than downing 3 raid bosses in normal? The rewards are too good and it makes it feel like Blizzard is trying to funnel players into them.


As the population dwindles, thus causing communities to faulted, M+ and puggability is saving the game.

My cutting edge raider friends are all sitting pretty @255+ item level, with their domination gem sockets to further dominate every form of content. Meanwhile M+ players, at best, can get up to 252, if you’re SUPER lucky with the vault. PvP and m+ players are also forced into raiding if they want domination shards and holes. I think raiders have this backwards. Raider privilege needs to go away and all three forms of end-game need to have equal opportunity to shine in their own path. When you’ve been privileged for so long, equality feels like oppression.

guess I’m just going to be the threads contrarian. 8 dungeons in a whole year is the least effort they’ve ever put into dungeons in the history of the game. All other systems were already in place. Tweaks and adjustments cost them very little dev time. They’ve gone full lazy with it because they know it’s so highly repeatable. In a way M+'s success has also been its own downfall. It’s so highly repeatable and replayable they are putting less and less effort into it.



I’m so tired of seeing this moronic opinion here, all I can do is laugh now.

I’m sorry the big bad M+ monster touched you in the ‘learn to play the game’ place.


A good example of old dungeon design vs M+ dungeon design already exists for those of you who disagree. Trazavesh is a ghost town. Except an extreme minority of players, most of the population in the game ran it once, when it released, and never returned. Proving the old format is bad. Old dungeon design doesn’t work. You just end up creating content that inevitably no one uses.


actually it’s a known fact that classic is the worst thing that has happened to the game in years

see, i can make stuff up too!


I see M+ as more of good intentions gone wrong.

The idea of M+ was originally as an alternative for people to keep gearing between raid nights or as a way for a group to progress if they are stuck on a boss. However the issue is M+ has become peferable to raiding.

A solution is very simple.

Buff raiding content to make it preferable to M+ something simple like increasing the drop rate of raid gear or making a raid boss have a chance to drop two pieces of gear or even making the only way to get keys after a certain level is from a raid boss.

This I believe will do a lot of good.

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Love seeing sub 1000 IO andy’s cry about how mythic plus is bad for the game


Raid already drops the highest item level in the game; it also is the sole source of domination gems and sockets. Good lord raiders want such a large edge against everyone else it’s ridiculous.