Why would the game have to scale players up???
do RAIDS scale players UP so they can participate??
do HEROIC dungeons scale people up so they can join??
this entire game is BASED ON GEARING…
WTF would it NOT matter in a PvP environment…
this is the stupidest concept in the world
They are akin to rated games. I’m only talking about the normal random games.
It doesn’t have to be. Not in this side game.
Because I would rather have competitive team mates than dead weight.
Only because you somehow think gear progression means something.
Same with me when i joined as i was ready to quit
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and REQUIRING a BASIC gear set… IE minimum I-level to join
BASIC gear…
gear in EVERY slot…
NO grey items with ZERO stats…
NO I-level 8 gear from Nooby island start zone when your toon is level 50 (yes i have seen this)
Yes. I’ve seen lots of naked players. I’ve tried talking with them about it. I won’t do that again.
minimum i-level requirement to join.
so you don’t get 50’s wearing this
- Runner’s Belt… Item Level 2… Waist… Leather… NO STATS
- Borderlands Bracers… Item Level 3… Wrist… NO STATS
on a level 50… queing up for PvP, this should NEVER be allowed to join a TEAM event
But instead of forcing them to find some gear. Because they clearly don’t care about finding it at the moment.
I’d rather give them stats, automatically.
Basic, minimum stats.
So that they aren’t dead weight.
It would help new players too, they wouldn’t just die all the time.
you mean they have to ACTUALLY PLAY the game… oh gawd forbid
then they CLEARLY should NOT join a TEAM event
let go of the apron strings… we don’t NEED to give people free gear. This is a game YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY IT !!!
again minimum i-level so nubs with NO gear don’t get in
NO… bad players who put in ZERO effort will always fail. IF you coddle them they will NEVER learn
I just don’t get why we need to gate keep basic content with gear.
But you are saying that players shouldn’t be allowed to queue without the basic gear on.
I’m saying they should, the game should just give them basic gear.
It could even be a few ilvls below the crafted green 424 gear. But at least they could start gearing without dragging all the games that they are in down.
or novelty level caps
What I want to see is all gear and characters scale up in this sort of content, template out stamina or main stat, but let gear define secondary stats. I wanna crush some casual content with some gear I picked up from my casual adventures in Azeroth- not the dedicated gear I got specifically to do PVP with.
I want my speed gear back, dagnabbit.
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it is Player VS player
TEAM event
it is BATTLE
why on earth would you show up WITHOUT basic gear ???
unless you are on the other team FARMING these clowns… WTF would you want someone like that on your team? they do NOTHING to support, they are DEAD WEIGHT
Yeah, I didn’t play during templates, I’ve read about it though. It was for sure the wrong way to go. There wasn’t any agency in the stats it gave.
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No idea. I’ve tried asking. I’ve been told to mind my own business. I don’t pay their sub. That sort of thing. Some people just want the world to burn.
I didn’t appreciate the secondary stat templating in Legion, but base stats are more or less the same once everyone gets gear these days. I think even the 447 WPVP gear gives the same Str/Stam as 450 conquest, but I might be wrong. Point being that I’d enjoy prowling the world for gear that’s cool instead of going to my local honor quartermaster to see what I’m allowed. The craftable honor/conquest tokens are really neat, though, so there’s a lot of freedom there, just wish there was more like that.
Let me bring actual Legendaries and legacy tier sets into pvp, we’ll be like dogs without horses, it’ll be crazy.
Um. How do i elaborate more on what you already said.
When you form groups, reguardless of content, you are automatically restricted by what each class can bring and current gear of the individual.
Since you said timing a dungeon, the current meta is mage/spriest/aug/hpally/gdruid.
This particular set up brings more powerful spells that sre unavailable to other groups.
Then of course, if you are pushing a 20+ key, you dont want anyone with under pronanly 440 ilvl since you are competing for time.
Any group that brings a different class or someone of lower ilvl is at a disadvantage when it comes to timing keys competitatively.
This same exact thing happens in raid content and pvp content of all types and is directly tied to balance and item progression.