Years of practice doesn't change the fact

Hey look, an other topic about the same thing… It’s almost like, no one can read

I mean, the entire raid experience of vanilla was either bugged… or under tuned.

There was no in between.

You clearly didn’t play during vanilla. This is how it was. Not hard. Just difficult to organize and get 40 ppl to show up. That’s the secret. The content was easy.


Herding cats.

Raiding in Vanilla, especially in Molten Bore, can be summed up in two words: herding cats.

This became less true with Naxx though, then it was about herding well-geared cats.

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Nax was punishing, but still a joke by today’s mythic raid standards. A complete joke. The fact that there was only one difficulty back then made Nax very inaccessible and hard for 99%.

Nothing can replace the fact that all Vanilla/Classic raids have been on farm for Years. Add the fact that we are using 1.12 Balance and changes patch and you were never going to get the original experience. I am more impressed they got 40 people to 60 so fast than I am that they downed Rag and Onyixa week 1.

Uh there’s a lot of trash social interactions on vanilla right now. The expac didn’t bring those players - the change in society and internet did

I’m not asking for a summary of the thread, bub. Read what I’m saying.

What is the point in you making this thread? Exactly what point were you trying to make by bringing up that the game is imbalanced? What conversation were you trying to start, and why?

Molten Core is tuned around bad players, just like it was back when first released. There are just more players who aren’t terrible now than there were 15 years ago.

I guarantee you, if you didn’t know how to wait for Sunders, control your pet, conserve mana, and get out of fire, you’d find Molten Core plenty challenging.

The greatest challenge good players had with Molten Core was staying awake for it.

Galaxy brain comment!