[Year 41: Dragonscale] Kirin Tor Conclave: Summary!

Sunreavers Magister’s Log…

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You are summoned to a great gathering…

A magical scroll is delivered, either through magic, carrier raven or by other mystical means, to magi across all of Azeroth.


You and your guests or allies are summoned to the next Great Convocation of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. At Summer’s end, on September 15th and 16th, the Violet Citadel will play host to this gathering where guests will share news, concerns and goals.

Please ensure any guests are aware of Dalaran’s laws and the Convocation’s code of conduct as a faction-neutral, sanctuary nation and event.

Scientia sit potentia.

… so save the date!


The Kirin Tor Conclave:
Friday September 15th and Saturday September 16th

This weekend, the Kirin Tor call on their agents and allies to return to Dalaran for their end-of-summer conclave at the Violet Citadel.

Within those violet halls, allies and guild leaders will come forth and share their order’s current and past campaigns, share news on current events and threats, and formally request resources or assistance on matters of import.

This fun event returns and old and new allies are welcome! Event will run about two hours, allowing for social time at the Legerdemain Lounge after the main event, over two days. each speaker will have the floor for up to 10 minutes at a time, so the event moves at an efficient pace.

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Tonight is the night!

The Kirin Tor Conclave officially begins at 5 bells in the afternoon.

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Kirin Tor Conclave

On the 15th of September at 5 bells in the afternoon, the Violet Citadel opened its doors to its agents, allies and guests for the seasonal Conclave of the Kirin Tor. Magister Sungazer and the Sunreavers hosted the event.

For over two hours, various guild and faction leaders shared news from Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend and the Dragon Isles, speaking on various threats, including nut not limited to the Incarnates, the Primalists and, surprisingly, the returned Druids of the Flame.

Present for the event were representatives from the Legion of the Dawn, the Argent Vanguard, the Wolfmane Tribe, The Blackheart Accord and the Duskwatch Saberguard.

Along with items of general importance such as exploration and research, the threats posed by Fyrrak and the Incarnates and the Primalists, the conclave was also informed on the apparent resurgence of the Druids of the Flame on the Dragon Isles.

The mysterious disappearance of an entire unit of the Argent Vanguard was also discussed.

The event unfolded in the utmost respect, a testament to the growing alliance between several of the aforementioned guilds and their history having worked together in the past.

Following the first day’s proceedings, a second day of meetings is planned for the following day.

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A Message To Allies:
Return of the Druids of the Flame

The following message appears on a scroll, magically sealed, delivered to allies across the Dragon Isles by carrier hawk or by magical means:


I write to inform you that druids of the flame having seemingly reformed and are confirmed present in the Dragon Isles. They have recently attacked both the Waking Shore and the Azure Span near Camp Antonidas.

Their powers are strong: they have thus far shown the ability to create large fire storms and use some sort of totems to open physical portals into the Emerald Dream.

We have strong reason to believe most encounters have merely been planned distractions, and that the main target for the druids lies in the Ohn’ahran Plains. The Sunreavers will depart for the Plains at first light.

Please be alert and on your guards.

Magister Axiann Sungazer
The Sunreavers
Camp Antonidas, Azure Span

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A Somber Week

The last several days had been somber ones for the centaur of Pinewood Post. Refugees tried their best to settle in and adapt to their new reality, grateful for the safe sanctuary following what they had just been through.

These refugees, mostly children or the elderly, had been the only survivors of a vicious attack on their village. Evacuated when the skies had turned red and alarm horns were sounded, they had made their way to the safety of the nearby river. From there, they watched in horror as their village seemingly burned to the ground, before they themselves came under attack by a flock of terrifying firehawks.

Had the Sunreavers not arrived to fend off the attack and escorted them to the safety of the nearby Post, the few survivors would be dead and none would remain from the peaceful village now replaced with a charred, smoking hellscape.

Now, as the centaur recovered, it was time to burry the dead. Expeditions to the ruins of the village over the last several days aimed to collected, identify and prepare the bodies of the victims. Centaur and Sunreaver elves worked hand in hand to accomplish this difficult and sad task.

By week’s end, a funeral procession leading the prepared bodies to a sacred site took place. Centaur and elves formed an honor guard as they lead the deceased to a newly created burial mound, in the traditional way of the centaur. A deeply moving experience, the Sunreavers learned of the rites of these proud and noble people.

Now, there would be important work to be done. Reports came by carrier hawks of more villages burning across the Ohn’ahran Plains as the Druids of the flame stepped up their attacks.

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The Wheel of the Year turns yet again…

Though the incarnate Iridikron remains at large, Fyrakk has been defeated and the Aspects have regained their guardian powers. The Dragon Isles are safe once more.

From all of us to all of you, Happy New Year!


World Update…

While the Dragonscale Expedition remains in the Dragon Isles, exploring this rich new land and lending aid to local populations, the battle against Fyrrak the Incarnate is over. Many vessels from Horde, Alliance and more have been retrieving explorers, champions and supplies, now needed back home.

The exception, of course, being an influx of Kaldorei and Alliance vessels arriving almost daily at the newly constructed Belanaar Harbor, off the coast of the Ohn’ahran Plains. Citizens and supplies are then moved to the shade of the new world tree Amirdrassil where construction of the new settlement of Bel’ameth is well underway.

Meanwhile, in January, Quel’Thalas saw the successful completion of an important diplomatic mission. The Sunreavers, under orders from the Violet Citadel and the Sunfury Spire, escorted the long-exiled members of the Silver Vanguard through the Eversong Woods on their first new pilgrimage to the Sunwell.

Further south, during a special collaborative mission, Horde and Alliance champions participating in the clearing and reclamation of the kingdom of Gilneas. It is of note that the area was being used by the Scarlet Crusade, further signs that the radical order may be sing a resurgence in the Eastern Kingdoms.

(This post has been converted into a wiki. Please feel free to add you own updates to this post!)


Kirin Tor Conclave is back!

In Dalaran, guild leaders and representatives have begun to arrive for the Spring edition of the Kirin Tor’s Conclave: a gathering of allies from around the world to share information and intelligence from across the globe.

An official welcoming reception will be hosted at the Legerdemain Lounge (Northrend) on Friday, March 29th, from 5pm local (WRA/server) time.

Then, on Saturday, officials and guests will gather in the Purple Parlor inside the impressive Violet Citadel to discuss current events and developments.

The Kirin Tor’s Code of Conduct will be in place, with The Sunreavers ensuring all adhere to strict rules to protect the city’s neutral sanctuary stance and climate.


Loviattar eyes the code of conduct, smirks and then ignores it.

“Bring on the Conclave!” she crows as the Duskwatch Saberguard prepares for the night.


The Kirin Tor Conclave…

Friends, allies and guests began arriving at the Violet Citadel in the late afternoon, and at five chimes in the afternoon, the conclave officially began in the Purple Parlor.

Magister Axiann Sungazer of The Sunreavers took the floor and introduced himself as host of the event, welcoming all and offering his sincerest gratitude for their attendance.

Archmage Aetherlaria Sunsong of the Kirin Tor took the floor and recounted her efforts to aid the newly reformed kingdom of Gilneas with its resettlement. She reminded those in attendance that the kingdom had a new queen, Tess Graymane, and that things were progressing nicely.

Longwalker Raton Wolfmane, of the Wolfmane tribe, spoke next. He told of the tribe’s adventures in the Dragon Isle, moving with the seasons, and of their eventual planned return to Kalimdor. Some of their members have been sent to Darkshore to aid the Helping Hands Coalition, while others work to plan a Market event to bring trade to Mulgore, as well as a larger celebration to come during the Summer.

Priestess Lyastei Al’Shaanth of the Helping Hands Coalition spoke next, guided to the center of the floor. She spoke passionately of the coalition’s efforts to ensure reparations for the Kaldorei’s suffering during the War of Thorns. She listed off a series of achievements of the past year, including attempts at ending the efforts of a band of extremist separatist kaldorei to drive the Shatterspear Trolls from their homes. Those efforts are ongoing, and the Helping Hand coalitionists have recently retaken Shatterspear Vale and moved the front lines closer to the separatists, called the Kal’Serrar - Blade of the Stars-.

Patrol-Captain Loviataar Al’shaanth of the Duskwatch Saberguard was next to take the floor and described a tense situation in Suramar as anti-horde sentiments seem to prevail. This is apparently due to a rise in popularity of the notion of Suramar independence, which may in turn be caused by an alternate-timeline version of Elisande being on the loose. Horde ambassadors have been evacuated to SHal’aran for the time being. Furthermore, it is reported that the Felborn in Felsoul Holde are on the rise.

Commander Vadinaar of the Argent Vanguard, whom many had assumed dead after a months-long disapearance, was the next to speak. He explained that his unit had, one week ago, returned from a long journey through two alternate timestreams: one in which the scourge had won the Eastern Kingdoms and most of Kalimdor, and another when the void forces were unstoppable due to a never-ending Fourth War. Now returned, the Vanguard are being tended to by the Bronze dragonflight in Thaldrazsus.

Then, Magister Sungazer (Sunreavers) took the floor with his own campaign summary. He described how the unit helped chase the Druids of the Flame across the Ohn’ahran Plains and into the Emerald Dream and aided allied forces in ensuring the new World Tree bloomed into Azeroth. Then, he explained how they were called back to the Dream when it was evident a sin’dorei with blood mage training was wreaking havoc on the realm. After several weeks of investigating, tragic battles and the death of a noble Green Dragon, a Sunreaver traitor was found to be responsible, through they managed to escape with what appeared to be a Bronze Dragon ally.

The Conclave concluded nearly three hours after it began. Over the next few days, guests and visitors would use Dalaran’s extended portal network to return from whence they came.

BIG thank you to everyone who attended, both regulars and newcomers to this semi-annual event! Already looking forward to the next one, scheduled for late Summer/early Fall.


The fact that you were able to figure out what Lovi was saying through her “don’t care” explanation is amazing. :joy:


To be fair, Corvin gave the rest of the context.


Is there an updated Discord link for this?

Trying to find an Alliance friendly RP community on Wyrmrest Accord

Currently exploring Dragon Isles, and I hardly run into anyone - no one to casually act in character with

Hi there!

We’ve recently created a new thread for our upcoming War Within campaign. You can find it, and the invite to our discord, here: