[Year 41: Dragonscale] Kirin Tor Conclave: Summary!

Saturday January 21st at 5pm
(folks will start to gather after 4:30):

The Waking Shore adventure continues as we make our way towards the Dragonscale Basecamp

After a day of traveling through the area, the Expedition members are stopped for one final respite before they finish the last leg of their journey, which has been uneventful so far…

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Dragonscale Basecamp

At dawn on Saturday, the Sunreavers, the Wolfmane Tribe and their allies of the Expedition prepared their caravan and set off in the direction of the official Dragonscale Basecamp.

A path was selected that traveled mostly along an ancient road through the forest, keeping the caravan mostly hidden from predators in the sky. They traveled all day, stopping for only short periods of respite along the way, hoping to make Basecamp by sunset.

The Expedition came upon a few obstacles along the way, the first being a bridge, just one of several they had traversed that day, that was partially collapsed and did not seem to be overly stable. Using shamanic control over the elements, as well as manipulation of the arcane, the bridge was made passable and the group proceeded with care.

A few miles further along, as the caravan grazed a tall cliffside, they came to an active mudslide which had washed away the road and barred their path. Once again, shamanic magic did the trick, aided this time by some impressive chronomancy, as the mudslide was slowed down enough to be held back, allowing the Expedition to cross cautiously but successfully.

The Expedition continued on, knowing they were not too far from their destination as the sun was setting low. As they crossed what would be the final bridge, exposed as they had ever been, they came under attack by a large Apex proto-drake.

A fierce battle ensued, with the group fighting off the apex predator, yet falling victim to its unleashing of powerful lightning attacks as it continually leaped back into the air and soared from one end of the bridge to the next, trapping the Expedition there, so very high above a raging river.

The battle continued for quite awhile, Expedition members beginning to feel exhaustion while the proto-drake seemed to get stronger as it was enraged by its resilient prey. Lightning rained down on the Expedition and more and more became injured.

Just as it seemed the battle might be lost, two dozen arrows rained down from the skies, piercing the proto-drake’s wings and hide in several places. Several Expedition members, coming from Basecamp, galloped to the caravan’s aid and helped turn the tide of the battle. The drake, howling and injured, leaped into the sky and flew off.

Lead by their new allies, the Expedition left the bridge and reached the Dragonscale Basecamp just as the sun set. Toddy Whiskers, one of the Expedition leaders, welcomed the group and offered medical care and food, and was thrilled at the arrival of the caravan and all of its supplies, which were so very much needed.

The Sunreavers, the Wolfmane and their allies will be staying at the Dragonscale Basecamp for a few weeks, and can be found here on most days, especially after 5PM.


Waking Shore :
Search and Rescue

Friday January 27th
Gathering at 5pm/Mission start at 5:30PM ST
Meet at: Dragonscale Basecamp (Waking Shore)

Over the past several days, several scouting parties have explored the area. Two such scouting parties have failed to check in or return. The Sunreavers are seeking volunteers to form a search and rescue party and attempt to locate the missing scouts.

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Search and Rescue:
Missing Scouting Parties

Volunteers gathered at the Dragonscale Basecamp to discuss the day’s objective: locate and rescue the members of two missing scouting parties that have failed to return or check in. The briefing was conducted by Magister Sungazer of the Sunreavers, along with Head Brave Breutex of the Wolfmane.

The search party tracked the scouts to a fork in the road a few miles north from Basecamp. Clues found, such as a broken Horde medallion and pieces of Alliance gold, seemed to indicate that each party had gone in its own direction.

Mission Report:
The road to the East

Magister Sungazer lead one group of volunteers down the road that headed East. After a few uneventful miles, the group came upon their first glimpse of true and ancient dragon architecture: a magnificent arch, flanked by two crimson standards, seemed to indicate the entrance to an area known as the Ruby Lifepools, according to one Drackthyr named Zalth.

Near the arch, tauren footprints were found to go off the path and head into the forest. Curious as to what could have drawn the scouting party in that direction, the rescue team proceeded, with caution, eventually coming to a flowing river of clean, clear water.

Those sensitive to magic perceived a unique signature to the water, which seemed infused with a form of heightened arcane magic, flowing with the element and infusing the area around it. Curious once more, the group decided to head upstream to investigate.

Eventually, they came upon a wide idyllic clearing, featuring two waterfalls cascading into a pond, surrounded by lush green nature. The beauty of the scene, however, soon changed to horror as the group came upon shattered blue dragon eggs. Evidence suggested the eggs had been destroyed using arcane magic, which doesn’t align with what is known about the Primalists.

The Drackthyr Zalth then sensed spellwork nearby. Working their magic, they eventually identified and took down an illusion spell, revealing a cache of six, unharmed and unhatched blue dragon eggs. Rimigos, a Blue dragon himself, quickly took over their care and handling as they were secured for transport back to Basecamp where they would be kept safe.

The revelations continued, as three bodies of dead Drakonids, most likely the defenders of this area and its eggs, were discovered. While the bronze and red drake’s bodies showed evidence of being done in by blunt force, surrounded by loose rocks, the blue’s corpse lay dismembered and featured heavy arcane burn marks on its hide.

That is when calls for help were heard for the first time. Beneath one of the two waterfalls, large and clearly recently fallen boulders seemed to have fallen and trapped people inside a cave. Combining their powers, the magic users in the group managed to lift and move the boulders, freeing the frail missing scout members.

With one of the two missing scouting parties in hand, along with a cache of vulnerable blue dragon eggs, the party made the journey back to Basecamp and awaited news of the other search party’s return.


When Primalists Attack…

Magister Sungazer read reports by candlelight, trying to trying to stay apprised as to the daily events at and around Basecamp. The Expedition’s settlement was still precarious and its survival and prosperity were not yet garanteed. Scouting missions still occurred daily, and efforts were made to secure the Basecamp and its members from danger.

One of the last reports he read was written by Chieftain Huwah of the Wolfmane Tribe. It detailed how a quiet evening was disturbed when noises were heard and investigated, just outside the Basecamp in the area known as the Wild Preserve.

The Chieftain wrote:

The expedition members, made up of several Wolfmane, arrived in the Wild Preserve to find Primalists attacking and capturing the Proto-drakes as well as other kinds of dragon kind. A group of Primalists approached the Expedition members and a Kaldorei woman, seeming to be the head of the group, began to negotiate.

The Kaldorei Primalist told of the Titans and how they came from beyond the stars and changed the world to their liking. It was the goal of the Primalists to restore Azeroth to a state similar to how the Titans originally found it. That the Expedition members need not be enemies of the Primalists as long as they did not interfere with Primalists works.

The Expedition members could even join the Primalists if they chose to. Despite the arguments and requests of the Primalists, the Expedition members were not having any of it. Except for one Drathyr. Known as Rahatai, the Dracthyr stated he wished to join the Primalists and was allowed to cross the river where the rest of the Primalists continued their tasks. It was a clever ruse though as Rahatai immediately began to secretly undermine the Primalist efforts.

When mention of the Primalists being armed was mentioned and their ideals questioned, the Kaldorei dropped her war glaive she carried. Meanwhile, a Wolfmane shaman, Chayton, attempted to attack the Primalist speaker but one of her allies, a Male Tauren shaman, intervened and took the blow for her. One last effort was made to sway the members but ultimately a fight was coming.

Calling upon the elements, the Primalists and the Expedition fought one another. The skirmish was intense as the two groups fought against one another. All the elements were brought against the members but they persisted, fighting valiantly. Taking advantage of the dropped war glaive, Breutex quickly picked up the weapon.

One Primalist, a Tauren woman, had called upon lightning to ensure Ozark, trapping him. Dahote leapt over a Dwarf Primalist to cut her down and free Ozark. Across the River, Rahatai’s efforts were discovered and he found himself immobilized in a similar way as Ozark.

When the battle seemed to turn against the Primalists, the Tauren shaman called to the others to retreat while he headed off the Expedition. All but two troll shaman retreated across the river and called upon the waters.

As the Primalists held back the Expedition, the waters of the river built up exponentially until the river was released. A large wave swept away the expedition and remaining Primalists away. Many were swept downstream and although the Primalists had retreated, several dragons were left behind, trapped under nets. Several members began helping the injured or the dragons.

One bestial companion of a Hal’ulni’s, a Devilsaur, was unaccounted for. After several dragons were freed and members taken care of, the Expedition returned to camp. The moods of the members were mixed. Some retired to rest while others sat around the fire and began to eat.


Before It’s Too Late…

Basecamp Expedition members,

The Dragon Eggs recovered last week have shown signs which cast great doubt on their survival. The Ruby Lifepools, whose reputed purpose is to nourish eggs and enhance their chances for survival, is deemed the only hope for these precious items.

The Sunreavers and the Wolfmane Tribe seen volunteers to escort the eggs safely to the Lifepools. All available volunteers are to gather and meet at 5 bells in the afternoon.

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A Night of Frost and Fire…

On Saturday, a group of dedicated volunteers set out to escort the cache of blue dragon eggs from the Dragonscale Basecamp, in the hopes that the dragons there would know how to save the waning potential life within.

The Lifepools and surrounding gardens being not too far from Basecamp, it was hoped that the journey would be uneventful. Those hopes were dashed when a frost proto-drake landed, barring the Expedition’s path, its female Draenei rider, a Primalist Frostlord, disembarking and attacking the party, claimed she would destroy the blue eggs, the eggs of the enemy, on her master’s behalf.

The battle was fierce, with the Frostlord getting off the first shot and injuring several in the process. The one named Rimigos, charged with protecting the eggs, enhanced the wards around them and kept them safe. The others fought the Frostlord, eventually turning the tide of that battle. The Frostlord hopped on her drake and flew off.

After spending a few minutes tending to the most serious wounds, the Expedition members continued on their journey with a quickened pace, eventually arriving at the bridge leading into the Ruby Lifepool Gardens. But at that moment, the Frostlord returned, attacking from above, using her proto-drake to breath forst-fire at the group and occasionally diving and attacking at them with fang and talon. Many injuries were suffered as the group fought valiantly, with Baoshii and Unre eventually teaming up to deal a fatal blow to the drake.

As the beast crashed down, its rider, the Frostlord, blocked the group’s path on the bridge. Pulling out a horn and blowing, she let out a sound over the valley and then, grinning, continued her attack. Zakia Dawnforce, of the Sunreavers, saw a moment of vulnerability and leapt forward, ending her right on the bridge as the skies filled with a dozen more frost proto-drakes.

Bracing themselves for the attack and ready to give it their all in an attempt to save the eggs, the group prepared for the worst. Red Dragons, coming from the direction of the Ruby Lifepools, two for every proto-drake, suddenly arrived, engaging their enemy in the sky and chasing most of them off instantly as the Expedition members cheered down below.

Landing near the group, several red dragons, lead by one named Majordomo Selistra, offered to carry the brave heroes and the eggs the rest of the way. One by one, the members soared into the sky, most for the first time, catching a glimpse of the Waking Shore from above as the dragons soared higher and higher, eventually reaching the Lifepools.

The eggs have been safely delivered to the nourishing waters, which carry the ‘blessing of the Titan-Keepers’, and immediately began to recover in strength. The group was welcomed to stay overnight, the sun having set, or escorted back to Basecamp by the Red dragonflight.


Waking Shore:
Campaigng Update

Over the past three weeks, the Expedition members have been hard at work ensuring the Dragonscale Basecamp is properly defensible and sustainable as a long-term outpost.

This has included setting up physical barriers, scouting the area for possible threats, establishing patrol routes, training permanent Basecamp members in combat and setting up magical defenses.

The Sunreavers, for their part, have been working on charging Blood Crystals, which when installed and activated, will provide wards preventing most forms of magical attack. Those crystals are now nearly charged and ready, and should be installed and activated by sunset tonight.

Part 1 of the Waking Shore Campaign Finale event happens today, Friday February 10th, starting at 5pm ST, and continues tomorrow…

Waking Shore: Campaign Update:
Blizzard-like conditions surround Basecamp

It has been reported that a primal blizzard has moved into the southern region of the Waking Shore. Fierce winds, falling snow and freezing ice pellets make this blizzard a particularly violent one. It is believed to have been caused by Primalist elemental magic.

Dragonscale Basecamp is reported to be completely surrounded on all sides, isolating it and its expedition members from the outside world. Their condition is unknown.


Waking Shore:
Campaign Finale Summary

After weeks of helping the Dragonscale Expedition ensure their Basecamp would be sustainable and well defended, the Sunreavers were finally ready to erect and empower a series of Blood Crystals, which would ward the outpost against outside malevolent magic.

But as the crystals were being charged, portals opened and primalists came forth and attacked. Battle raged on three fronts, the portals only sealed when each crystal was activated until one final group of primalists remained.

Those last primalists, however, knew they would not survive. Rushing to position surrounding Basecamp, they each crushed a frost crystal, activating a spell which would see their bodies destroyed, turned into storms that would join to form a massive blizzard, surrounding Basecamp and trapping most within the Dragonscale Basecamp for nearly 24 hours, until a plan was concocted to end the storm and end confinement.

The Shaman of the Wolfmane Tribe would make contact with the elements and plead with them to set them free. Moving through the storm, the brave Expedition members defenders the shaman from primalist attacks as they worked. One section at a time, they subdued the storms and found runestone type devices which, once destroyed, caused the spell matrix to collapse, ending the entire blizzard.

But the day was not over: as the storm cleared, the allies witnessed the passageway leading to the Ruby Life Pools were under attack, with proto-drakes, frost revenants and primalists attack the Red Drakes tastes with protecting the sacred brooding grounds.

As one, the group charged, slaying all as they moved while themselves suffering many injuries in the tight, hostile passage. After several minutes of intense fighting, members pleaded with leadership for a respite as members fell and needed urgent care. Temporary arcane barriers were erected and the healers were allowed to do their work.

The group then moved on. Seeing a secure area held by the Ruby Guardians, they made a final urgent dash and made it to safety. Healers could once again tend to the wounded, aided by the Red drakes, who used their impressive life magics to restore partial health to all.

But the battle was not over. While the lower gardens of the Life Pools were secure, the eggs were attacked and vulnerable. On dragon back, the Expedition members soared to the upper levels and began clearing the area of primalists, leading them to the terrace that serves as a landing for visitors to the Pools.

That is where they encountered a shadowy-figure, hovering in a sphere of arcane energy. The figure attacked, claiming her plan was to destroy the eggs and eventually, the flights themselves. Her powers for formidable, yet with the assistance of the Red Skyguard and their breath of flame, she was brought down to the ground before escaping through a portal.

Majordomo Selistra, on behalf of the Red Dragonflight, thanked the allies for their efforts in helping to secure the Life Pools and the future of all the Dragon Flights, pledging to aid the Expedition whenever they could throughout the Isles.


The Azure Span

There Azure Span is an area under siege on multiple fronts, as evidenced by the Dragonscale Expedition, divided as they are, investigating multiple issues that plague their allies.

In the mostly western half of the Span, the Argent Crusaders and the Duskwatch Saberguard have been studying the rot and decay that seems to be infecting and spreading through local ley-lines. This campaign is ongoing.

Meanwhile, in the eastern half, the Kirin Tor, the Sunreavers and their allies have been mapping out the divergances in ley-lines to discover that the flow of power is being redirected to the mountain called Vakthros. An expedition is currently en route to investigate.

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Campaign Update

The ley-lines, especially those in the eastern portion of the Azure Span, have mostly returned to normal, the flow of energy stabilized and the ambiant magic back to mostly normal levels.

Just prior to this shift, many in the Span may have felt the ground shake quite a bit, but those tremors have stopped, seemingly for good.

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Valdrakken, city of dragons

The city of Valdrakken is alive with activity. Citizens rejoice not only for the Aspects, now returned to their Seat of power, but also for the arrival of allies from the Horde, the Alliance and beyond. While many campaigns still continue across the Dragon Isles, some have begun to arrive and enjoy the safety and luxuries of the dragon capital.

The Sunreavers, having recently arrived themselves, have helped to create a stable portal-link to Dalaran. Thus, an influx of Kirin Tor agents have begun to arrive, along with more visitors and champions from the Horde and the Alliance.

While the assembled wait, anxious on the next move by Raszageth and the primalists, there is a feeling of cautious optimism as rumors abound of the Aspects working on a plan to regain their ancient and mighty powers once more.


Friday April 21st | Saturday April 22nd at 5pm:
Kirin Tor Convocation
Hosted by the Sunreavers in the Dragon Isles

For three months, various factions and guilds have been working throughout the Dragon Isles, pursing several campaigns of great import. Now, with several groups arriving in Valdrakken and portals being open providing travel to and from thew Isles to Dalaran and other areas, the time has come to gather.

The Sunreavers, in the great tradition of the Kirin Tor, have decided to host a Convocation in the Isles. They have sent word to allies across all factions to meet at the spire at Algeth’era Court, north-east of Valdrakken, on Friday and Saturday of this week. There, they will share reports on their work in the Isles since they landed just about three months ago.

On the second day, plans will be set into motion moving forward to deal with the ever evolving situation and threat.


  • Any and all guilds that are willing to respectfully attend are invited
  • Guild/faction leader, or a representive chosen by them, will be the chosen speaker for the guild/faction
  • Speakers are encouraged to pre-write their reports and prepare to spend no more than ten minutes speaking on day one
  • Speakers are encouraged to speak for no more than 5 minutes on day two when they share what it is they seek from allies

Important OOC:

  • Timeline wise, this Convocation happens immediately before the Vault of the Incarnates raid. Raszageth still lives and her kin have not yet been released. The Forbidden Reach is still unreachable. If this does not line up with your personal or guild timeline, please feel free to ignore these statements, rather than react to them as being false or ridiculous.


Bump: this is happening tonight!

Convocation: Day One

Magister Axiann Sungazer took the floor at 5 bells in the afternoon to welcome guests on behalf of the Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor. After going over the schedule and code of conduct, he would proceed as the speaker for the Sunreavers.

The Sunreavers primary objective was to find the missing Kirin Tor delegation from Dalaran. They began their journey through the Waking Shore, stopping at the Dragonscale Basecamp to aid the settlers in establishing a well fortified and permanent base. During their time there, they helped find missing scouts, came under primalist attack and found unhatched blue dragon eggs. Delivering the eggs to safety at the Ruby Life Pools, they found themselves in a major battle, helping the red flight in defending the Pools from a major Primalist attack and squaring off for the first time against a new foe: former Kirin Tor magus Hilda Nightfire.

The Sunreavers then proceeded to the Azure Span, finding the Kirin Tor base called Camp Antonidas and learning of the shifting ley-lines in the area. Investigating and mapping the lines lead them to discover that power was being fed into the mountain Vakthros in a possible attempt to destroy it and the entire Span. At the mountain’s summit, they joined forces with the Kirin Tor and blue Flight against Primalists, Raszageth herself, and the magus Nightfire once again, defeating her and restoring the flow of ley-energies in the area. The group then moved into Thaldraszus, forced to retreat back to safety when a heavy primalists attack resulted in heavy casualties, a destroyed bridge and the alleged death of Nightfire. Returning the next day with allies, including blue dragons, the Sunreavers helped in re-taking the South Hold Gate Garrison and chasing off the primalists attacking nearby Valdrakken.

Ozark Redriver, acting Head Brave of the Wolfmane Tribe, then took the floor. He recounted the Tribe’s expedition into the Ohn’ahran Plains after they leave the Sunreavers, in search of the Centaur tribes that live there, in order to do some intelligence gathering. The hardships they endured, including two members being captured for a time.

They were also reunited with the Duskwatch Saberguard, who informed them of a discovered centaur village, seemingly sacked with Wolfmane weapons in an attempt to frame the Tribe for those atrocities. They also had in their possession weapons, made by magic and traced back to Suramar. A mystery still needs to be solved.

Patrol Captain Loviataar Al’shaanth of the Duskwatch Saberguard spoke next. She briefly recounted how the Duskwatch landed in the Azure Span and worked closely with the Argent Vanguard in the area. They primarily focused their efforts on cleansing the ley-lines in the area, eventually able to open their portals and allow for travel to and from the Isles and Suramar.

It was Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Vanguard who took the floor next and elaborated on the campaign in the Azure Span. It seems that rot and decay seemed to be spreading through the western areas of the Span, greatly worrying the local Tuskarr populations. Gnolls were found to be responsible, using rot and decay magics to wreak havoc in the area. The Argents set up a basecamp in the area, at a place called the Ancient Overlook.

The Gnolls, lead by a commander known as ‘The Rotting One’, were found to use their rot magic on the local ley-lines, destabilizing magic in the area. While the Argent-Duskwatch coalition was able to slow their efforts, the Gnolls, allied with a particilar centaur tribe, have not yet been vanquished. New eivdence suggests the Rotting One is undead, possible a former member of the Cult of the Damned defeated years ago by the Coalition during the Year of the Scourge.

Next, it was Highlord Raseri of the Legion of the Dawn who addressed the crowd. Concise, he explained that the Legions campaigns in the Isles were complete, and needed no elaboration. They have set up in a corner of Valdrakken and await the call to aid against the Primalists or any other threat in the area. With that, he ceded the floor and promptly left with his entourage, citing obligations elsewhere.

Representing the Helping Hands movement, he High Priestess Lyastei Al’Shaanth came next, providing an update on efforts to restore the homes and lives of the Kaldorei and Worgen of Kalimdor, devasted during the War of Thorns years before. She spoke of ressources being gathered, yet of troubles plaguing Darkshore, Ashenvale and Mount Hyjal: elemental unrest, attacked caravans and murdered courriers continue to threaten the efforts to rebuild.

The Helping Hands movement have focused their efforts on the spreading of a disease or virus afflicting many on Mount Hyjal, leading to two fatalities so far. The disease is thought to have emerged from the Emerald Nightmare. Elementals seem to be involved, and at the center of the calamity is another old enemy, the so-called “Flesh-Pit” encountered during the Year of the Scourge, which has thus far survived attempts to destroy it.

The first day of the event closed with some remaining to discuss, while others made their way to the local inn for food drinks and rest before the convocation resumes the next day.

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Convocation: Day Two

The convocation was brought to order once more by Magister Axiann Sungazer of the Sunreavers, who welcomed guests and went over the event format and code of conduct. He wasted no time in proceeding with the series of faction leaders wanting to speak.

Breutex Centerstorm, Head Brave of the Wolfmane Tribe was the first to speak. He explained that they were camped out at Emberwatch, a Dragonscale base, and already benefited from the assistance of the Duskwatch Saberguard. Their primary goal is to clear their name of any wrong doing, framed as they have been for the destruction of centaur settlements. Then, they will seek out the centaur in the hopes of establishing peaceful relations with them.

From the Duskwatch Saberguard, Patrol Captain Loviattar Al’Shaanth spoke next. She reminded the gathering that they too are camped out at Emberwatch and aiding the Wolfmane Tribe in finding out who are stirring up trouble in the Plains.

Next, Priestess Lyastei Al’Shaanth spoke for the Helping Hands movement. She explained that while the movement seeks to help all refugees in northern Kalimdor, their current focus is on aiding the people of Mount Hyjal fight off a disease from the Emerald Nightmare, wild fire elementals, and the infamous Flesh-Pit amalgamation moving about underground. She requested the aid of anyone with knowledge of the void, the undead, as well as experienced shamans or priests (the elementals seemingly being divine-infused).

The Highlord Raseri of the Legion of the Dawn, in response to the priestess’ pleas, committed to sending members of the Legion of the Dawn to aid in the efforts to cleanse Mount Hyjal. Then, taking the floor himself, he reminded those gathered that the Legion offers their aid to any who seek assistance in their campaigns. He also asked that any information on the Primalists and their bases of operation be shared, that the Legion may seek them out and eliminate them instead of fighting guerilla forces always on the move.

Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade took the floor, describing the base the faction has established for itself at the Ancient Overlook in the Azure Span. He glossed over the discovery of over 500 unique tomes in a well preserved library, before moving onto the topic of the Cultists and their possession of Nerubian relics such as the ones encountered over three years ago in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kul Tiras. Two thalassian destroyers, belonging to Darkfallen cultists, were found anchored at an island offshore of the Span.

The Argents overheard the Darkfallen speaking of the Argents being too distracted with their investigation into the rot and decay in the area to be able to foil their plans. Vadinnar explained that they have been eliminating the Gnolls’ leadership, with only three of eight commanders left to dispose of, decimating their ranks. Plans are set to eliminate the final three commanders within the next week. Highlord Raseri, once more, agrees to send aid.

Magister Sungazer then spoke of the Sunreavers intention to remain stationed in Valdrakken and assist the Aspects with their efforts to regain their powers and defeat the Incarnates. While there, he offered assistance in coordinating with other factions across the Isles and committed to sending aid when it is needed.

With the convocation adjourned, many of the guests made their way to the inn where the conversation flowed just as readily as the drinks. Folks stayed late into the night, and many new plans were forged.


Vault of the Incarnates:
The Fight to Stop Raszageth

Meanwhile, in Thaldraszus…

Opt-in: On the eve of the new patch and to allow those roleplayers wanting to partake in the first raid ICly, the following events can now be mentioned as having happened.

Shoutout to Gavinrad the Bookish for his new video all about Wyrmrest Accord role-play, featuring mentions of ùour Year 40 campaign/community!

Check it out, as well as his other videos, on YouTube!

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The Forbidden Reach…

In the wake of Raszageth’s death, the storms have receded and the Forbidden Reach reveals itself once more…

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