[N - The Argent Crusade] Year 35 / Year of the Scourge (Epilogue) - The Argent Front

Greetings, co-leader of The Argent Redemption [A] & The Argent Resurgence [H] here.

I’ve been told to get off my lazy butt and post these things to the forums, which I am truthfully terrible at checking. Hopefully this helps me get into the habit of continuing to check and post here.

The Argent Front - Update One (1/29/22)

Daily Log Entry - Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Hearthglen

The Argent Crusade units that were attached to Icecrown during the recent conflicts with the Scourge have returned to their original postings around the world.

For our brigade that once called Hearthglen home, it has been a bittersweet return to the region.

The years of progress made in the region, from fighting back the Undead to reclaiming and restoring land was all nearly undone the moment the veil was shattered. While Hearthglen itself has held out for the year-long siege, many other locations within the region were less than fortunate.

More than just looking to the restoration and rejuvenation of lands, the Crusade has the task of attempting to keep order in the new-found power vacuum left by the unprecedented weakening of the Scourge forces and collapse of the Forsaken nation with the fall of the Undercity, and the loss of Andorhal as the veil was sundered.

  • Commander Vadinnar

The Argent Front - Update Two (2/5/22)

Daily Log Entry - Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Mender’s Stead

With the Mender’s Stead cleared of feral Scourge and the nearby farmsteads similarly secured, the Crusade looks now to the rest of the Eastweald.

Andorhal sits as the nearest threat. Feral Undead freely roam the abandoned settlements across all districts of the town, and closer surveying of the ruin lends no comfort. Not only do the Undead number significantly higher than any prior estimation, but the mysterious presence of… non-native varieties of Scourge present more questions, very uncomfortable ones. Scourged and Plagued Vrykul are amongst the Undead that wander Andorhal, notably at least one Vrykul Giant, decaying and rotting and plagued. Their presence poses several questions… Ones that many do not immediately desire the answers to, given the possibility that the answer re-opens still healing wounds from Icecrown that have barely had the time to scab or scar.

Alongside the looming threat within Andorhal comes the first power to try and take advantage of the void now present within the region, and the weakened status of those that had in the past prevented them from ever pushing past their bounds. The Mossflayer Trolls have been seen raiding the weakened Scourge encampments within the Plaguelands. Amidst their pillaging and scavenging, they have obtained abilities they previously lacked. Scores of risen, undead trolls have been spotted moving through the Plaguelands. Evidence of the Mossflayer utilizing power Scourge alchemy has also been seen in the tips of arrows or blades left behind in their raids on the feral Undead or weakened Cultists.

Further surveillance and intelligence on both issues is required before any action taken.

  • Commander Vadinnar

The Argent Front - Update Three (2/11/22)

Daily Log Entry - Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Mender’s Stead

An Argent Scouting Party, lead by the Mossflayer Death Knight turned Argent Crusader, Abojuto, made contact with the Mossflayer in the foothills near Zul’Mashar.

While the Crusaders took all precautions and made all efforts to keep the situation peaceful, the Mossflayer found reason to be provoked as our Crusaders became aware of a ‘dark ritual’ of otherwise unknown precise power or purpose in progress in the hills above.

While two of the three within the party escaped, Crusader Abojuto was taken captive by the Mossflayer. His status is currently unknown, though it is believed he was taken alive.

Evidence during the encounter point to the Mossflayer utilizing powerful tranquilizing toxins and ‘Black Venoms’, the kind which are notably utilizing by Dark Rangers on their weapons, on their arrows and blades. This leads us to exhibit some extreme caution and reluctance at engaging in a direct fight without further preparations being made.

Samples of the tranquilizing toxin are already in the hands of Argent apothecaries and an antidote is being produced. We unfortunately lack samples of the ‘Black Venom’ at this time.

Further reconnaissance efforts are being redirected to the Zul’Mashar region. We need to know more and keep eyes on the forces coming in and out if we are going to have any chance of rescuing our Crusader.

  • Commander Vadinnar

The Argent Front - Update Four (2/13/22)

After-Action Report - Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Northpass Tower

Our forces have engaged the Mossflayer Tribe. While it was not our first choice, we could not leave our Crusader’s fate in their hands.

Our unit initially went in on foot and surveyed the approach. The main pass into the Zul’Mashar hills were significantly covered. We spotted no less than ten Shadowhunters and Scouts along the hillside or in structures adjacent the approach.

One of our contract operatives helped open up the window for approach by air along the northwestern approach by eliminating exposed targets on the fringe of their coverage.

Meanwhile on the ground, a derelict Meat Wagon was leveraged to provide a distraction. Some repairs and adjustments were made to the vehicle and it was sent careening down the hillside, before it slammed into a hut near the foot of the Zul’Mashar approach. The ensuing blaze brought most of the resistance down towards the bottom of the hill, granting us an opportunity to approach from the west along the upper reaches of the hill and into the vale.

We were not prepared for what we found, however.

No less than three-score Mossflayer Undead stood in ranks near a ritual involving other, supposedly living trolls, as they were in the process of raising no less than another dozen Undead Trolls. We took immediate fire from Shadowhunters on the ground while on hippogryph and performed maneuvers and a fly-over, looking for our missing Crusader.

Crusader Abojuto was located on the ground and extracted as quickly as possible. Casualties were taken, notably with three wounded by arrowheads that had been coated with the Black Arrow venom. All three are expected to make a recovery and were treated with a counter-agent that was, thankfully, lifted from the site by our contract operative. The compounds obtained by the contract operative are being sent for analysis by our apothecaries for production.

Reports from Crusader Morningcrown, which were later corroborated by the captured Abojuto, reveal that the Mossflayers are meeting with other, similarly disparate Troll tribes now that the Zandalar have made the allegiances they have. A representative from the Amani, and a representative from the Nazmani Blood Trolls were witnessed meeting with the Mossflayer Warlord. The nature of the meeting is unknown but that such is even occurring is of significant concern. Further, the identity of this Mossflayer Warlord or any higher standing Mossflayer are similarly unknown a this time.

Alerts for readiness have been sent to all towers and holds in the Plaguelands. Conflict with the Mossflayers is now inevitable.

  • Commander Vadinnar

The Argent Front - Update Five (2/18/22)

Daily Log Entry, Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Light’s Hope Chapel

We’ve taken up station in Light’s Hope once more. Beloran has been left with several others at Northpass for the time as he continues to oversee preparations there, but otherwise have had the unit move here and start to make preparations for what will inevitably come.

The call from the walls of Hawkstriders on the road made for a change of mood for the remainder of the evening with the arrival of the Sunreavers. Seeing Axiann again actually lifted my spirits significantly and gives hope for what we are facing.

The second call of riders approaching was even more welcome. The Legion of the Dawn are the first to answer the missive I sent out. Perhaps our courier will soon reach the Vol’kar or Wolfmane far off in Kalimdor, and we’ll see their assistance as well…

That hope aside, our combined group briefed on the current situation and came to some solutions. Eastwall will be where we fortify and prepare our stand. Should Eastwall fall, Northpass would surely go next, being cut off from our forces and resources based in the south, and Light’s Shield and Light’s Hope would have no buffer or stronghold between here and the hills and vales of Zul’Mashar.

It makes the most sense tactically, though it seems strange to so swiftly dismiss the chances Northpass has. Is the situation already so bleak that we must make such concessions? I am unsure why I even ask the question. The decision is sound and tactically appropriate, though I know in making this decision we effectively assign any forces to Northpass knowing well that they will likely be the most easy target to the Mossflayer, and the one we ultimately concede we cannot properly defend without risking more important losses elsewhere. Even as I write this, I feel a sourness in my stomach. It was always one thing to make these hard decisions - ones that mean life or death to the troops you order out into the field - in the biting colds of Northrend, but feels all the more… callous back in Lordaeron. Laselk is somewhere laughing at me.

  • Commander Vadinnar

The Argent Front - Update Six (2/19/22)

Vadinnar paced back and forth before a table and chair. Lit by candle, the small desk in the hall beneath Light’s Hope sat away from most of the great chamber. His arms crossed before him, with his hand only lifting every few moments to massage his right temple. He winced in pain. Trying to soothe his tension headache only agitated his arrow wounds to his side. He sighed and finally sat, looking down at the parchment, quill, and ink before him.

After-Action Report, Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Light’s Hope Chapel

Our forces started the evening as previously planned, to make strides towards supplying and reinforcing Eastwall. Caravans of supplies would be put together and escorted, with some supplies rushed by hippogryph. The Dawnsmen were already there, building up the fortifications and bolstering the armaments and defensive capabilities of the tower against attack.

The first flares lit up in the sky to the west at roughly an hour before sunset. Light’s Shield called for aid. I confess to being completely astounded in the moment, momentarily so shocked at the sight of the trio of red flares burning brightly on the horizon that I felt my jaw drop and even froze. How could Light’s Shield be the target? The moment passed, however. We immediately rallied cavalry, both air and ground, and embarked for Light’s Shield. I entrusted Beloran to get the order to Eastwall as I lead the rest towards the embattled tower.

Or at least, that is what we had every reason to assume.

Our forces rallied at Light’s Shield and took witness to a considerable host of Mossflayer forces charging over the hillside to the west. Cannons and mortars fired but seemed to make no dent in the coming forces. We raced to the foot of the hill to hold them. Weapons raised, magics flared, and our forces charged into the coming line.

Only nothing was there. The entire force was, somehow, an illusion.

A trio of red flares soared into the sky to the east. Light’s Hope Chapel was under attack.

We quickly rallied in reverse, returning as swiftly as wings or hooves could take us back to the Chapel. Already groups of Undead Trolls fought in front of the northwest walls, some even pushing under the gate arches. Shadowpriests stood atop the walls, assailing our forces, while Shadowhunters let loose volley after volley of arrows.

No hesitation, we moved in and began to engage the Living and Undead Mossflayer. The aim of the Shadowhunters was unfortunately quite exemplary. Within moments of joining the battle, several of our forces - myself included - were struck by Black Arrows.

The force of Crusaders, Dawnsmen, and Sunreavers all deserve considerable accolades for the ensuing fight. Working alongside each other, each line of the Mossflayer was gradually beat away, though not without some three-quarters of our forces - at minimum - taking wounds of some sort, easily half also being afflicted with the toxins of poisoned weapons.

As defeat for the Mossflayers seemed to draw near, many were witnessed imbibing a bluish elixir. They proceeded to entirely vanish from sight, leading us to safely assume the compound was some kind of invisibility potion. It is worth recording that we only witnessed this from the living Mossflayer, many of which carried satchels of alchemical vials and bottles on their persons into the fight. It is clear that they have found some power they previously did not have in Scourge alchemy.

Close of the battle quickly drew as the Mossflayer retreated. No Living survivors were located to apprehend or question. A single Undead was still survived, though questioning proved fruitless. It did reveal, however, that these are not just mindless ghouls the Trolls have somehow raised, but sentient and free-willed.

In the battle’s aftermath, the decision was made to ensure last rights were made over all deceased and the ensure their bodies burned. I made no objection. How could I.

Despite the aches of my treated wounds, I continued inspection of the grounds, including checking on our allies. Credit where it is due, a Sunreaver Lieutenant - I believe by the name of Kiah, though her surname eludes me - made the astute observation that whatever magics produced the conditions that lead to our deceit at Light’s Shield would best be investigated promptly. So we did. Two of the Sunreavers, one the of the Dawnsmen, and an Argent ally all with magical studied backgrounds departed towards Light’s Shield escorted by Raseri, Beloran, and myself.

The flight was thankfully short as I felt every flap of the hippogryph’s wings sharply in my side. We pressed onward on foot, climbing the hill adjacent Light’s Shield, now freshly pock-marked with cannon and mortar craters. Our magically-inclined began to investigate, in-time discerning the trail of illusionary footprints back to their source.

While I confess to still be slightly uncertain of the particulars of the ritual, our team believed four or five Mossflayer were responsible for producing the imagery we witnessed. Further, it was determined this was a form of Shadow deception, not some Arcane illusion.

I would have been disconcerted enough with that information, however there was more to learn that would shake many at the scene. The member of the Dawn, a woman whose name I confess to not knowing, felt the reverberations of something these Mossflayer used to empower their deception. A relic of some nature… and one that, as she reached out and probed, seemed to leave a distinct echo of it’s power at the location. A sharp pain radiated at the back of my head as some sort of brief whisper became aware to seemingly everyone present.

Many questions linger to the nature of the relic or power or figure holding the reins in this situation, but this much seems known: The relic is Nerubian in origin and it assisted the Mossflayers in producing the shared, mass hallucination all at Light’s Shield witnessed. Whether this means a Crypt Lord is behind this, or some link to powers of the Old Gods, or what, precisely, I cannot say. Thinking on the array of questions this investigation produced pains me to dwell on in this moment.

Clearly, further investigation into this will be required. A defense must be made available, lest we continue to chase down shadows while the Mossflayer stab us in the back.

  • Commander Vadinnar

Congrats on the dedicated Forum channel!

I’ve gone ahead and tagged you in my Year 35 post from the other day.

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We will help vexing you on Discord, to post here. :grinning:

The Argent Front - Update Seven (02/26/22)

Daily Log Entry, Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Light’s Shield Tower

Two nights ago a watchmen atop Light’s Shield reported what they believed to be some strange lights coming from Corin’s Crossing. While the incident was recorded, it wasn’t immediately followed up on due to all the current concerns with the Mossflayer.

Later that same day, an escort bringing a wagon from Light’s Hope to Light’s Shield claimed they believed the number of Undead near Corin’s Crossing looked to be more than typical. While a report was formally made into the Tower’s logs, it again wasn’t immediately followed up on.

That night, yet more lights, and come morning, it was unmistakable: The number of Undead near Corin’s Crossing was dramatically increased, with early estimates that some four or five dozen may now be within near distance of a assailing Light’s Hope or Light’s Shield. They were swarming, aggressive, and agitated, all cloistered about the town hall, but not leaving the vicinity of the town.

We assembled a small team composed of Sunreavers and Crusaders, along with our ‘Contract Specialist’ and met at the Tower. After conducting our own observations, a portion of the Invisibility Elixir recovered from the Mossflayer that fell at Light Hope was distributed to our unit. While untested in it’s specific capabilities, we know it effective enough to allow the Mossflayer that attacked Light’s Hope to arrive there undetected, and permitted a number of them to flee despite being in the midst of battle. While it was an acknowledged risk to be certain, I hold that it was a calculated one nonetheless…

Each member of the team was provided three elixirs with rather explicit orders: No more than two would be utilized to investigate Corin’s Crossing, and should an individual consume their last, they must immediately return to safety. As a further precaution, all enchanted or otherwise blessed equipment was left behind at Light’s Shield.

We set down to Corin’s Crossing, only making it rought two-thirds of the way we anticipated before starting to encounter the outer edge of the Undead. Elixirs were consumed and we moved forward. The Undead moved about erratically. Agitated, clearly aggressive, but entirely unfocused. They gnashed at the air, growling and snarling, quickly moving to and fro. In an early test of the invisibility elixir, Axiann and I were both, separately, collided into by the frantic Undead. They swiped and clawed in response, barely missing us both, and we pressed forward as they continued to slash at the air.

If that initial test weren’t enough, we came upon a second as we turned a corner, coming face to stomach-maw with an Abomination. The creature was certainly more suspicious that we were there. Our Specialist tossed some small object at a nearby cart, which the Abomination proceeded to obliterate and we slipped by. Our Specialist’s potion was the first to begin to wear off, but another consumption was made and we kept on.

It only made sense to start with the town hall, not just because that seemed to be the center of the Undead activity, but because both Axiann and Selowyn seemed to be sensitive to some form of energy within. Upon entering, we realized it was devoid of any activity or life. The Undead weren’t inside at all, not crossing into the structure in any way - all the better since more potions wore off. The Magister and Confessor continued to be drawn to whatever was in there and soon discovered an object, what they both assessed to be of Scourge and Nerubian make. It was notably active, and while investigation of the object is still pending, it was alight with runes - some of which the Confessor recognized from our recent foray in Icecrown.

As our Sunreaver allies began to prepare to ward the object, our Specialist made physical contact with it. The result was disconcerting.

The Specialist and Confessor seemed to go into sudden distress. They clutched at their heads and fell to the ground in clear pain. The Magister Axiann and his ally, a healer that I confess to only hearing the name of ‘Vail’, both hastened their efforts and completed their ward, while Vail focused on cutting off whatever power seemed to overcome and infiltrate the minds of the Specialist and Confessor.

Details were sparse in the moment. Both muttered, speaking of images they saw, voices like whispers they heard, all flashing so quickly and disjointedly within their minds that they were unable to discern more than the briefest of images of what they experienced.

There was little time to focus on that, however. The Sunreaver ward placed on the object seemed to have an immediate effect on the Feral Undead outside. While still frenzied and ravenous, they no longer seemed to be ‘swarming’ about the Town Hall. In fact, we could hear them as they started to enter. With our Specialist incapacitated, and no time to waste, our Confessor performed a rather unorthodox method of magic to put him back on his feet, albeit not of his own volition. All imbibed their next potion and we began to head back out, just as the Undead started to wander inside.

Already we could see the difference outside. The tight clumps of erratically moving Undead were replaced by more meandering behavior, albeit they all still seemed to remain agitated to some extent, making them more active than typical. We made our way through the more easily dispersed mob until we found ourselves assailed by the Abomination. It flung it’s hook, nearly striking our Specialist and seemed to be keenly aware of our presence to a greater extent - what I surmise was due to the magic in use by the Confessor on the Specialist. We made a sprint away from the town, the Abomination quite literally whipping at our heels with it’s chain, but as we made it further and further away it seemed to give up the chase, still clearly under some residual effect from the relic and not straying too far from the town.

Upon return to Light’s Shield, we began immediate debrief and general assessment. The Specialist was taken to the infirmary, with the Confessor following shortly behind. The Sunreavers kept secure the relic and will be strengthening the wards upon it.

Many questions are left from this, and I truly wish I had even one answer. The images described in brevity by the Confessor and Specialist are presently unknown in their origin or even what they specifically were, at all. Visions of the past? Glimpses of events to come? They described but a few things they saw, and all were less than comforting:

A human-built chapel, aflame. A white tabard, blood-soaked to such an extent that any iconography was indiscernible. Sounds of skittering in the dark. A host of Undead.

All individually would be foreboding enough, but as a collection of images, all the more concerning. And all worse, no idea who may be responsible for activating and placing the relic with Corin’s Crossing.

  • Commander Vadinnar

Argent Captain’s Log: Confessor Sunhawk 2/26/2022
Light’s Shield Tower, Eastern Plaguelands

Please consider this an addendum to Commander Vadinnar’s entry of the same date, which contains background information for this mission. I assisted with the inspection of the forever ill-fated Corin’s Crossing. It continues to surge with undead. Last night was no exception. We encountered a Scourge artifact of Nerubian make. Writing with skittering runes, two of which I recognized from the Crown of Zin’sahlla. The object quickly overcame the two shadow-affinity members of the group. Specialist D’Zhaeri and myself. My mind was wracked with images and voices, clearly also of the Nerubian language. The Sunreavers with us were eventually able to ward the item, and I was forced to use potent mind magic to remove the Specialist from the compromising situation.

I promised to make note of what I saw, as we have no way of knowing if these are warnings, fragments of memories, portents, or other. In as best an order as I can place them, the images were as follows:

A portal.
A burning, human chapel.
Undead in Northrend (Dragonblight), rushing forward.
A black void, full of skitterings in the dark.
A tattered white tabard, too blood-stained to identify.
Lordaeron. Hundreds of soldiers. Charging forward as Horde defend.
The sound of a voice, fragmented, stating, “Terrible vengeance.”
Cries of choking individuals. Explosions. Smelling something putrid.
A massive towering Scourge gate - likely the Wrathgate itself.
Arthas…standing before an Army.
A barrel firing off a cliff.
Another portal, undead walking from it.
The relic. Runes glowing as Nerubian words are uttered.
Another image of the burning, human chapel; ebon riders charging.
The gates of a human city. Screaming from within as fire and smoke rage, clouding a blue sky.
Bloodstained hands.
The sight of an undead tearing at the flesh of someone on the ground, then look towards me.
A giant, undead Vrykul, lumbering towards me as chains suddenly ensnare it.

I am prepared to discuss this matter in more detail should it be required.

In service,

Confessor Selowyn Sunhawk of The Argent Crusade


The afternoon haze of the Plaguelands makes for exceptionally horrid visibility, especially for anything coming from the sky. The gray and brown that stain the sky just turn various shades of deep, bloody crimsons and ambers that do more to just make the entire range of cover an ominously glowing veil over the region’s sky than lend any assistance in discerning shapes on the horizon… which is why the arrival of a Dragonhawk and rider, descending down from the lurid veil into Light’s Hope was such a surprise. The rider quickly handed off a scroll-case to a Squire, who then rushed to the Chapel and down the stairs beneath it, to the command office.

The scroll case’s seal was broken by a receiving Knight who immediately took notice of the Farstrider wax seal on multiple missives, each addressed in turn to the Crusade, the Sunreavers, and the Dawnsmen.

Intelligence Activity Report by Captain Loreliel Dawnbearer of Silvermoon, written from Farstrider Enclave.

To be dispatched in copy to Farstider Commander, Silvermoon City; Argent Crusade & their allies, Light’s Hope Chapel.

For some background to our allies reading this report, I am the officer currently tasked with execution of our surveillance and abatement operations of the Amani Tribe. That puts me in a rather unique position to generally be in the know concerning most of their activity of note, and the response Quel’thalas has to their ongoing aggressions.

As such, this operation was quite shocking to me.

On receipt and execution of my orders, I embarked to Thalassian Pass, awaiting the arrival of the allies that were set to approach using the pass from the Plaguelands. It was there that I met with representatives of the Crusade, Lady Concordia Morningcrown, and a self-proclaimed specialist that I found not much more than a bard by the name of ‘Malek’. In addition, I met a representative from these Dawnsmen, a Kaldorei Priestess by name of Alinda Moonbrook. Finally, a Farstrider that had recently been partnering with the Sunreaver operations, by name of Jilandris.

We waited a time for an Argent that was lagging behind and proceeded to share what we knew of the situation at hand. I started, acknowledging a few facts regarding the Amani - notably, that the only recent activity we had seen coming from Zul’Aman was the departure of an Amani Emissary with their escort nearly a month back. The Emissary to the assurance of our operatives in Ghostlands was never seen to return. Beyond that, there had been no indication of any activity by the Amani that would put us on any kind of heightened state of alert, at least the kind that would give us cause to redeploy troops or anything.

After some initial travel, we made our approach to the first Amani encampment via the Thalassian Range. We kept at considerable distance initially and observed some unusual activity, namely the stockpiling of supplies and the manufacture of additional weapons. While this was, in itself, not singular cause for alarm, it did give us some pause and we pursued to examine the area further.

We had a near-encounter with an Amani Hunting party while traversing the terrain to our next location. This party’s sole catch were local spiders, the kind of which is typical in using their venom for production of poisons for their weapons. We noted this and continued forward when clear.

We proceeded north without incident until we were flown over by a group of Amani Bat Riders. While it is my belief one rider might have caught glimpse of us, I do believe we were able to dissuade any suspicion after remaining in hiding within the overgrown meadows. The arrival of bat riders from the deep reaches of the northeast is, in itself, the second suspicious event. It was around this time that two within our party, both priestesses, sensed disconcerting magics at work nearby. The audible sound of drums was also clear, illustrating a gathering, though nothing was visible from our position. We continued on.

Arrival at our final vantage point, one with elevation over the Zul’Aman approach, finally put us in a position to discern what activity there was. While we were witness to many roosting bats, already saddled along the ruins, we saw no evidence of their riders or enough Amani to make up their force. In addition, there was no evidence of other gathering, and no source of the still-echoing drums.

That was when we first noticed the strange visual distortion. It became somewhat clear that illusion magics we’ve never been witness to the Amani utilizing were at play. This was disturbing to learn for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the Bard’s reaction was excessive, to say the least, and his boisterous exclamations garnered unwanted suspicion from below. It was by sheer luck that we avoided detection.

With two nearly avoided disastrous reveals, we took chance on a gambit to observe more, as quickly as possible, without pushing our near-exhausted luck any further, especially with the temperament of the Bard quickly waning.

Both Priestesses began utilizing different skills in line with their specialties. The Crusader seemed to transfix on a patrolling Amani and began to observe the scene below through the eyes of the Troll. Meanwhile, the Kaldorei seemed to call upon the grace of something beyond them to gain insight into the veil below.

Both, thankfully, worked.

The Crusader was able to confirm the usage of an illusion, one generated of some kind of shadow ritual. As their witless eyes continued their path, they confirmed that the Amani were in fact raising the corpses of the behemoth Dire Trolls. We estimate at minimum two dozen, though it is possible she saw as many as thirty. In addition, she confirmed that there were roughly a dozen bat riders.

The Kaldorei’s magic was something else entirely. I was witness to what seemed like a shaft of moonlight, gently beaming down onto the illusion. The Priestess then made claim that she could see plans on skins and leathers, and a path that would have the Amani utilize the Thalassian Pass for their transit into the Plaguelands. This gives reason to believe that they intend to march their entire host all at once - perhaps in a display of strength and intimidation, but that is just informed speculation based on their past behavior.

Despite the urgings by the Bard to do otherwise, we made a hasty exit with the information we secured, and made for the safety of Farstrider Enclave, where I record this information now.

Already, I have shared with our local lieutenants in the area that the Amani are using a new method of masking their activity from us. I am requesting that we bolster our forces along the Amani frontier in preparation of a new form of aggression. I do not, at this time, recommend any pre-emptive strike. This host of the Amani should be allowed to leave the Ghostlands unadulterated, not only to give them false belief of their superiority, but to ensure we do not need face this first, unchallenged in their creation force. I am certain our allies are more than capable of addressing the threat they have been made aware of, especially with the time to prepare.

Captain Loreliel Dawnbearer


The Argent Front - Update Nine (03/05/2022)

Observer’s Report - Battle of Thalassian Pass

Armaments, munitions, hippogryphs and dragonhawks, and troops were all in place, with most of the two latter categories at nearby Northpass Tower - where I observed and ultimately write this from. The tension was palpable as all seemed to wait for what was to come.

When the call from the pass came, the briefing had not even been given. Instead, quick orders were shouted telling people to deploy to the front, take up artillery, or get in the air.

Cannons began to fire immediately as the first Undead Dire Trolls came into view, decimating the first rank of the creatures. Our air support followed up and pelted their line with grenades, all while our ground force got into position and braced for the fight to come.

The engagement on the ground began not moments after the first strafe by air was complete. Almost immediately it was clear the kind of fight our troops were in for as they were cleaved, slammed, and bashed about by the massive Dire Trolls.

Artillery barrages continued, along with constant aerial bombardment. Casualties began to mount quickly, however, with an early friendly fire incident adding to the carnage on the ground. And that was before the Amani Bat Riders entered the fray, hurling poisoned spears at our air support and artillery, and pelting our ground forces with flasks of liquid fire, our air support had to entirely focus on the bat riders rather than continue to lend their aid to the ground battle.

The loss of their attention was sorely felt as Dawnsmen, Crusaders, and Vol’kar Warriors all began to suffer grievously at the might of the Undead Dire Trolls. The Sunreavers in the sky started to make quick work of the light but speedy Amani air support.

To the shock of all, a sudden explosion in the air. A Bat Rider seemed to imbibe some kind of unstable concoction which turned them into a living bomb. They raced at a group of our air support and dealt severe damage to our forces.

The battle waged on and by the halfway point, for every Dire Troll we took down, one of our own started to fall. The air battle was thankfully going better and before long, a majority of the force left was all but defeated. As their numbers dwindled one made a last gambit, drinking their unstable concoction and dive bombing, literally, our eastern artillery emplacement. The massive explosion sent fire and shrapnel across the battlefield, not to mention the force of the blast knocking many to the backs. The blast would critically wound several and diminish the heavy attacks that did the most damage to the Dire Trolls. Yet the battle continued.

Their numbers all but spent towards the end, a group of the Dire Trolls began a reckless charge, plowing through our lines and making for the exit of the pass. They were greeted by the last ditch attempt of an Dawnsmen ally to end the conflict, sending a cart of munitions barreling down a hill towards them. The explosion would prove massive. Perhaps unexpectedly so. As the battle observer I cannot state that with certainty.

What I initially believed a secondary explosion erupted, catching me off guard, though it in fact came from somewhere far to the south. I only record this as it did certainly cause some alarm in the moment, and detracted from observation of the battlefield.

As the fireball and smoke cleared, it seemed only two of the Amani Bat Riders had escaped from the conflict. All other forces that came south were defeatedly, but not without significant casualties to our forces, with many still in critical condition at the time of this entry.

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The Argent Front - Update Ten (03/05/22)

Daily Log Entry, Apothecary Velhym of the Argent Crusade, Darrowshire

Embers still smolder and the smoke is thick. This explosion that has rocked Darrowshire, homestead for refugee Forsaken that once dwelled at Andorhal, came from nowhere. But I think I’m getting ahead of myself…

I was at Crown Guard, in a ‘secure place’ and ready to return to Hearthglen once it was clear the battle to the north was finished.

A massive explosion echoed across the Plaguelands, billowing smoke could be seen far to the north. Clearly a good sign.

The second explosion was yet another, probably good sign - though a third that was much closer was certainly unexpected.

Walking outside, the billowing cloud of smoke to the south was the first thing I noticed and from the tower you could even see the distant flicker of flames in the dark. The Crusaders around me stood about aghast. I don’t recall exactly what I shouted at them, definitely more insulting than an order though I’m sure, and several went to their steeds and began riding for the town while others got on their bird things and flew over. I began to follow after giving them a decent head start.

I arrived to a scene that certainly stirred me, a kind of roiling simmer that began to churn into a boil type of stir I guess. The still smoking remains of Forsaken on the ground as a large structure on the edge of town was engulfed in flames. Argent Crusaders and Forsaken acted best they could to douse the flames, making a line from the well as buckets were tossed, futilely, onto the inferno.

I drew my staff and raised it, muttering a few words I had no reason to mutter in quite a long time. An icy cyclone began to whip about the building, the heat from the flames immediately turning the ice to water and steam but it did it’s job all the same, certainly making more progress in putting the blaze out than the line of bucket tossers were. Still clutching my staff, the smoke in the sky above soon became cloud and hail rained down on the remnant of the building, the ice turned water extinguishing the rest of the fire.

So, now you’ve been caught back up. Whoever you are in the chain of command that is reviewing this. Some dozen probably met their final end in the fire. Hard to say with a fire such as this, and there are many Forsaken here that come and go.

They’ve tried to speak to me, apparently they have reluctance to talk to the Crusaders. I can’t blame them, I don’t like talking to them either, but I also have no interest in taking their sob stories. I am not Forsaken, and have not been for many years, and just because we all have a commonality otherwise doesn’t make me sympathize with them. Either way, none of them had anything useful to say when they did try to blather at me. Certainly nothing that would give us reason to know what happened. A few spoke of His Shade being responsible. What complete nonsense. He is dead and gone and there’s certainly nothing of him left, not even a specter. The elf saw to that.

I have nothing further to write here. If you try to ask me for anything else, I will berate you and tell you to read this document again, because this is all I know.

Apothecary Velhym

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The Argent Front - Update Eleven (03/12/22)

After Action Report, Commander Vadinnar of the Argent Crusade, Light’s Hope Chapel

We assembled at Eastwall Tower, strategies as far as I was concerned were prepared a full two days prior. But that was around the time the fog rolled in, same as it did in the days leading up to the veil sundering. Plans would change quite quickly from that point, not that they would seem to matter in the end. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Eastwall Tower. Our Argent Crusade, Legion of the Dawn, Sunreaver, and Vol’kar coalition met and began to arm and otherwise prepare for the coming conflict. The fog presented an ominous challenge and ill omen on the conflict to come.

Our initial strategy - one of bombarding the enemy defensive approach, allowing us to then assail Zul’Mashar and neutralize their Shadow Priests responsible for the necromancy rituals - quickly became inviable with the fog. It also quickly became apparent that certain unique strategies had been held for introduction until we had gathered, as well as certain intelligence.

It was divulged that the Mossflayer had, somehow, got their hands on a stock of bolt-action, cartridge loaded rifles modified by the Dawnsmen and had issued them out to their Shadowhunters, further complicating certain assault plans.

With that information now in mind, Magister Axiann offered a proposal that we utilize the Nerubian Scourge relic recovered from Corin’s Crossing against the Mossflayer, removing the wards protecting it and effectively causing the Mossflayer Undead to turn on their own, and potentially draw additional Undead from the region towards Zul’Mashar as well.

To say the least, the plan in question was met with hesitation. While many saw the merit in turning their Undead against them, others were all too concerned with doing so while their forces remained within the confines of their valley in the hills. A way to draw them out would be required, one aided by the fog. Illusions would be used to make a larger attacking force become apparent. Those illusions could otherwise draw the rifle fire and hopefully allow for the main force to engage, while others did their best to advance past the assault and into Zul’Mashar.

To say the plan went without a hitch would be a slight oversell, but it was ultimately successful in that regard. Magister Axiann saw to the illusion aspect. Highlord Raseri and General Lara saw to the frontal engagement. My Argent Crusaders would, by large, compose the force that made their way around the main confrontation, with some of us assisting in the distraction and engagement. For the most part, that is precisely how the engagement occurred.

Our ploy was successful in drawing out just over a dozen Mossflayer Shadowhunters, all armed with the Dawnsmen rifles, while they sent out a force of roughly three times as many of their Undead. The engagement commenced with forces taking the battle head on while two flanks were exploited. The distraction forces ultimately achieved their end, and a group of our unit made it past the main line and up into the Zul’Mashar vale itself.

As the Mossflayer Undead began to press on us, Axiann deployed the relic. The effect was quite pronounced. Almost immediately the Mossflayer Undead became seemingly disoriented before becoming clearly agitated, and no longer recognized ‘friend’ from foe. The Shadowhunters were now faced with our assault and their own force turning against them. The relic’s activation did seem to have an adverse effect on some of our unit that had prior contact with it, an entirely unanticipated event but one that was controlled as promptly as possible.

Quite soon, the remaining Undead were cleared and the Shadowhunters defeated. Our contingent on the hill raced to catch up and reinforce our troops already ahead of the battle.

What we discovered upon ascending the ridge and looking upon the valley, none were prepared for.

Illness, suffering, and death.

Crusader Morningcrown was kneeling next to a small group of huddled Mossflayer on the ground, not 50 yards from our position. The black, spider-like veins on their skin told all the story there was to tell in the moment. The Mossflayer had been exposed to the very Black Toxin we had strived so hard to counter after facing it ourselves.

The Sunreaver Anar’theril came forward and quickly changed the mood from horror to disgust and anger, levying the accusation that our contract specialist, Malek, was responsible for the illness spread over the populace by means of poisoning their water source some time prior to the conflict’s start.

There would be time for Malek later, however. In the supply stock up before setting out, our final antidote was thankfully available. Two doses per bottle, for use in the event you were exposed to the toxin on their arrows or perhaps their bullets. Our mission of assault quickly became one of mercy. While revelations on what precisely was occurring within the Zul’Mashar vale were being exchanged by our equally bewildered forces, I gave the order for all to begin dispersing their supply of the antidote to the local population. It was a cold comfort that we would be able to assist some when we had on our persons only enough for, perhaps, a third of the afflicted populace.

After providing what we could in the moment, runners were dispatched back to Northpass and Eastwall to bring their supply forward, while also sending for what we had left at Light’s Hope. Perhaps with all we had, we could save nearly half. But it would take time for that supply to arrive, time many did not have as they began to fall victim to the poison in their veins.

All the while atop the ziggurat, the Mossflayer Warlord, flanked by his quartet of Shadow Priest ritualists, simply looked down at us, weapon in hand, ever watchful of our actions but taking no action himself to engage, stop, or even assist us. With no means of assisting anyone further with the supplies we had on hand, we set out to the ziggurat and ascended it, meeting the Warlord face to face.

Provocations were exchanged. The same, tired doomsaying from one drunk on dark power. He wouldn’t listen to any kind of reason, despite having most of our force ready to strike him down.

Which is what made the single combat challenge all the more interesting. Crusader Abojuto, a Mossflayer himself, engaged the Warlord. None from our company intervened, just watched as the fight took place. In my fatigue in writing this, I won’t do the deeds of Abojuto justice. He preserved against a well-versed and powerful adversary, one that was wielding dark power during the fight along with dangerous weapons coated in the very toxin that was responsible for the suffering at the foot of the ziggurat. In spite of the wounds the Crusader took, he was victorious. The Warlord was defeated, and while our Crusader briefly fell to the poison himself, he was treated on scene. The Dark Priests were taken into custody, as was our specialist, Malek. His future is uncertain.

I find myself quite disturbed and dismayed by not only his actions, but by some of the reactions I overheard in the course of departing Zul’Mashar. Already, while in the same breath condemning his decision, some found cause to understand the choice and even be thankful for it. Fear is a treacherous thing. Fear that feeds on fatigue and weariness, even moreso. Our long campaign to this point has clearly taken its toll on the constitution of many within our coalition. At least, that is what I must hope. The alternative is that these individuals truly believe there is a right to the act perpetrated here, that the suffering of these non-combatants, these civilians, in effect - the very same that hours prior they were desiring to defend against a possible plan that would unleash the Undead they brought back against them - was somehow justified since we did not face the resistance we might have.

I have to hope that is not the case. And I have to hope that this campaign that has left many in a state of perpetual fear, fighting, and fatigue will find its end soon.

  • Commander Vadinnar
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The Argent Front - Update Twelve (03/21/22)

Incident Report - Apothecary Velhym, Light’s Hope Chapel

It was the Paladin’s fault. The one I was told to meet from one of our allies. An Elf one. I take no responsibility for what occurred and actively discouraged it, and so did the other one like me. Gloomy fellow. Dead eyes. Dusty smell. Could read Nerubian, so, definitely one to keep around and not blame for something he didn’t do. He even tried to risk his possible well-being while the zealot was infusing significant amounts of energy into the Nerubian Scourge relic before they shattered it.

Interesting information to glean from the entire incident, regardless. All prior incidents of contact with the relic did not result in anyone living or strong-minded undead nearby being affected by it’s Shadow magic-based psychic influence like the feral Scourge were. Only those that made some kind of direct contact with it were reported to have had some kind of visions or flashes. Guess we put an asterisks on that, now. It can safely be assumed that with enough power being fed into the device, the effects significantly amplify. By most accounts, the entirety of Light’s Hope had some kind of experience consistent with the individuals that had previously made direct contact with the relic. Oh, and also the Baron was apparently off in Duskwood and experienced something. But he had some unique prior contact with the object, so some latent connection must still exist after the fact.

Anyways, not my fault. Not the dusty smelling one’s fault. Definitely all the Elf Paladin’s fault for super-charging the relic, causing it to influence a significant number of individuals, and then destroying it. The last part probably was good after the super-charging it part. I keep hearing the riflemen on the wall firing away at feral Scourge that have been drawn towards Light’s Hope due to the Paladin recklessly super-charging the thing that she acknowledged attracts the undead. So, yes, dumb for the powering it up like that. Good that after doing so they didn’t just quit when it didn’t immediately shatter because I imagine we’d have a lot of issues right now, if Corin’s Crossing was any indication of what the potential of the device at a lower power over a longer period of time does.

  • Apothecary Velhym
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The Argent Front - Update Thirteen (03/26/22)

After-Action Report - Commander Vadinnar, Eastwall Tower

It would almost take too much time to go into the rather surprising series of events that brought us to this evening. To get it short and to the point, I continue to be impressed by the intuition and thoroughness of our allies within the Plaguelands. Their perseverance and dedication ensured that yet another relic was located, and in that another element of our current mystery has been peeled away leaving us answers that continue to point us towards few and few possibilities.

After the observed activity at the ruin of Northdale, we organized forces around Eastwall Tower once more in preparation for a possible fall-back given yet another host of Undead Vrykul were observed being portaled in. Yes, that’s a confirmation that these Undead are in fact having their numbers in the region bolstered by our unknown adversary. To what end, well, it seems clear they are intent on utilizing these Nerubian Relics to affect populations of intend, causing them to frenzy and swarm to areas where these relics are located. Be it test beds or distractions, that we have not yet discerned.

In any event, we utilized the same strategy we found successful at Corin’s Crossing to infiltrate the mass of Undead at Northdale. While we certainly had more issues in making our way to the object, we were able to secure it, but not before our positions were compromised due to a reaction the relic had with the Confessor.

We made a full retreat with a host of undead at our heels, finally making it to Eastwall. Our forces were there in wait and by and large were able to rather easily handle the swarms of lesser Undead that pursued us. The Vrykul Giant, however, proved to be a much more significant adversary. The single Undead Giant critically wounded several within our defense line and made its way all the way to the base of the tower. Without any heavier armaments, we were striking at a mountain with nothing but sharpened sticks. Ultimately we were able to find success and bring the giant down.

The Dawnsmen immediately began to garrison and fortify Eastwall. The strategic value of the location was never more apparent. As I write this, palisades are already under construction and heavier armaments being moved into place to ensure the tower cannot be lost, and that the bridge to the southern portion of the region stays in our control.

  • Commander Vadinnar
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The Argent Front - Update Fourteen (04/02/22)

Daily Log Entry - Commander Vadinnar, Crown Guard Tower

While questioned in my decision by some of our coalition members, I have decided we must move our investigations westward.

Yes, there continue to be more and more we uncover at the heart of the Plaguelands, and yes, the garrison at Eastwall remains in it’s infancy and requires more attention. Acknowledging that, I am starting to feel an uncomfortable sense of déjà vu. We’re being forced to be far too reactive to threats that just keep appearing in our path. There are situations we are well aware of, and issues that must be confronted elsewhere, but every time we put out one fire and direct our vision forward, another is being lit just in our peripheral to give us cause to turn our heads and lose sight of where we truly need to go.

It was a tactic employed in earnest by the Herobreaker, and one that continued to prove effective against our coalition as we operated from the Eastern Kingdoms through Pandaria, and into the Broken Isles. It was only when we went on a more deliberate offensive that we started to gain any upper hand. I see the same solution now against whomever is continuing to try and keep us stuck in one spot within the Plaguelands, while, in my mind, more pressing concerns exist within the Eastweald - namely Andorhal.

With the above said, I called for our forces to meet at Crown Guard. It was overdue that we investigate a series of issues occurring near the tower, particularly around Darrowshire, where Forsaken refugees driven from Andorhal relocated that couldn’t find respite to the west in the blight-ravaged Tirisfal.

I went into the situation with two thoughts in mind: The first, I assumed that a strong showing of our potential power might persuade the Forsaken there to finally allow us a presence there in partnership, ensuring their protection and assistance when they could see what we were capable of as a coalition. We’ve been keen to establish that relationship but have been met with much hesitation and suspicion.

The second was more of a hunch I was keeping to myself that ultimately proved to be more correct than I imagined. The Darrowshire situation seemed off to me from the very start. If there were a rogue Death Knight or Necromancer wanting to try and exert some influence over these Undead or use them for testing, then the disappearances made some sense. But when you add the attack - the explosion within the town - to the equation, suddenly all theories fell apart that weren’t just inherently antagonistic. That left me to assume that someone wanted the Forsaken gone, or had a specific vendetta against them, or simply found them easy prey for continued terror within the region. And a large presence of our forces suddenly in Darrowshire might upset some of those motives. Of course, I should acknowledge that these assumptions entirely dismissed a supernatural explanation for all this. The local theory that their assailant was the ‘Shade of the Blightcaller’ come to seek vengeance on those that betrayed their Queen was, well, nonsense. I only acknowledge that the theory exists here because I am sure it will come up once more, until the identify truly determined of those responsible.

Sure enough, the fog seemed to grow far more dense as we lingered within the town. And someone was clearly at work at the fringes of the perimeter, attempting some less focused and certainly more reckless attempts to directly attack us, despite our large group.

Ultimately the call to evacuate Darrowshire was made, given the scope of the powers being employed against us. Several found themselves lured into the fog and began to go missing as an unknown force toyed with their senses and mind - likely the same relics we continue to find all over.

We reached Crown Guard with roughly three quarters of the Forsaken with us, the rest choosing to stay behind in the town. I’ve already given orders to have a unit check on them as soon as morning comes. Well, what passes for morning with this persistent fog, at least.

As we settled in at Crown Guard with the refugees, it became quickly apparent that more was still occurring out within the veil of the fog. Those that had prior experiences with the relic involving close contact began to exhibit connections to it once more. There were some more that ventured out into the fog, believing that there was clearly something amiss, possibly related to our missing allies.

While I only have accounts from those present and not my own first hand information in this regard, I have been told the following:

The Vol’kar General, Lara, along with one of our newer Argent transfers by the name of Aurelious, both came upon the old Marris estate within the fog, drawn in by what was only described as a strange pull on their mind and then by a strange light within the building. On initial approach they were ‘greeted’ by the missing Forsaken refugees, their corpses all hanging from the trees near the estate in various conditions of desecration of their forms, from torture to burning and otherwise.

Upon entering the estate and ascending the stair they found a shrouded individual, possibly human or Thalassian given the height and build. No other discernible features could be detected between the fog and their form being cast in shadow by the object they were channeling, one of the Nerubian Relics. The individual was startled by their approach and opened a portal, fleeing and leaving the active relic behind. The active relic began to bring Undead towards the estate.

The two were soon joined by another that had prior contact with a relic, the Magistrix that assisted us in Northdale to ward that one and move it to Light’s Hope. Between the three of them they seemed intent on ensuring this one’s destruction. As an aside, I guess I should start to find it less and less surprising that our Vol’kar allies are quick to resort to such as a reflexive action, yet here I am in that state nonetheless. Back to the point, they made that effort and certainly succeeded in doing so, just as a contingent that went after the wayward Magistrix came upon the Marris estate. The Undead that approached were either defeated or were dispatched with the relic’s destruction - something we had not witnessed prior and must investigate further - and all forces returned to Crown Guard.

After this incident I can now more safely presume a few things. The first, that only malice for the sake of it was the motive against the Forsaken. There was certainly no motive of them merely being an easy prey, or that their motive was to drive them off. No, this was an act of contempt against these Forsaken. This could certainly alter our possibilities of whomever is responsible for this act. Not only a power that had access to these sort of powerful Scourge relics, but also one that might actually have the motive these refugees prescribed their Shade of the Blightcaller, a power that truly wished ill against them for their turning from the Banshee.

One of her San’layn allies leftover from the Fourth War, perhaps? Or some Death Knight or Dark Ranger that remained more fiercely loyal to the Banshee? It is difficult to say.

What I do know is we’re closing in, each passing encounter venturing nearer and nearer to our adversary. They seemed far less prepared for us to be in Darrowshire, and I imagine may similarly be unprepared should be move further west. It is worth noting as well, that with the recent relic’s destruction that the fog itself seemed to wane. Could they be linked? Is it merely another magic used by this foe, and these relics part of their power?

I hope to know that answer soon when we cross the Thondoril.

  • Commander Vadinnar
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The Argent Front - Update Fourteen (04/09/22)

After-Action Report - Commander Vadinnar, Thondoril River Crossing

Our continued push west has not been without difficulty. We met some of our most notable resistance to date at the bridge spanning the Thondoril River. Concealed by this damnable fog, and drawn to yet another of these Nerubian Relics, Undead gathered at the bridge and prevented travel between the eastern and western halves of the region.

We encountered a host of Skeletal Mages, Gargoyles, Geists, Ghouls, and Vargul. The battle was anything but easy, with the undead Vrykul doing all they could to skewer our forces, while Gargoyles descended from the blanket of fog to try and ensnare our allies. While there were several wounded, none were grievously so by the end of the conflict. The Nerubian Relic was destroyed, and the Undead defeated at this location.

Our first prisoner from the Cult of the Damned has been secured as a result of this operation. Questioning has already begun, and information learned proving to be fruitful. The prisoner has been cooperative, trading information for their continued incarceration versus a certain execution by some Coalition members. We’ve been given several leads to pursue. First and foremost, Caer Darrow, the Scholomance, it once more a seat of Cultist power in the region despite all attempts to keep the place purged. We’ll be getting operations underway to scout the location best we can.

  • Commander Vadinnar
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The Argent Front - Update Fifteen (04/16/22)

After-Action Report - Commander Vadinnar, Caer Darrow

I should start this report by first recognizing a failure on the part of our Coalition. Caer Darrow may have gone quite differently had our surveillance and scouting operation not been, objectively, a failure. The Cult of the Damned became well aware that we knew they were on the island and took steps to prepare for us in response to the knowledge. We owe it to those that were grievously wounded to not ignore this fact in acknowledging how these events unfolded.

The siege of Caer Darrow began with some haste after the fumbled scouting assignment. Our allies in the Legion of the Dawn made haste in setting up mortar positions to whittle down the enemy defenses.

The enemy, though, was already expecting us. Mortars flared along the foggy banks of Darrowmere Lake but did not find their targets on the walls of the keep. Instead, they struck a barrier, a Shadow magic conjured shield. The Cult of the Damn then fired back, the four large cannons on the keep’s battlements blasting back at the Dawnsmen positions with shadow energy, their shots landing true in our newly established siege line.

Efforts were made to construct fortifications and reinforce our position. Meanwhile, we had Coalition forces attempting to utilize information from our Cultist prisoner to provide some degree of advantage. None was attained.

The full assault commenced with the Dawnsmen leading a group of boats through the veil of fog to Caer Darrow, while an Alliance siege engine led our frontal assault to take the bridge. The shore team included Magister Axiann of the Sunreavers, who we had faith would be able to overload the enemy barrier with Arcane energy if he could get to it. I lead the forward assault, which aimed to secure the crossing and main gate.

The boats were the first to face true attack. A Flesh Giant erupted from the lake, besieging the boats while still on the water. Our forces made it across, but not without difficulty. While the shoreline team engaged the Giant, our tank proceeded to assist in pushing the bridge. We proceeded with relative ease, shockingly, until we hit the archway. The keep’s cannons then began to rain fire on us. We persevered and pressed forward still, eventually coming to combat with a group of Abominations that ultimately were the last defense between the gate and barrier and our force. The shoreline team finally defeated the Flesh Giant, and the Magister found his opportunity to act. Arcane energy began to overwhelm the field of Shadow energy, weakening it severely. Coincidentally at the same time, our Siege Engineer set the damaged tank to push forward, self destructing against the barrier.

The blast was immense, knocking many from their feet. The barrier came down and the way forward was made, with only the cannons yet to overcome and whatever remained inside the keep.

A diversionary tactic was made, provoking a volley of fire from the cannons which allowed the bulk of our force to proceed towards the keep.

Upon reaching the keep, our forces discovered four Cult of the Damned Masters. Unfortunately, they had already completed what they set out to achieve, the scope of which we wouldn’t learn until the battle complete.

The Cultists feigned a surrender, drawing a group of our forces in. Dark magics suddenly erupted from the four, engulfing their forms and transforming them into a Bone Wraith. The time the Undead creature was forming allowed our forces to inflict immense damage upon it, but it finished coalescing and was able to attack, grievously wounding several before being taken down.

The creature defeated, and the Nerubian relic empowering their ritual destroyed, the fog that had veiled the region for weeks finally withdrew.

We saw the sky once more. And smoke and flares on the horizon.

While occupied with the siege, the Cultists made their move. With these Nerubian Scourgestones deployed in secret at nearby Mender’s Stead, Bulwark, Chillwind, Quel’Danil, and Hiri’Watha, they summoned the horde of undead that had been dwelling in and around Andorhal.

Mender’s Stead was overrun, with Argent forces pushed back as far as the Lumber Mill before reinforcements from Hearthglen arrived and ensured a victory.

The Bulwark was besieged by undead, but was not overwhelmed. Damage was notable and injuries and casualties not insignificant, however.

To the south, Chillwind was overrun and remains so at this time. It is unknown yet who may be missing, or who may have perished.

To the shock of many, the assault did not end within the Eastweald. Undead pushed the pass into Hinterlands, falling first upon Quel’Danil Lodge. The Rangers fought and ultimately were forced to retreat towards Aerie Peak, with the Undead following them there. The Wildhammer and Quel’dorei fought within the lower section of the city, but were ultimately victorious, however Quel’Danil remains overrun.

The Forsaken post of Hiri’watha was next to fall. Our information is sparse on what happened to its occupants at this time. All we do know is there was some sort of explosion from research equipment, and the undead remain within the post. The whereabouts and status of the Forsaken and Horde personnel there remain uncertain.

To call this a victory leaves an unsettling taste in my mouth. Caer Darrow was won, and the Cult of the Damned within Lordaeron may have suffered a fatal blow, but we are not out of this yet. This ‘Benefactor’ that supplied the Cultists is still out there, benefiting from this attack they helped orchestrate. Only when these settlements are reclaimed, and this unknown force dealt with, will I consider this a victory.

  • Commander Vadinnar
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