Yeah, this definitely feels like "retail 1.0"... how are there people still claiming it's Classic?

Cool. Go to Terrorweb tunnel and AOE down 50k critters. Then come back and tell us you didn’t want to open your veins with a rusty razor.

You’re not supposed to solo guild achievements. Your fixation on that achievement is bordering on unhealthy.

Maybe he has to because no one else wants to be in a guild with him :rofl:

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I didn’t solo it. Other guildies were in the tram, etc. And again, not the point anyway. The point is focus was clunky and inefficient.

Now it just sounds like even more of a non-issue lmfao

Yet you’ll continue to bring it up at every opportunity as your one and only defense

Ottis, are you secretly an Abombshield alt?

You’re lost in your own rage over a positive class change. Sorry you can’t adapt to a better system. lot’s of us have told you why, your willful ignorance is baffling.

Oh I’m aware.

I’m not the one acting like a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk.

But you are saying to solo farm a guild achievement that you admit you aren’t solo farming - an achievement you repeatedly bring up, and then say is not important.

Kinda sounds like you are acting like a jerk.

Yes you are.

Some of these :troll: and :clown_face: love to use words they don’t know or understand. They parrot them from others who use them incorrectly thinking they sound all ed-u-ma-kate-ed

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Nope. I really, really hate focus. I explained WHY I hate focus. I still hate it. That hardly means I’m trolling.

It’s w/e though. Continue your puffery. It’s a waste of time trying to convey your point in these forums.

Outliers will be outliers :person_shrugging:

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Doesn’t change the fact that focus is a better system. Your views are just that, yours. Stop pushing your views as objective fact and lashing out when told you’re wrong.

Ad hominem, even lightly, invalidates any point you might have had.

Maybe articulate your point better with less vitriol and people wouldn’t come back at you the way you came at them? shocking concept. You’re rude as heck man.

Your point is very confused.

I think your point is “I preferred the straightforward gameplay and longer uptime before regen period”.

The other players’ point is “we like the added depth and mastery of play, and the resulting damage increase”.

The developers’ point is “added complexity allows us to give bigger rewards and design more interesting fights”.


as someone who played from late vanilla to WoD I can confirm.

The game, classes, design philosophy just skipping 1-2 expac was completely different and overwhelming to the point I found it hard to get back into

Classes played in a relatively consistent fashion with some added abilities here and there from vanilla to MoP, WoD pruned classes because of complaints of ability bloat.

Then legion brought in an entire from the ground up rework of every class, and class flavour.

If you quit playing prior to legion and skipped it…it felt very awkward to come back and not know how anything worked.


I feel like Wrath babies always parrot this when in reality, Wrath itself is where the rapid shift towards streamlining the game began.


Doesn’t want to address what you’ve said lol…

Don’t bother. Abomshield has a long history, and rest assured that as much as he hates Cata he won’t do the logical thing and leave its board. He’ll be talking nonsense about it long after it’s either progressed to MoP or whatever else happens because that’s what gimmicky trolls do.

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