Kinda like how Sonic Heroes was where the awful controls began, while Shadow and ‘06 saw them truly manifest. But Sonic Heroes itself is still playable (not great, but passable) on its own merits.
This is what people who insist “Cata = Retail” don’t understand.
I kid you not, I 100% understand this. Used to play all the Sonic games with my brother. This is a weirdly perfect comparison.
Heroes was the “group” one right, where you controlled three characters at once? I do remember that being profoundly mediocre and not controlling particularly well. I didn’t hate it. I remember it thinking it was fine.
Shadow was bad, i remember the controls feeling…loose. Very loose. Like the whole game was on ice. 06 all I can remember is laughing endlessly at how Sonic controlled. The concept of acceleration didn’t exist. I just remember he would go FULL 100% and was OUT OF CONTROL.
I am…all of me. Also guns.
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Yeah, Sonic Heroes is very loose. Especially around ledges… But enough practice can mostly offset that. It’s Shadow and '06 where the controls become truly abysmal.
(Unless you believe the likes of Yahtzee, whose take on 3D Sonic in general is way off the mark.)
oof yeah, it can be rough for new players or returning players. I remember a few times having to mind vision someone lost in the old sunken temple dungeon and directing them back to the group
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Correction…Classic is Vanilla…TBC is not anymore “Classic” than WOTLK or Cata
Correction, classic is;
Classic Vanilla, Classic TBC, Classic Wrath and now Classic Cataclysm. Oh, and Season of Discovery.
Classic is semi - accurate rereleases of older expansions. Wanna know how I know this?
Because everything they’ve released with “classic” in the title so far, are semi - accurate rereleases of older expansions.
If Blizzard decided to make an RP server that’s a giant dating sim with zero combat and decides that it should have classic in the name, than that would be classic.
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while flying in old world and not having mana/ammo on my hunters is nice. there are a few things i like that are changed/gone. the the quests that are gone and the way the world looked before daddy Deathwing did his thing. its going to be interesting if i stay in cat classic or stay retail for the areas just feel like retail. Retail has 0 cost to mount speed upgrades and blink twice and your in Dragonflight areas. remembering and playing the old way of wow is a nice trip back in time but the True Classic feeling is dead to me. well back to the grind in retail 1.0 or back to the future: Void Calling.
So far the most immediate thing I’ve noticed is the faster leveling, but to be fair it’s hard to tell if that’s just due to the prepatch. I’m guessing 81-85 will be similarly slow/back to normal in terms of the leveling speed
That was the case in TBC with 1-60 and it was the case with WotLK with 1-70. It’s not something unique to Cataclysm.
Feels not far off from wotlk to me. Everyone picked the same talents and there wasnt any real player agency anyways. You arent special because you picked the one talent to the right when 99% or people went left , and it didnt make the game feel any different. It could be argued to a degree that those choices are still there but in a different way. Cata does not feel like retail, coming from someone who has played every xpac since leigon when it went live and on various private servers and on every classic launch. It DOES start to feel more like modern wow in leigon… it starts to creep up during mop and wod pretty hard but leigon flipped a switch. Cata was like closing a few dusty doors and windows, the whole damn house got a remodel in leigon and then id argue it did again in dragon flight.
‘Classic’ seems to be subjective.
Thus a never ending to and fro
It’s not subjective at all. Every gaming company, even blizzard, gets to name their games. They call this game Cataclysm Classic. It says it in big letters on the log in page. When I choose the version of the game to play I have to choose Cataclysm Classic. It’s not like I get to say nothing is burning in the Burning Crusade I’m gonna change the name. It’s not like I get to say Skyrim is a lousy name, I’m gonna change it. This game is Cataclysm Classic. Anyone who claims differently is an idiot.
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Yet there has been an on going argument since classic went to tbc about what classic actually is. So while you agree with Blizzards idea of Classic, others don’t. You do know what subjective means? Only an idiot wouldn’t.
It doesn’t matter if I agree or not. I might hate the name Grand Theft Auto. I might want to call it Stealin’ Cars. But I don’t get to. Every gaming company has the right to name their own games.
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Do you? Blizzard calls it Classic, therefore it is Classic. You can’t really have a subjective opinion on what the creator decides to call their creation.
Still doesn’t change the fact people have a differing idea despite what the creator called it.
Full circle my original post. What I or You think is obviously irrelevant or their would be no discussion, they’d all agree with you and you can feel like you won the forums for a day
There is no discussion. There’s people explaining that it’s literally the name the creator is calling their creation, and people plugging their ears and yelling “nuh uh you’re wrong shut up!”
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No, this isn’t how it works.
‘Classic’ has only been objective, however, people have tried to co-op it to mean there own thing because it sounds better than ‘Original Trilogy’. This is why Vanilla… is called Vanilla and it was never called Classic. Classic from the time it was originally asked for was “To experience expansions as they were then”. At the time this included Cataclysm!
Classic is Blizzard’s secondary progression server. Which everyone was told would be progressing since the announcement of TBC Classic. This version of the game will continue through every expansion until it merges with retail. In which case I wouldn’t be surprise if they start it all over again.
Because Blizzard made Classic progressions realms they made Era. TBC and Wrath did not get Era realms like Vanilla did. Probably because Blizzard doesn’t want to invest into that type of tech.
So to break this down for you.
Retail = The most modern version of the game
Classic = The second track of the game
Era = The static vanilla and wacky seasons.
I could decide that I’m gonna call the Mona Lisa Beyonce in honor of Queen Bey. The difference there is that everyone in the art world would think I’m an idiot. While here the morons who decide to rename Cataclysm Classic aren’t laughed off the forums like they should be.
It’s a pointless argument to begin with. Who cares what vague definition “classic” has? It should begin and end with liking and wanting to play an expansion, or not and not. Whether or not BC, Wrath etc. are “technically” classic is semantic nonsense not worth arguing over.
I liked BC and played BC. I liked Wrath and played Wrath. I liked Cata and am playing Cata. I liked MoP but didn’t care for mage by that time so it will likely be my cutoff point. Nothing to do with it “not being classic anymore.”
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