It would be ok if they didn’t care like you are saying, but they care and they know they are the pillars because there’s a bunch of kids who follow these “celebrities” and would literally get cucked by them everyday, prepare to be banned every so often just to look at one of this guys in your server, or prepare to check your chat and be all about one streamer because he looted something yesterday that’s going to be the reality
So I just stopped by Tips out stream and I saw in his group for beta was a name that was exactly the same as one of his top donators.
So can someone get into beta by just donating to a streamer?
Makes you wonder what that Blizz meeting with them was about. Maybe they evouraged this and the 1 to 30 race to garner interest. I think Blizz knows exactly what they did.
To be fair. majority of gear has a stat, even if it’s just armor. I can understand where his line of thinking was going. From comments on the post seems like he’s more of a pvper so maybe that why it’s funny.
Join [H] Stream Snipers, I have a post on the forums. We will be bringing the fight to them.
Think of the potential, back in the day you would just get to see someone type on forums “Im getting ganked” or they would switch accounts and log on and whisper how much of a jerk you are. Now you will be able to watch live footage of their anguish.
By the sounds of it, he seems like he’s being facetious. I could be wrong but yeah smells like humorous trolling to me
This obsession with streamers is so ridiculous. Yes, indeed, the guy has no idea. Still, it is “free” visibility for blizzard. Seems like none of you are working in a company?
Blizzard knows it is not a bug, the guy will learn. It’s actually kinda funny I think; it shows that despite 14 years later, people can still be noobs at this game.
Then I have bad news for you, and I’m not saying this sarcastically or to make fun of you. Every server will be a streamer server, some with more popular streamers, but if you or anybody else think there’s not going to be at least one streamer per server then get ready to be dissapointed.
Yeah this right here is why i don’t think too many of the streamers are going to be sticking around for long on classic, not that i support stream sniping or anything just that when the flood gates open on launch day there will be a lot of people gunning for them.
Edit: Well that’s if they play on a pvp server.
Im not trolling. Im making a stream sniper guild.
Captures the true beauty of Vanilla WoW
…don’t forget the campfire
Dude used to make some good Diablo 3 content. Seems like betas aren’t his thing.
Classic is not him why they invite him! Oh wait I know he sub to wow ! He said ok new game - more viewers easy win more money I’ll get rich !!
Swifty (the guy in the link) is one of the most infamous vanilla players. His content has really gone down hill in the past however many years. It’s a shame. Classic example of a streamer letting internet fame get to his head.
Correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t Swifty the guy that crashed a few servers a couple of years ago with hes fans?
Or was that someone else and my brain is just fried from staring at my launcher for too long?
Nope it was him. He got banned for it and then his fans held the server hostage until they unbanned him.
They also spammed the forums too.
Good times.
swifty is the ne warrior who is infamous for his tricks. asmon is the only one i can think of that crashes servers.
i didnt know that. must have been before i came around.
It was pretty bad when it happened.
I think the CM team had a tough time deleting all of the threads. And on his home server of Darkspear, you couldn’t use trade chat and the server was super laggy due to the spam. They were trying to crash the server and keep it down.
But like Swifty was WoW at that point. Aside from Leeroy Jenkins, everyone knew Swifty. It’s like if Blizzard just up and banned Asmongold. Asmongold’s viewers would most likely go to Kel’Thuzad and try to crash that server in revenge.
Not in starting areas.
TLDR: I didn’t get a Beta invite.
/soothe OP