We all have that one thing that broke us away (those of us who are disillusioned). For me, it’s Teldrassil. I still haven’t been able to fully connect with my Tauren since that incident and it has severely hampered my drive to continue playing.
Reroll to a ret paladin and your pvp “skill” will skyrocket.
Can’t miss something that doesn’t go away.
It’s been that way since vanilla.
I dont mind changes. I really dont.
What I dont like is smoke blown up my rump, lol.
They pretend the change is for our own good and it’ll make the game better.
Well it DIDNT. Actually I saw FAR more bots after the Rang changes than I ever did in four years of playing. It was almost like the botters decided to get revenge on blizzard for the changes, lol.
So it does nothing to stop bots…doesnt affect boxers since they’ll just level up what they need to level up and have the rang …only need it on one character anyway to loot with.
But blizzard refuses to be adult about it and revert the change and AT LEAST make the rang usable at Eng 40 when we can make it instead of 70, which geezus crisco can be VERY expensive to level up from 40 to 70…especially when youre like me with 50 characters that all have engineering, lol.
IF the change had had a dramatic effect, I’d not have said a word about it. kudos to them for figuring out how to stop bots.
but it DIDNT…and they KNOW it didnt.
THAT is the part that rubs me the wrong way.
Its EGO that keeps them from admitting they screwed it up and not changing it.
And god I hate people who are driven by their own ego over logic and reason.
Its EGO that keeps them from admitting they screwed it up and not changing it.
And god I hate people who are driven by their own ego over logic and reason.
Ding ding ding.
Blizzard has a very, very deep seeded and dangerous level of hubris and they operate based on that. It’s hard to say if it’s senior management, upper management, or even at the floor of the company, but it’s there. And it seeps and oozes from every decision they make.
Yes, it could be that I just don’t like the game anymore. That’s a valid response. But you can look at the trends and general comments from the community in regards to many of Blizzard decisions. Honestly I’d go as far as to say it started with their disastrous attempt to remove flight and they’ve been mad at the player base ever since.
The lack of any form of communication outside of candid responses to cherry picked interview questions does not help this perception and only leads credence to the belief that Blizzard is beyond listening to player feedback about pretty much anything until the final patch of the expansion where they realize the player base was correct from the start.
It wasn’t as obvious before, but in BfA and Shadowlands it’s gotten so much more transparent.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Honestly I’d go as far as to say it started with their disastrous attempt to remove flight and they’ve been mad at the player base ever since.
personally, I think thats pretty much dead on.
HE wanted flight gone, and doesnt have ANY clue what the real majority of gamers are like outside his own little guild buddies. I think he really believed the masses of players would just fawn over the idea of losing flight and didnt have a clue that what HE thinks is a good game isnt what most everyone else thinks.
Seems like he took it as a personal insult/attack and has been acting out on that ever since.
Just my personal observations, of course…but then, Im not Freud, lol
Just my personal observations, of course…but then, Im not Freud, lol
With only the evidence that we have, personal observations are the best we can do for sure.
I do believe that Ion is not good as the director. He is an incredible encounter designer because encounters work on a mechanical level, but designing the game like an encounter in an effort to directly control everything the player base does is not a good game.
I fear there has been some deviation from this thread, so I’ll personally leave it at that. I don’t think WoW will improve until Ion isn’t leading it, but that again is just me and my own opinion.
I would say I’ll miss the baiting threads too. However, most were pretty low quality.
you get a single Biscuit
all the way from older content.
combusted disciplinary command pyroblast.
that’s hot.
Wrap them in your towel for easy transport.
please come back, i promise i won’t call you a scum-sucking toe goblin anymore
What MMORPG has better PVP?
K bye
P.s. can i have your stuff
Here’s a parting gift
Semper Fi!
i thought shooters/battleroyales/MOBAs had better pvp since the forums said so. then i played them. i discovered in reality every single type of pvp game is a skill-less mess of one shots where people auto win when you pick the right “character” or whatever the game has.