PvP is an unbalanced mess and the story just keeps getting worse and worse so… bye!
I’ll miss your bait threads!
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish. You caught a lot of them
See you tomorrow with some controversial thread!
Can I have your stuff?
I don’t want your gold, but consumables, crafting mats, pets, etc, I’ll take those.
Anar’alah belore al diel shala, Belore’dorei.
Cya on Tuesday
Take care. It’s just a game.
Au revoir.
You dont like being juan shot by people ?
For now. I’m hoping by the time I’m a senior citizen I can plug my brain in ala sao
Who is this Juan? A Juan shot sounds like it would go great with lime and salt.
Whats th…hmmm…is this…wait…
Oh, lol OP is the guy I one shotted with my combusted disciplinary command pyroblast.
Sorry it made you rage quit!
A single juan shot can put a full sized cow down EASY.
dont mess around with it.
Yeah… 42 fish, to be exact.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
And OP just now realized this?
just rolled a vulpera shaman a bit ago…running thru kalimdor content today. God i hope i can spark some interest in this game again. lol.
Every time I log in that loot-a-rang trash they pulled…just cant get it out of my head and I get more and more irritated the longer Im playing.
See ya in a few months when you get bored… again.