Yeah I burned the tree. You should be thanking me!

I will never forgive them for the Lich King motivation retcon. Neither he nor Sargaras needed a hidden “the ends justify the means” motivation to save the world/universe.


What badly written fanfic is this?

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Apparently not after the Battle for Stormwind is finished.

I really think you will wish you had qualified all the remarks like this that you are making, because the Leak, or something very much like it, is looking more and more likely the closer we get to Blizzcon.

I’m not sure about the details, but at this point I’ll be shocked if the next expansion isn’t Shadowlands. But hey, I’ve been wrong before.

Even if the war campaign wasn’t ending, I’d still be confident in saying the leaks were wrong.


Even if the next expac is shadowlands it does not mean any of the leaks are correct in anything except the name of the expansion lol. all the leaks have been contradictory and sound like things anybody could make up and fantasize about, but delivered anonymously with claims of beign a secret blizz employee. some of it may be true but only time will tell what is and what isnt.

I expected a weak troll bait, but the context convinced. I don’t even know if I want that BfA would be pointless or not :confused:

I’d call flipping out and burning a city full of civilians to ashes counter to her original stated goal more of a Daenerys moment than a Cersei moment. Garrosh mana-nuking Theramore was more of a Cersei thing tbh.


Don’t kid yourself. Sylvanas has always been evil from the get go, and if you didn’t see that before Teldrassil then you having been paying attention. We always hoped she would become some sort of anti-hero character, especially when she became Warchief and did that whole “Vengeance for Vol’jinn” bit.

In the end though, it’s all been par for the course political blather.


The fall of Teldarassil is meant to justify what happens when an inexperienced pacifism-worshiping child controls a faction in his pinky and attempts to play footsies with a mass murdering sociopath.

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Sorry your guys’ current royal dynasty is leaving you a peace lover as king. We would trade our mass murdering psychopath (not sociopath, thank you) for your peacemonger since more and more it seems you’d be much happier with the a** kicking mantle but… Unfortunately, it’s not up to us.