Ybarra, want to earn back my trust?

No because, you see, I’m an adult with a life outside of the WoW forums. I have day-to-day responsibilities that are more important than dwelling on what was said to me or what I said to someone on the internet.

Shortly after making those comments yesterday, I literally forgot about you because of how insignificant you are. If I responded to you twice, then it’s because you’re just loud and obnoxious enough for me to notice you a second time.

The issue right now is that after years of recently revealed mishandling of employees, they are now somewhere in a reorganization. New employees need to be trained and take time to orient themselves to the company, while older employees have been continuing to become exasperated and move on. At the same time, working for Blizzard isn’t looking as good on your resume as it used to.

It seems like something it’s not productive to get upset about at the moment. Wait and see.


… So it turns out the customer might be wrong sometimes, actually.

More gaslighting to justify your stalking. Gotcha.

Whatever you tell yourself spineless alt poster.

Did you go across threads to harass me yes or no?

Do you know what gaslighting is? Because I’m literally just telling you facts. I’m not manipulating you or anything.

I don’t think about you once I leave these forums.

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Thanks guys. They are now flagging this post, because people can’t be civil. Mods: don’t erase good discussion because of a few bad apples, please.

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Lol you are sad, my guy.

Wrong. Some customers do not want to give money to a company that is unethical. I have a few guild friends who have quit WoW because of this.

Now you’re trying play it off. You went across threads to harass me. The fact you didn’t even address it shows that its true.

You’re the sad stalker my friend. Again I expect that from an “adult” with no spine.

Oh no witty retort? Sorry stalker you got called out now run away like a good coward.

Oh, so it’s my original post they have flagged. Typical. We don’t want to have real discussions, I guess. If you don’t agree with the direction we set, we hide your opinion. sigh

Things will never change, this way…


I agree OP. Normally this stuff doesn’t happen at work and when it does people are fired and the company moves on. For whatever reason, it seems Blizzard can’t move forward from this.

I get that Blizzard is under pressure to do better as a company when it comes to everything that was taking place internally and that is a good thing however, it seems like these internal issues are hijacking the game progress and the sole focus is on the internal issues. Maybe I’m wrong about that but it sure feels that way.


And that helped the employees how? Did they stop to think about that? You think that hurts the CEO more or the “abused” persons they are thinking of?

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It does help. It tells Blizzard they are losing customers and their subscriptions by unethical behavior.

Microsoft is unlikely to allow the frat boy environment to continue. It’s past time to clean up.

Well stated. Positive change is great, but not at the expense of paying the bills. That helps no one.


You are getting flagged for your OP because of the content of your post, not because of what other people have posted.

what content? please provide what forum guideline I infringed upon? Or are we not allowed to have alternative viewpoints?

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You mean people flagging as a disagree button again.


I mean, that is definitely what it seems like. Downright shameful.

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Most people have a list of things that have been annoying them when something happens that is the last straw.

No, I just don’t have all the time in the world to sit around on the forums like you do.

You’re clearly a child who has nothing better to do so I’m removing myself from this conversation now.